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Topics - MeryemAdb

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Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Extend a profile
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:32:58 am »

I have a UML profile defined in a technology file (loaded from an add-in with EA_OnInitializeTechnologies).

I want to create a new technology file (also loaded from a different add-in) with the definition of a new type of diagram, and I'd like to be able to modify the appearance of some stereotypes defined in my technology A when they appear on the diagram defined in B. Is there a way to do so ?

So far I tried to redefine some stereotypes of A in B, but I'd have to make sure B is loaded after A, which I do not know how to do.


I am developing a MDG technology included with my Add-In. Amongst the many things I'd like to do with the MDG technology is having a custom Workspace Layout.

The add-in, and its technology, should be compatible with EA version 10 and higher, and I am currently using version 12. Yet, unless I am mistaken, Workspace Layouts saved with version 12 of EA are not compatible with older versions. So for now, I downgrade EA before saving the layout (luckily I can do that), but I hope there exists a better solution.

Thanks in advance


In my Add-In, I create a new diagram with classes on it. To avoid having to think about where to locate those classes, I put them all in the top-left corner of the diagram then apply "LayoutDiagramEx". It works well.

The problem I have is that I now want to add a note and a hyperlink to an EA command in my diagram. If I do so, LayoutDiagramEx does not seem to move those two elements and they are superposed in the final diagram. For now, I have slighty moved the note, so it can be partially over another element of the diagram, but at least it does not cover entierely the hyperlink. But this is not ideal.

Is there something I am missing ? It also seems that diagram layout from EA interface does not move notes or hyperlinks, so I'd say it cannot be done with API method, but I am still hoping that there is a solution.

I am currently using EA v10.0.1008.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / RoleTag and notes
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:38:06 pm »

In my AddIn I set tagged values for classes, attributes, connectors and connector ends.

I think one user just had a bug because the value to set was too big (for an attribute), so I'd like to improve the method used to create or edit the tagged value. If the value has more than 255 characters, I'd like to use "<memo>" as the value and put the actual value in the notes (as is explained in the documentation).

The only problem remaining is that this method is not explained in the documentation for RoleTags, and they do not have a Note attribute. I cannot use the method from my AddIn, while it is possible to set a Note for a RoleTag from EA interface.

What should I do ? I am currently using EA version 11 but I'd want a solution that works for versions 10 and higher.

Thanks in advance.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Hide connectors from an Add-In
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:09:24 am »

I am trying to create a new diagram with automatically generated connectors that are specific to the diagram.  So I'd like to do three things:
  • when I create the diagram, I want to show on it only the connectors that are relevant --> so I set the values of IsHidden to true for the other DiagramLinks. It works, the other connectors do not appear on my new diagram.
  • when I create the diagram, I do not want my new connectors to appear elsewhere --> at the end of the function to create the diagram, I do a SQL query to find all diagrams on which the connectors appear and set the IHidden attribute to true. Unfortunately, the query only returns my new diagram, while the classes on both ends of my new connector appears on another diagram and therefore the connector will at one point appear on it too.
  • I want to make sure that whenever a diagram is modified, my generated connectors do not appear --> I use EA_OnPostNewDiagramObject to check that no connector with the right combination of stereotype and tagged value is on the diagram, otherwise I hide it.  When I reload the current diagram, the connectors are indeed hidden but EA crashes.

I am sure all my problems come from the fact that my model is not correctly "refreshed" when I try to look for the diagrams with my connectors or when I try to reload the current diagram, but I have no idea how to refresh it properly.


I am trying to add my own validation rules from my add-in. However, I would also like to be able to select the rules to use individually and not on a category basis, and I have my own window to display the errors.

So I intend to catch the events EA_OnStartValidation and EA_OnEndValidation and only fire my code if my own category (I only define one category at EA level) is in the parameter array.  The thing is, no matter what categories I select in the model validation configuration, the parameter array contains my custom category, and my category only.

Is it the expected behaviour? In that case, how can I know that my category has been selected?

By the way, is there a way to configure the validation from an add-in? I mean that if the user clicks in one of my custom menus, the validation will be launched only on my category of rules.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / MDG Diagram Profiles
« on: August 22, 2014, 10:32:35 pm »
I have created diagram profiles in a MDG, but I'd like to rename some diagrams. Is it possible to also modify my existing diagrams so that they have the renamed MetaType?

I have created a simple AddIn to change the stereotypes of connectors and elements, so I could use it to upgrade the diagrams but diagrams MetaType are read-only. Is there an alternate way?

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Document profile elements
« on: August 12, 2014, 11:24:20 pm »

I have a MDG with custom stereotypes that I call from an add-in. I'd like to know if it is possible to document those stereotypes, by  (ideally) replacing the help content displayed when the user right clicks on my element and select "UML help".

If this is not possible, I have an add-in, so I can add a menu item "Help on selected element". I would like to be able to open a help tab (similar to the result of "EASystem::ShowDoc" from a learning center page). I can use a web browser control to show my documentation as HTML, but the links to EA guide do not seem to work as it is Microsoft compiled HTML.

Any ideas on how to achieve my goal of documenting my stereotypes while having links to EA inner documentation ?

Thanks in advance.


I have a UML profile with some elements that have a composite diagram. When those elements are created (in EA_OnPostNewElement), I apply a post-treatment to rename the composite diagram and to add the element at the center of the diagram.

This works well unless I am creating the element through the quick linker. In that case, when my treatment is called, the composite diagram has not been created yet (apparently). But after I create and rename the composite diagram a default composite diagram is created. I think it is created when I click OK on the Properties window.

Is there a way to either switch off the creation of the "default" composite diagram in my post-treatment or to postpone this treatment until after the diagram is created?

I'd like to do something that seems quite simple in theory, except I do not know how to do it: how can I select an element in the project brw

In short, I want to validate a model, and I'd like to know if it is possible to lead the user to the class where the problem occurs.

I am using EA version 10.1008 Corporate.


In my MDG, I have defined custom activity diagrams with stereotyped elements that are either of type Activity or Action.

What I'd like to do is create my own version of the quick linker for all elements in those diagrams (because the default one offers ObjectFlow between two Actions and I do not want my users to have this possibility). But I'd rather not define all possible links between Actions/Merge/Fork/... because that is a lot of possibilities.

So I'd like to know if there is a parent element from which all elements of an activity diagram (in my case that would be Activity, Action, Synchronization, Decision, ActivityInitial, ActivityFinal, FlowFinal, Receive and Event) derive and that can be used in the quick linker as a shortcut.

 Additionnaly, if I need define everything, I do not see an element type corresponding to ActivityFinal, FlowFinal, Event and a connector type corresponding to InterruptFlow in Quick Linker documentation. Is that really so? Or is there something that I am missing ?

Thanks a lot, Meryem

Edit :  I use EA version 10.0.1008 Corporate Edition

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / EA_OnPreDropFromTree
« on: April 16, 2014, 07:05:56 pm »

I am using EA_OnPreDropFromTree event to create a new element and I'd like to use its EventProperty to position this element where the user dropped the element from the tree.

However, I have the impression that the PositionY given by the EventProperty is relative to the displayed top-left corner of the diagram. For instance if I scroll down before dropping the element, its position will be off and it will be higher than what I expected.

Is there a way to have an absolute PositionY?
If not, is there a way to know, the absolute position of the displayed top-left corner of the current diagram?
Or is there a way to specify a relative position for a DiagramObject? I tried to specify the location with "l=.;r=.;t=.;b=.;" when creating the object, and I tried to specify its left, right, top and bottom values, but it did not work.

I am developping  an add-in using EA 10.0.1008.

Thanks in advance.

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