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Messages - qwerty

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 907
General Board / Re: Joining t_connector with t_object, etc.
« on: October 30, 2024, 09:54:22 am »
I'm not that proficient in SQL (like Geert who will probably know), but joining attributes to your result does not make me wonder why the number of rows explodes. I guess you have quite some attributes , don't you?


General Board / Re: Are libraries components or artifacts?
« on: October 26, 2024, 07:34:22 am »
Your arrows look strange. Just like from that free UML tool which generates diagrams from text instructions (forgot the name). AFAIR the EA arrows were UML compliant.


General Board / Re: Are libraries components or artifacts?
« on: October 25, 2024, 10:20:01 pm »
I always put the classes in components where appropriate. Since code generation is more of a placebo than a real help I soon gave up with that and let coders handle it more efficiently.


General Board / Re: Are libraries components or artifacts?
« on: October 25, 2024, 08:10:36 am »
Look on p 679 of UML 2.5.1


Bugs and Issues / Re: RunReport with PowerShell
« on: October 23, 2024, 07:42:56 pm »
Yes, I got the wrong idea about your issue. Sorry, no clue...


Bugs and Issues / Re: RunReport with PowerShell
« on: October 22, 2024, 01:43:17 am »
You need a user on the server to do that (aka a license). EA only offers it's API to an end-user with a license. And on a server you usually only have the databse knowing nothing about EA.


Well, UML does not have that specification. Show the part im UML2.5.1 and you could blame Sparx. Whitout you would be able to emulate that via an add-in.


Yes sure. You have to subscribe to on_new_element in the add-in API to get a notice when the object (or anything else)  is created.

IIRC Geert has some framework that would save you from writing all the sdd-in clutter, though that's not too difficult itself (see his write an add-in in 10 minutes post).


The attributes are only available via the classifier (which you have ro set manually). However, you probably need to set runtime states via the context menu if I guess you intention correctly (which I'm nor sure about). So probably you should elborate a bit about your modeling goals.


Guess no. You can make an instance stereotype than you can place in the toolbox. Creating that will make you link it to its classifier after creation (or it will stay an anonymous object). Depends on what you prefer or do the most.


The system under consideration is shown as a simple border containing the relevant use cases.


General Board / Re: Elements and Associations are moving on their own...
« on: October 10, 2024, 04:44:44 am »
Yes, movement on their own would not be normal. I would however guess that this is caused by "someone" doing "somehing". Hard to tell. I guess that if you contact Sparx support they would not be of great help.


General Board / Re: Diagram Export/Import between models?
« on: October 10, 2024, 04:40:15 am »
Yes, t_xref is  bit touchy. I would guess that in case your experiment shows the desired effect there will most likely be no side-effects.


General Board / Re: Diagram Export/Import between models?
« on: October 09, 2024, 12:24:07 am »
Being off of EA since a longer time, but that could be somewhere in Export Refernce Data.


Basically a model and code are as similar as fire and water. What works for code does not for models. Changes in code are for small distinct areas. But in a model a single change might affect the whole hing. A commit message "added connector from A to B" is pretty pointless since that change will usually be the end of a along discussion with lots of reasoning.

You might consider snapshots. Though rolling back in most cases is just a PITA. A model is a complex thing at any point in time. It's that one you can deal with and discuss.  A pletora of branches is just not manageable.

Of course YMMV


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