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Topics - Yehuda

Pages: [1]
Bugs and Issues / Creating diagram RTF report - Diagram not split
« on: September 14, 2008, 06:02:59 pm »
Hi all,
I have  a large diagram. when trying to generate RTF document , it does not split between pages . I have checekd the "Divide diagram between pages" options.

Any Idea?



Is there a way to synchronize EA with Active directory group(s)?
i.e. - When a user is added to A.D. group it will automatically be previlidged with EA security permitions (according to his group)?
I have notice the improt option - can it be invoked using the automation Model, in order to achieve this synchronization?
Can users be deleted from EA security group  by automation/

Thanks in advance,

The objective is to set a designated properties dialog.
Just like when using XML Schema profile the properties window is customized (and the data is usualy kept in tagged values).
Is such functionality only enabled for Sparks and its partners?
if not - how can it be acheived ?

Thanks in advanced

Pages: [1]