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Topics - Helmut Ortmann

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Have you tried an external JavaScript IDE like VS Code, Eclipse or WebStorm to develop your JavaScrips for EA?

External IDEs are powerful. They lack the EA integration. Do you have any experiences?



Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / MSScript for EA 16 64 Bit
« on: September 22, 2023, 06:14:59 pm »

I want to use MSScript for EA 16 64 Bit to start a JScript. The existing MSScript seems not to run in the EA 64 Bit environment.

Is there a way to start a JScript via MSScript or a workaround?

Thanks for your help.



Can a long-running EA API SQL (repository.SqlQuery(sql))) be put in the background of the C# AddIn? During running this SQL, the AddIn GUI should be responsive for other tasks.

I have tried the BackgroundWorker. The BackgroundWorker works fine for not EA API calls. However, in the case of the API call 'repository.SqlQuery(sql)', it blocks the AddIn until the call is finished.

For other tasks, which may include short EA API Calls, the BackgroundWorker works fine. For example, I use it to load model content while starting the AddIn.

STA Threads may be a solution. But does anyone have experience with such background work?

Thanks and Best Regards,



I tried to delete DiagramLinks and it seems not to work. The deletion of DiagramObjects work as expected.

Any idea?

Thanks and best regards,


for (int i = dia.DiagramLinks.Count - 1; i >= 0; i = i - 1)
                        dia.DiagramLinks.DeleteAt((short)i, true);
for (int i = dia.DiagramObjects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i = i - 1)
                        dia.DiagramObjects.DeleteAt((short)i, true);


we have a lot of issues with TimeOut and unaccountable long GUI response times.

1. Timeout
- Some queries are sometimes leading to TimeOut (around 60 seconds)
- Import large packages lead to Iimeout (around 60 seconds)
2. Rename Package: Slow GUI, fast Script
- If I rename a package with the EA GUI it takes about 2 seconds
- If I rename a package with JScript from within EA it changes it immidiately

I've seen in this forum threads about TimeOut.

Any idea or experiences?

Thanks and best regards,



if I change the package name with the GUI in a ProCloudServer environment it takes around 2 seconds.

If I change the package name per JScript within EA in the same environment and repository it is done immidiately.

For me it looks as if the EA GUI makes a lot of SQL to change the Package name.

By the way: We have a lot of problems with Timeout EA-Access ProCloud Server.

Any idea or experiences?

Thanks and best regards,


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Timeout Pro Cloud Server
« on: June 23, 2022, 09:51:17 pm »

If I use a query with the Search Window I get an EA TIMEOUT error after around 30 seconds.

If I use the C#/VB API I get after around 30 seconds an empty result. No indication of an error except the empty result occurs.

Can and how can I modify the TIMEOUT time?

Thanks and best regards,


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Add-In in net core 6.0?
« on: January 15, 2022, 03:06:35 am »

Is it possible to run a net core 6.0 AddIn instead of a net framework AddIn?

For the time being, I have developed with NET Framework. It runs pretty well.

Now I'm thinking it is possible to use NET CORE to write the AddIn. In principle, NET CORE supports COM.

Any ideas or experiences?

Best regards,



is there an easy way to migrate a great bunch of code from JScript to JavaScript?

Can I call JavaScript from JScript within EA?

Thanks and best regards,



the Add-In reads from its own *.eap file via ODBC/OLEDB. Everything fine until recently.

Since some time I get errors  (System.Data.OleDbException (0x80004005), the database couldn't be opened) if the *.eap file is checked out with Clear Case. Without ClearCase checkout everything works as it should.

Any ideas?




I tried to use a Relationship Matrix with a VBScript of Type Search Group to estimate the e.g. Target Requirements. The Search Script works fine and has the usual navigation possibilities of the Search Results (select in Browser, Diagram). It shows the wanted Requirements as expected. In combination with Relationship Matrix it doesn't work.

Is it possible that such Searches don't work with Relationship Matrixes? I remember something about limitations of e.g. Add-In Searches but I'm not sure.

Other Searches like SQL are working fine.

Has someone experiences in this area?

Thanks for your help,



I have in some Class-Diagrams a peculiar behavior of Labels.

The labels of Port or Required/Provided Interface are not moveable, hidable and not selectable. If I add a new Port the same behavior.

I can't draw associations, dependencies. If I draw a link it isn't selectable.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance,


General Board / Show provided/required Interface for Port
« on: October 28, 2018, 01:31:25 am »

is there a possibility to show the provided/required interface for a Port? With EA 14.

I can drag the provided Interface onto the Port. I'm more thinking about visualizing all provided/required interfaces for a Class/Component. As far as I remember there was an easy way in past releases.

Thanks in advance,



I come across that registering of an Add-In usually works without bothering about .net signing in C#.

Last time I couldn't register an unsigned DLL with EA to use as GUI/COM object in the Add-In window. After signing everything runs smooth.

In debug mode of VS 2017 everything runs smooth, regardless of signing or not. So, I'm a bit puzzled.

The thing is: In the past, everything works fine with a lot of Add-Ins, regardless of signing or not. I've searched a lot and I've found a lot about the signing of dlls, no silver bullet.

Any idea?




with EA 13.5.1 it looks as if 'Search Folder' in the 'Model View' can only be defined for Build-In Searches.

In previous versions this was also possible for own searches or MDG searches.

Kind regards,


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