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Messages - utkarsh

Pages: [1] 2 3
Thanks Greet.

But my original problem was I am not able to connect to DB from script(in EA).
If I connect to DB from javascript from a web page it works but it does not work from inside EA.

I am not able to create an ActiveX object. It says:
"ActiveXObject is not defined"

Any sugegstions?
Thanks once again!!


//Query starts here
with prnt as
( select Package_id, Parent_ID
from t_package
where parent_id =
(select package_ID from t_package where ea_guid='{2A8D50E1-0682-4fed-92F6-98A6C080FF94}')
union all  Select t_package.Package_id, t_package.Parent_ID  
from t_package join prnt on t_package.parent_id = prnt.package_id )  

Select * from prnt

//Query ends here

Please run it in SQL studio(2005). It works. However it do not works in Repository.SqlQuery();

Can you provide me alternate solution for achiving this result set?
Thanks for your help.

Thanks for your reply.

I want to execute a CTE. I have seen earlier that CTE/function calls(complex queries) do not work when I use Repository.SQLEquery().

Can you please guide me why it does not work with Repository.SQLEquery()?



I want to execute a sql inline query from the script(preferbly javascript) provided by EA. I tried connecting to DB from javascript in a webpage(using and it works fine.

However, if i try to run the same script under scripter it is not working.
It says ActiveXObject is not defined.
Can't I create a ActiveXObject in script (in EA) ?

Please guide.


I will ask the business user what he is using and will update here if I find something useful.

Are you sure?

The business user shown me such a thing but I am not sure how it is implemented.


Thanks for your prompt reply.

Is there is any other way to achieve the result? Can I do it using Object model, MDG technology and/or profiles?

Any suggestions will be helpful.


I am developing a addin and the requirement is to Invoke addin from the properties which appears inside the context menu. What I mean is:

1. Right Click on an element(for e.g. a screen) in a diagram.
2. A popup opens up.
3. On click of properties, properties of the element opens up and user can see the properties of the element.
4. My requirement is: Open  addin when user clicks on properties instead of native properties dialog which is opened by EA. In the addin I will add a button(along with other funcitonality) something like "Open EA properties/UML".

Is this possible by addins?

Please guide.
Thanking you in anticipation.

Just to add one more information:

I get the prompt the error log is written. But when I look foe DBError.txt nothing is logged there. I deleted the file hoping that file will be generated again but with no luck..

Please help.

I do not get crash address. The version I am using is :

EA version: 7.5.850 (Build: 850)

Thanks for your prompt reply.


I am facing a unusal problem. I have developed an addin which is invoked when user drags and drops an element on the diagram.

If the diagram has some unsaved changes and I drop for e.g. a screen on the diagram, add some UI elements in the screen using addin and save the changes. On close of the addin the EA prompt a message something like "An error log has been generated. EA needs to close now".

Any idea why this occurs??
Please help. Its urgent.


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / EA error log file
« on: February 17, 2010, 12:31:02 am »

Can any one please tell where is error log generated is kept on the system?

Thanks in advance.

Can you please guide me how to solve the issue of ReleaseUserLock() throwing exception sometimes. I frequently get exception when releasing package. But I am unable to find the root cause of it. As I mentioned earlier exception occurs sometimes but not always. It is wierd.

Is it a bug in the API?
Please guide.


More explanation on the issue i am facing.

I have elements inside a package. First i am locking the elements using (ApplyUserlock()) , then locking the package. Then I deleted all elemtns under it one by one. Now I locked the parent pakage of the package containing elements and then I am trying to delete teh package but it thows a SEHException.

It works fine sometimes and the package containing elements gets deleted but sometimes it throws exception.

Any idea why it happens will be of great help to me.


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / ApplyUserLock() not working
« on: June 05, 2009, 06:20:46 am »

ApplyUserlock() on a package/element works sometimes fine but at some other times it throws SEHexception.

No idea how to solve it.

Please guide.


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