Sparxsystem currently has implemented a UML Web Application Profile developed by Conallen. The problem is that they have not provided transformation HTML, ASP or JSF.
Rational Rose did have a transformation routine for this feature (ASP to be precise) 6 years ago. Since then, the domain of Web Application Modeling and Design has moved on with more enhanced UML Profiles like UWE ( implemented in tools like ArgoUWE (based on ArgoUML) and MagicUWE (based on MagicDraw). The Metamodel is published on the project site.
IBM sponsored a project that delivered a UWE application modelling and transformation capability (model-to-model & model-to-text) using QVT in Eclipse for the Rational Software Architect.
Sparxsystem would reduce my tim-to-market, if this feature is delivered in EA.