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Topics - kotrick

Pages: [1]
General Board / Version Control While Accessing Model Via Citrix
« on: November 16, 2016, 04:15:52 pm »
We are using Oracle Database for Architecture Model which is  located in Frankfurt

Its difficult to access this model for Users from different location's as its very slow. We use Citrix Server to make the Model Access Faster from different location.

Recently Version Control was introduced in model to maintain history using SCC Integration

Currently we are not able to use Version Control via Citrix as we get error's when multiple user's connect to same citrix server to perform check-in check-out operations

So we are in a situation were we cannot use Version Control via Citrix. And to access model directly remotely its very slow so user's cannot perform check-in check-out operations Locally without Citrix and with version controlled model.

Can you provide any suggestion to solve the problem above?How can we make model access faster irrespective of database location so that user's use version control locally OR How to make Version Control working for multiple user's via Citrix?

Thank You

Hello Everyone,

I am developing add-ins for EA using Visual C#. Do anyone know what is best approach to setup a automated testing of these add-ins.

Do anyone is already doing Automated testing. If yes then what method are you using to do.

I feel its difficult to test all add-in for every release or for every change we do to check impact on other add-ins due to my changes.

Can anyone please help or provide suggestions.

Thank You in advance for help


Bugs and Issues / DAO.QueryDef[3131] While executing query in .eap
« on: January 10, 2014, 05:43:50 pm »
I have a very complex query with subqueries,JOINS used in that which executes succesfully when EA is in oracle.

But if i execute same query in .eap file it throws below error
DAO.QueryDef[3131] Syntax error in FROM clause

Can anyone please help or provide suggestion to solve this issue


We have developed many plug-in's for Enterprise Architect and we are interested to do this activity in TestDriven Development.

We are developing plug-ins using visual c#(Visual studio 2010)

I want to write test cases for these add-ins.But have below issue:

How to get the repository object and start running test cases?
Can anyone please suggest or help me to identify solution for testing EA add-ins

Thanks in advance

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Api to get all open diagrams in EA
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:48:02 pm »
I want to get list of diagrams which are open in EA.
Can any one help?

Thank You

I need to set  "Allow Duplicates" and "Multiplicity is ordered" checkBox for port using EA api.Can anyone help

I want to keep the connector direction as Unspecified for itemflow.

When we create new connector EA_OnPostNewConnector event returns a connector with Unspecified direction but after the execution of above specified event it automatically sets itemflow direction to                Source->Destination in the opened diagram.
Can any one suggest at what point the direction is updated.or how to set the connector direction in EA_OnPostNewConnector event and retain it in opened diagram

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / EA 10 Diagram objects issue
« on: December 02, 2013, 11:15:54 pm »
Hello,My automation script creates a diagram and places the ports at some co-ordinates.
In EA 8 it was working fine.When i move to EA10 i see the diagram is completely spoilt..All ports are placed at top left corner of objects.
In Debug mode i found While updating and refreshing the diagramObjects the co-ordinates of ports change automatically..which is not correct.
can any one suggest solution.
I want to place the port at some location of the parent object

I was using Repository.Execute(sql) api in EA version 8 or below for my automation script.
In EA 10 i dont find any such api.
Do we have any similar api ?
can any one help me to solve this issue
Thank you


i am developing addin where i want to know which user have logged in and groupname to which user belongs.based on the user i want to do some operation.

so is there any api for identifying user and group id

Thanks in advance


i have created few addins in EA in which i need to disable the security and run those i need the security to be disabled for only instance which i am running. all other users using EA should have security there any api to automate the process to disable security only to one instance am working

if i try to lock an object in EA through automation which is already locked by other user then i get an exception .so is there any way or api to identify whether i can lock that object or not.i.e. is there any api to identify who has locked the object

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