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Messages - Geert Bellekens

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 877
Yes, open the main scenario, and right click. on the current entry point to remove it (you are not removing the scenario, only the entry point)
Then select the new entry point, and click the alternate/exception button to select your existing scenario.


General Board / Re: Generate parts by associations through scripting
« on: October 04, 2024, 11:41:13 pm »
It's a matter of comparing the result of your script with the real thing.

That means checking each and every field in t_object, t_xref (and maybe more) to figure it out.

It's a painfully slow and tedious job, but I haven't found a better way just yet.


General Board / Re: Generate parts by associations through scripting
« on: October 04, 2024, 07:59:28 pm »
This seems very complicated as when I do i manually i just draw one relationship connector between my two blocks.

The problem is that you have to recreate all the stuff that EA does in the background for you.
Unfortunately the API is mainly a thin layer on top of the database. There are hardly any functional methods that you can call.


General Board / Re: Generate parts by associations through scripting
« on: October 04, 2024, 03:40:09 pm »
The part is an element. So if you need that, you'll need to create it as well.

I'm guessing it's an embedded element, but you'll need to verify that.


Those are not error messages, but simply a message saying that the user can't be logged in using windows authentication.
That happens when you didn't setup that authentication method, or the current user is not part of a domain.


Hi Support team,

You are mistaken. This is a user forum. If you want to contact sparx support you can send an email to [email protected]

About the query, the description of a component (or any other element) is stored in t_object.Note


The clue is probably how you defined this attribute with default value.

It it correct that you didn't define that in code, but in your model, as an attribute of the DMScripts class?

In that case this.SomeData is definitely not going to work. There is little to no magic involved when it comes to EA.
If you want to access the attributes of the element on which the script is defined, then you'll have to do that yourself.

What you can do is (in VBScript)

Code: [Select]
dim x
dim dmScriptsClass
set dmScriptsClass = Repository.GetElementByGUID(<guid of the DMScripts class>)
for each attr in dmScriptsClass
  if attr.Name = "SomeData" then
     x = attr.Default
     exit for
  end if


Geert would know... Probably you have to declare it with dim.
You would, if this were VBScript, but this looks like Javascript or Jscript.

Can you share the whole code, and not just the part that errors?
I'm gessing you get the same result if you do



PCS Suggestions and Requests / Re: WebEA link to diagram images.
« on: October 03, 2024, 07:25:36 pm »
Replace the guid of the url with the guid of the object (without the curly "{}")


General Board / Re: Error message during Import - Native XML
« on: October 02, 2024, 04:35:16 pm »
Thanks Geert for your quick response.
However we have our repos updated to that schema.

(from the 'About' dialog:)
Connection / DBMS:  OLEDB - MS SQL Server
Database Schema Version: 1558
That doesn't prove that you have done the optional t_diagram update.


General Board / Re: Error message during Import - Native XML
« on: October 01, 2024, 10:49:42 pm »
t_image is where your image library is stored.

I'm pretty sure that is because you are not on the latest version of the database schema.

For SQL Server there is an optional schema update scrip to be downloaded that should solve this. Not sure if it affects other DBMS as well, and how to deal with those.


Did you check the t_snapshot table? (baselines and auditing info)

I can imagine that transfer via native xml doesn't transfer t_snapshot.


General Board / Re: Extend SysML with MDG Technology in EA
« on: September 27, 2024, 02:08:26 am »
Do you still need to also extend the UML base type, or does specialising a SYSML type work by itself in the latest versions?
I still do it because of the profile helper for toolboxes.


PCS General Board / Re: Notified when a diagram changes?
« on: September 27, 2024, 02:07:49 am »
PCS I don't think so, but Prolaborate might have a function like that.


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