General Board / value of ea_localid in XML files
« on: January 27, 2016, 04:23:07 am »
Are the ea_localid tagged values actually useful in exported XMI1.1 files?
The reason I want to get rid of those is that they add a lot of irrelevant changes whenever a model is exported to version control. Sometimes we have to look at the XML representation of a model for reasons I'd better not start to discuss here. Because these local IDs always change when a model is imported/exported between different databases, I interpret those IDs as relevant only within a database or EAP file while EA is relying on the GUIDs exclusively to resolve references stored in XML files.
I tried to strip all the <UML:TaggedValue tag="ea_localid" value="xyz"/> lines from a model exported to several XML files using package control and then to reimport the files in a newly created EAP file, it seems to work.
Are my assumptions correct? Can I safely strip those lines from the XML files before recording changes in the version control tool?
Are the ea_localid tagged values actually useful in exported XMI1.1 files?
The reason I want to get rid of those is that they add a lot of irrelevant changes whenever a model is exported to version control. Sometimes we have to look at the XML representation of a model for reasons I'd better not start to discuss here. Because these local IDs always change when a model is imported/exported between different databases, I interpret those IDs as relevant only within a database or EAP file while EA is relying on the GUIDs exclusively to resolve references stored in XML files.
I tried to strip all the <UML:TaggedValue tag="ea_localid" value="xyz"/> lines from a model exported to several XML files using package control and then to reimport the files in a newly created EAP file, it seems to work.
Are my assumptions correct? Can I safely strip those lines from the XML files before recording changes in the version control tool?