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Topics - salayande

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General Board / UML Profile for JSON
« on: February 12, 2018, 10:25:22 am »
I am creating JSON schema and I would like to understand what concepts in EA class diagrams map to JSON schema concepts. This would require the publication of the UML Profile for JSON in use by the Schema Composer. can anyone point me in the right direction. thank you in anticipation.

General Board / JSON Object property in Schema Composer
« on: February 12, 2018, 10:22:46 am »
I have generated a JSON schema from a simple class diagram that has a class, AircraftDeicing with an attribute, MessageCreateDate which has a type, string. I then manually add the "format" :"date-time" and the "pattern" : "regular expression" as below:

"AircraftDeicing": {
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {
            "MessageCreateDate": {
               "description": "This is the date the message was created",
               "type": "string",
               "format": "date-time",
               "pattern": "^-*[^T:-]+-[^T:]+$"

This schema returns a document frgment
"MessageCreateDate": "2017-11-16T11:04:00Z", but "MessageCreateDate": "2017-11-16",

I created tags to define the value pairs on the "MessageCreateDate" attribute but the Schema Composer did not pick these up.
How may I add these values as properties of the "MessageCreateDate" attribute in EA? Thank you in anticipation.

Suggestions and Requests / geoJSON and TopoJSON Support
« on: February 10, 2018, 08:16:22 am »
I am currently working to develop an Airport industry standard schema for Passenger Indoor Wayfinding. The group has chosen GeoJSON and TopoJSON as the target formats. May I request that the schema composer supports these two geospatial formats.

I would also request that existing JSON support include the import+synchronisation of JSON schema. In another project I am involved with, I wanted to import the new OASIS UBL 2.1 JSON message schema to reuse the data type library and could not do this.  The value of global schema standards is re-use and it appears like that is one of the capabilities the schema composer is designed to support.

i look forward to eeing these capabilities in version 14.00 of the EA. 

General Board / Sparxsystems EA and Naked Objects Integration
« on: February 09, 2016, 06:39:05 am »
I found a framework called Naked Objects and would like to integrate this with EA. Has anyone tried to do this with Sparxsystems or any other case tool.

Suggestions and Requests / Android Tablet Version of EA
« on: May 21, 2011, 07:35:07 am »
I develop mind maps (as conceptual models) in an easy to use tool on an Android (CyanogenMod 7.3) based Tablet.

This application instead of filling a void makes me miss the EA modeling environment. So, when am I getting EA on my Android Tablet? I bet very soon.


Dear all,

I came across Keith Short's (Microsoft) blog on the Whitehorse Class Designer and Domain Specific Language.

Has anyone tested the Class Designer? I'd be interested in finding out how this environment delivers improved productivity over a tool like EA.

I appreciate all comments.


Suggestions and Requests / Lossless Import of Spreadsheet Data Models
« on: August 29, 2009, 07:38:36 pm »

There is a requirement for the existing spreadsheet import capability of Sparxsystems EA to be extended to import classes, attributes and relationship elements established.

There is an increased need for data standardisation to support information interoperability within and between organizations. Organisations that operate in global markets are participating in data standatds definition efforts.

Because of the diversity of organizations participating in these efforts, business analysis of data is often done in spreadsheets (see the data definition spreadsheets for UBL, UN/CEFACT and many others). The spreadsheet is seen as the common denominator between the affluent and financially constrained participants.

I am aware of Sparxsystems efforts to provide free development licences for some standards development efforts (which of course promotes EA).  Sparxsystems must go beyond merely seeking to, promote its interests. Urgently required are solutions that help to resolve existing problems encountered within and outside these standards groups.

There is therefore a need for EA support for the lossless import/export of data definitions (class definitions, attribute definitions and relationships) from spreadsheets.

I have also looked at the templates shipped with EA, it is also a good idea to seek to understand the nature of reports required by these classes of users and deliver some templates based on these requirements. For example, I recently struggled to create a standard domain business rules report which is based on the roles, constraints and associations in a concept model.


Suggestions and Requests / Sparx MODAF-DODAF MDG Add-In
« on: September 17, 2009, 08:03:45 am »
Could any Sparxian confirm the next release date of the MODAF-DODAF Add-In that would be compatible with release 1.2 of MODAF and 2.0 of DoDAF?



Suggestions and Requests / Document generation from class diagram subset
« on: September 15, 2009, 12:15:10 am »
I have created classes to build a hierarchy of business concepts in a package (taxonomy).

I have also created another package in which I am re-using the concepts as copies to create a class diagram.

I would like to create an RTF document based only on the business concepts used in the class diagram by selecting all the elements in the class diagram.

I observed there is no entry for documentation. Is it possible to enable this feature?

In the interim I'd appreciate a workaround, please!

kind regards


The community using above framework would appreciate an upgrade consistent with the current Zachman framework.

When should we expect to see the next version?


Suggestions and Requests / Feature Request - Submit Button
« on: August 31, 2009, 05:40:23 am »
The Submit button on the support feature request page is not working or should I say is not activated to submit feature requests.

Suggestions and Requests / Error Messages - Transformation Editor
« on: August 31, 2009, 05:43:30 am »
Dear all,

The error messages refer to errors on line numbers, a feature which is not activated in the Transformation Editor.

Please, kindly activate this feature or provide a more informative error messages.

Thanks in antitipation.


Suggestions and Requests / Import of Data Model via Excel Spreadsheet
« on: July 17, 2009, 02:55:34 am »
It would be useful if EA has a facility for loading a spreadsheet and mapping columns of the spreadsheet file to EA model elements and import the data to create data models.

I may not complain about the first class support I have obtained from the Sparx support team while using the transformation editor but following my experience, may I suggest that;

1. The Editor is anything but intuitive. The intellisense technology may be a useful feature but it behaves like a poorly designed pick-list

2. The support documentation is sparse with few useful examples.

3. The interpreter apparently does not like some combinations of symbols and when there is an error, the message is meaningless.

Given that this is the first place a user will go to in an attempt to customise the behaviour of the transformation engine, may I suggest a directed improvement of the Editor and related documentation


Suggestions and Requests / UML Based Web Application Generation
« on: March 03, 2009, 09:37:22 am »
Sparxsystem currently has implemented a UML Web Application Profile developed by Conallen. The problem is that they have not provided transformation HTML, ASP or JSF.

Rational Rose did have a transformation routine for this feature (ASP to be precise) 6 years ago. Since then, the domain of Web Application Modeling and Design has moved on with more enhanced UML Profiles like UWE ( implemented in tools like ArgoUWE (based on ArgoUML) and MagicUWE (based on MagicDraw). The Metamodel is published on the project site.
IBM sponsored a project that delivered a UWE application modelling and transformation capability (model-to-model & model-to-text) using QVT in Eclipse for the Rational Software Architect.

Sparxsystem would reduce my tim-to-market, if this feature is delivered in EA.

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