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Messages - zoetbb1

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Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: MDG Integrate Option
« on: September 26, 2007, 11:01:09 pm »

This is what Sparx Customer Support replies:

In the "MDG Options" dialog, the "Automatically Sync model with EA" option is simply regarding synchronization of the EA Project Explorer when you switch to the full EA user interface and back (using the "Open in Enterprise Architect" command).  The "Synchronize Model with Code" option however should make MDG automatically reverse synchronize your source into your model when you save changes to your source files.

To automatically synch changes made in your model to your code, open EA using the "Open in Enterprise Architect" command, right-click on the MDG linked package, select "Build and Run | Package Build Scripts" and enable the "Use Live Code Generation" option.  With this enabled, any changes you make in your model should be immediately  synchronized in your source code.

Good explanation! This is something they should mention in the manual.

So, every should work. The only thing I had to set was the "Use Live Code Generation" option in EA. Unfortunately, code<->model synchonization still doesn't work at all. I tried saving, (re)building, restarting VS but this had no effect.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm using a trial verion of the MDG plugin. I'm still going to put some effort in it to find out why it's not working and let you know if I found something.



Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: MDG Integrate Option
« on: September 25, 2007, 09:42:31 pm »

To be sure, I uninstalled the plugin, downloaded the latest version and installed it.

EA version: 7.0.817
MDG version: 3.0.1

Maybe what is meant with the "automated synchronization of model and code", is that synchronization of the complete project can be performed with on mouse-click: all files are upated without user interaction. And this seems to work OK.

I will ask Sparx about this issue.


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: MDG Integrate Option
« on: September 25, 2007, 05:02:00 am »

Because it didn't work, I upgraded my EA version from 6.5 to version 7 today... :-)


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: MDG Integrate Option
« on: September 25, 2007, 03:38:33 am »
Hi David,

If I remember correctly, changes to the EA model (even if done from within VS) don't necessarily show up in VS until you rebuild.

When you remember correctly, this assumes that in you situation something showed up when performing a rebuild (project->rebuild). I.e. changes made in VS'EA plugin, showed up in VS when performing a rebuild?
I only get a model <--> code update when I force it manually. It never happens automatically, unfortunately.

Changing the source code enginering settings only resulted in "prompting before action" instead of automatic update.

If I understand the manual right, it should work: “MDG integration for Visual Studio 2005 allows generation of code directly from model packages and elements, automated synchronization of model and code , and many more features.

I'll will go on for a while, trying to find a solution.

kind regards,


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / MDG Integrate Option
« on: September 24, 2007, 11:44:19 pm »

I'm trying to find out how to use the MDG Visual Studio 2005 plugin. So far, things work fine.

Does anyone know how the automatic synchronize option works? I checked all the options in the "MDG Integrate Options" window (Checked "Automaticlly Sync model with EA" and selected "Automatically" for "Synchronize Model with Code").
I expect that the model is automatically updated when I change and save a source file. E.g. After adding an attribute to a class, the corresponding class in EA would now also contain the same attribute.
Also, when I want to build the solution and the model is newer then the source files, I would expect to receive a warning and an option to generate the code from the model. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Kind regards,

Using EA 7.0 build 817

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