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Messages - Paulus

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General Board / Re: RTF document template with callbehavior actions
« on: March 30, 2022, 08:52:08 pm »
Thx! That will help a lot :)

General Board / Re: RTF document template with callbehavior actions
« on: March 30, 2022, 05:38:35 pm »
Thx Geert, i'll look into those!

General Board / RTF document template with callbehavior actions
« on: March 30, 2022, 06:39:37 am »
Hi All,

I wonder if/how it is possible to create a document template that can handle the following:

I have a number of activities defined, lets call them activity1, activity2, etc.
In a diagram describing a certain scenario i include actions that are callbehaviors of for those activities. So for instance actionA and actionB are callbehaviors of activity1, actionC is callbehavior of activity2

I can create in a document a table that for each step displays name and notes, but what i would like to do is include information on the activity that is refrenced as well. So for each step:
  • the name of the step
  • notes of the step
  • the name of the referenced activity
  • some notes for that activity

So in the example what i would like is a table with content:

actionA     notes for actionA    activity1    notes on activity1
actionB     notes for actionB    activity1    notes on activity1
actionC     notes for actionC    activity2    notes on activity2

The 1st two columns is easy but what about the last tow? Is this even possible in EA?

best regards,


General Board / Re: Customise EA12 menus with menu sets
« on: August 23, 2016, 01:21:42 am »
Hi Guillaume,

Regarding menu item ANALYZER, it can easily be removed!

You just need to drag the menu item off the main menu - while te change command dialog is open -.
The change will be saved along with the changes in the dialog once it closes.

You can create a completely customized main menu this way,

Best regards,



Creation of an MDG -profile- that enforces strict adherance to the specific technology standard is somewhat undermined by the following:

1) it is not possible to remove the Common toolbox or replace it by a custom one
2) the quicklinker also displays a 'common' submenu that can't be removed/customized
3) in some cases like e.g. Object-Action links, additional Dependency, Trace and Information Flow items appear in the QL menu that cannot be removed

Due to the above users can still create models that are not according to the technology standard that the MDG profile provides.

Request: make it possible to disable/replace the Common toolbox and QL menu's using an MDG -profiles-.

Benefit: being able to create a MDG profile that can enforce strict adherance using 'simple' XML configuration lowers the acceptance-threshold for an organisation as it is not required to invest in knowledge of an additional IDE and expertise to create and maintain add-ins.



General Board / Re: Search for diagram with name
« on: March 20, 2013, 11:14:43 pm »
Extending on that last remark, the next best thing would be the custom search below that extends 'Simple' with the -parent- of matching diagrams.

Matching diagrams are identified by a 'Note' symbol in the search result, and ALT+G on the result will navigate the project browser to the parent of the diagram.

best regards,


Code: [Select]
select ea_guid AS CLASSGUID,
FROM t_object
where t_object.alias like '#WC#<Search Term>#WC#'
 or like '#WC#<Search Term>#WC#'


select t_object.ea_guid AS CLASSGUID,
FROM t_diagram
      , t_object
where like '#WC#<Search Term>#WC#'
      and t_diagram.parentid = t_object.object_id


select t_package.ea_guid AS CLASSGUID,
FROM t_diagram
      , t_package
where like '#WC#<Search Term>#WC#'
      and (t_diagram.parentid = 0
      and t_diagram.Package_ID = t_package.Package_ID)

General Board / Re: Catch output from executable
« on: May 20, 2013, 05:18:08 pm »
If you can use the EA automation API from your application:

First get a reference to the Repository object of your running EA instance (


- CreateOutputWriteOutput  => creates an extra tab in the EA output view
- EnsureOutputVisible => makes it visible in EA
- WriteOutput => to write to it
- RemoveOutputTab => kills the tab

Note that this only works as expected when running a single EA instance.

best regards,


General Board / Re: How can I get a node by GUID
« on: May 13, 2013, 10:42:59 pm »
A deployment Node is a type of element, so you can use Repository.GetElementByGuid(<...>)

General Board / Re: Add element to collection
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:15:31 pm »
Short of writing an add-in that handles events like  EA_OnContextItemDoubleClicked to display a custom property dialog you create from scratch => no there isn't.

And if you still need access to the original EA property dialog => there is no API like Element.ShowPropertyDialog() to do that.

It would be a nice feature to have though.

General Board / Re: Add element to collection
« on: May 07, 2013, 06:59:04 pm »
ad 1) it should be elements.AddNew("non-functional","Requirement")  ;)

General Board / Re: Importing a Glossary from Excel
« on: July 20, 2012, 04:25:06 am »
Have you seen this community resource provided by Geert Bellekens (btw thx Geert for sharing!):

It is an excellent starting point for what you've in mind. It's straightforward to alter/extend it to import glossary items. You can use the subroutine below to add a term to EA.

Code: [Select]
Public Sub addterm(termType As String, name As String, description As String)
    Dim myTerm As EA.Term
    Set myTerm = EARepos.Terms.AddNew(name, termType)
    myTerm.Type = termType
    myTerm.Meaning = description
    'save term
    'refresh glossary collection
End Sub

General Board / Re: RTF Generator and Automatic Fields
« on: April 14, 2013, 04:54:18 am »
If scripting is an option use the DocumentGenerator API, and sepcifically, ReplaceField.

I created a resource on the community site that explains how to create an RTF document using this API:

General Board / Re: Assign shape script to topic of mind map
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:00:07 am »
Hi Rüdiger,

You can't, at least not as a default for all Topic elements, and not using an UML stereotype since the Topic stereotype itself uses a shapescript to overrule the default shape of the Class element from which it derives, and this will also prevent shapescripts from UML stereotypes you add to take effect.

You can however change the way a single Topic element looks by selecting an alternate image (ctlr+shift+W).

[edit]I just found out that you -can- use a UML stereotype using a metafile iso shapescript to overrule the Topic shape (you can use <all> as base for the UML stereotype). You still need to set the additional stereotype by hand though[/edit]

best regards,


General Board / Re: Inserting "Generated on:" date into
« on: March 28, 2013, 06:29:16 pm »
I thought it didn't but you're right  :(

If you use script and the EA API to generate the RTF: i use custom data fields in the RTF template (insert->data field) and then the EA api DocumentGenerator.ReplaceField to include variable content. Works as expected.

If you use the RTF generator dialog in EA i think you need to define a project constant for the data field, but then that will have a fixed value so unless you are willing to update that every time you generate a document it won't be of much help.

If you consider scripting RTF generation: i wrote a demo on how to do that in the community resources (

best regards,


General Board / Re: Inserting "Generated on:" date into
« on: March 28, 2013, 06:43:01 am »
I guess that would be the 'current date' field available from the context menu 'Insert' in the RTF template editor?

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