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Messages - skiwi

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 140
PCS Frequently Asked Questions / Re: PCS on Azure App service?
« on: December 16, 2024, 09:26:41 am »
Why assume when you can look at the System Requirements and find out the actual answer?
Well I did look, and clearly the .exes are for windows (or azure), but given it uses a LAMP stack and that stack is associated closely with Linux ... and EA does try to support other environments ...

No. My limited understanding is that it would require a complete re-write for limited benefit and lock-in to a proprietary environment that would force all users onto Azure.
lol, unlike Windows 11

PCS Frequently Asked Questions / Re: PCS on Azure App service?
« on: December 16, 2024, 06:36:22 am »
Thanks Eve
Sounds like the application has to be specifically written for Azure App Service. PCS isn't.

PCS appears to be pretty much a bunch of PHP scripts (Web EA, Webconfig) running under a web server,
a system service (connections to EA, DB, and OSLC) (perhaps could be run as an Azure web job or Azure function),
management clients (not needed as this can all be done via the web?),
Integration plugins and server (??),
IIS integration (to work with the available IIS).
I assume that PCS only runs on Windows.
This is a scenario that Azure App Services could be used for.
The fly in the ointment is the msi that installs the software.
You can deploy to the Azure App Service using somethings as simple as FTP.

Even if this doesn't work now this is something that SparxSystems could usefully look to for the future.


PCS Frequently Asked Questions / PCS on Azure App service?
« on: December 13, 2024, 02:01:29 pm »
Is anyone running PCS on Azure App Service?

If so how did you install PCS (given you can't run a ".msi")?

I'm seeing this still in v17.
- with Autoreload changed diagrams
- with Auto Save CHanges
In fact v 17 crashed on me while EA was cycling through this message repeatedly after I dragged and dropped mulitple folders on a diagram at once.

Suggestions and Requests / Project Browser move enhancements
« on: December 05, 2024, 05:50:41 am »
We are just dipping our toes into the world of EA 17.
Hoping that there might be minor usability updates, ho hum.

The Move (cut / paste) function is a useful feature, but ...

You can still only select and cut one item, yet you can drag and drop many tiems.
Suggestion: allow Move to cut and paste multiple selected items.

We all agree the root notes are odd, and unnecessarily feature restricted, so here is another one.
I can drag from a Project (folder) to a root node, but I cannot Move from a Project to a root node.
Suggestion. Enable Move paste to Root notes

Bugs and Issues / Re: v17 - setlinestyle("DOUBLE") - only for Connectors?
« on: December 05, 2024, 05:38:18 am »
Documentation. It's only supported for connectors.
But why?

General Board / EA 17 updated Azure icons
« on: November 22, 2024, 10:56:14 am »
have the Icon sets for Azure etc been updated in EA 17?

General Board / Re: ITIL process definition
« on: October 30, 2024, 07:25:25 am »
This is super long in the tooth, but I'm also interested in ITIL modelled in Sparx that you are willing to share



Suggestions and Requests / Re: How to Unpin a connection?
« on: October 24, 2024, 07:14:18 am »
lol, I see what you mean.

"Remove" should mean the pinned model reverts to showing up in the recently used list.

"Remove" is very badly named, it should say "Delete and remove all evidence that this model was ever opened by EA"

Note you can edit the connection details to copy them.
Its then hard to know what to do with them (tip: paste into the Open with "URL" field)

Bugs and Issues / EA responsiveness
« on: October 23, 2024, 01:52:28 pm »
We are running the latest version of EA 15, with direct DB and PCS connections.

Regardless of which way we connect EA can sometimes take many seconds to respond to a simple RMB click.
(and Windows will grey the screen out with the message (Not Responding) in the title bar)

Does anyone else observe this, or have suggestions for how to investigate this?

AFAIK both the DB server or PCS server are very lightly loaded.



Suggestions and Requests / Re: How to Unpin a connection?
« on: October 23, 2024, 01:44:02 pm »
For me if I RMC on the pinned connection there is a "Remove" option
I'd post a picture, but you know

Bugs and Issues / Applying auto-colour from legends to hyperlink element
« on: September 16, 2024, 10:26:43 am »
I'm trying to use auto-colour from a legend to colour a hyperlink element.
I have applies to <all> set

does anyone else observe this problem?

General Board / Import JSON API description
« on: August 28, 2024, 01:10:18 pm »
I wish to import a API description in JSON (EA 16.1) .

Its seems in theory I could do this with the Schema Composer or REST API 2.0 add-in for Sparx Enterprise Architect - Sparx North America (

When I install and enable the REST MSG it does not appear (e.g. RMB > specialise  on a package or diagram.

The Develop > Schema Composer > The Schema Importer | Enterprise Architect User Guide ( does not include JSON in the types it allows to be opened!
(JSON is mentioned at The Schema Composer | Enterprise Architect User Guide (

Am I dreaming or what?

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Highlighting of Glossary Terms
« on: August 28, 2024, 12:58:39 pm »

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