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Messages - mcoletti

Pages: [1] 2 3
Suggestions and Requests / Re: "Paste As..." in Notes field
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:59:49 pm »
There is also a thread in Bugs forum about a related problem:

Suggestions and Requests / "Paste As..." in Notes field
« on: August 28, 2014, 08:16:23 pm »
Sometime I copy/past text in Notes fields from Word documents.
The original RTF formatting is retained, causing style problems, because - frequently - the original text style is different from the standard of my model.
A "Paste as... simple text" feature would be really useful.
Today, I open the Windows Notepad, copy/paste there, and then copy/paste on EA, but it's annoying.  :-[

When using the Automation Interface (in VB), I insert a CoverPage in the generated document, the report fields (available in the cover page templates) are not filled.
This means that the cover page should be fixed, and a bit of the great flexibility offered by this interface is lost.

It would be great to have those fields filled, with the same criteria used by the standard document generator (Name, status, etc. of the current selected element in the package browser).



I would be interested in a python template (I really was starting to create mine).

If you want, we can share the work.

(max < a t >

Suggestions and Requests / Code engineering: import javascript
« on: May 17, 2013, 01:25:14 am »
Hi, I am developing some code in Google Apps script. I have several javascript sources. Is there a way to import them in EA? This could help saving some manual typing time.

Suggestions and Requests / RTF report for a single diagram
« on: December 13, 2007, 03:19:11 am »
I am able to generate an RTF report for a package, but not for a single diagram (and all the elements referenced in that diagram), within a package containing several diagrams and elements.

Is there any shortcut for this?



Suggestions and Requests / Porject-level version and phase
« on: November 28, 2005, 12:51:59 am »

currently, among the "options", in the "object" page, it is possible to set a default value for the "Version" and "Phase" fields.

Unfortunately, those are values that are specific of each project (and maybe at package level).

The current feature require me to "remember" the proper values for each EA project, and set them before starting my work.

A "perfect" (by my personal point of view  ;)) solution would be:
  • a "project settings" page with the two default values;
  • a flag in the package properties named "Use package values as phase/version defaults", allowing me to use a different default value for a package and all other objects created under it.

Best regards,

Massimo Coletti

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Publish bug database
« on: September 06, 2005, 05:30:43 am »

in my experience, bugs are often "misuses", and the clever answers from sparx support may be useful for other users. When bugs are bugs, well, smart users may appreciate transparency.



Suggestions and Requests / Publish bug database
« on: September 05, 2005, 10:32:29 am »
I think that publishing the bug requests sent by the users, and the solutions provided by sparx, would be useful.

Maybe a user, while sending the support request, can mark it as 'private' or available for the community.



It is useful to have this attribute managed within XML schemas generated from XML profile.

It may be simply set as a direct tagged value (substitutionGroup), or as a tagged value that affects the extension mechanism.



Suggestions and Requests / java development environment
« on: August 13, 2003, 08:48:27 am »
I am evaluating EA for a java SE development environment, comparing it to Poseidon.
I find hard  :-/ to do simple task building a new project, as example:
  • extend SDK classes
  • manage Exceptions designing methods
  • setting up properly the package name in new classes
  • bulk generation of the source directory structure

With this limitations, it seems that the tool is well suited for an initial design, but require some hand-work when the coding phase starts and tend to keep the model detached from the code.

This doesn't suit well with our incremntal methodology.

Did anyone face the same problems, developing perhaps  :o an EA-java-developer-quick-guide?

General Board / Re: add new value to word substitution list
« on: August 07, 2014, 05:21:58 pm »
Hi, I have the same issue. I would like to translate some Stereotypes/Object Types in italian, for better comprehension by non-technical readers.

General Board / Experiences with SAP R/3
« on: August 27, 2007, 04:16:06 am »
I would like to know if someone has done some business modeling or analysis for SAP ERP application on Enterprise Architect.



General Board / Re: coding an Association class in XMI
« on: August 22, 2006, 10:36:18 am »
Me, too, but import works fine, while export doesn't.



General Board / Re: coding an Association class in XMI
« on: August 22, 2006, 09:54:33 am »
Thomas, I tried, but the output was buggy: in fact, EA writes the AssociationClass, but the connection is outside this element.
If you try to import back in EA the generated XMI, the association class is lost.

I have used Poseidon as a benchmark, generated the association class using it's output as an example, and the import in EA worked fine.

Sill, if someone has a pointer to XMI 2.0 specifications...  ;)

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