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Topics - Farkas

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Bugs and Issues / #DB=<DBNAME># macro in SQL Search not works in EA 16.1
« on: November 03, 2023, 01:30:57 am »

I tried to use the #DB=<DBNAME># type of macro in SQL searches in EA 16.1, but it doesn't seem to work. I got errors for these searches in .qea (SL3 = sqlite) and Oracle db repositories too.
Example query:
Code: [Select]
SELECT p1.Package_ID, p1.Parent_ID, o1.Stereotype
#DB=SL3# inner join t_object o1 on o1.PDATA1=p1.Package_ID #DB=SL3#
#DB=Oracle# inner join t_object o1 on o1.PDATA1=TO_CHAR(p1.Package_ID) #DB=Oracle#
WHERE p1.Package_ID = #Package#

However #WC# and #Package# macro works perfectly in all cases.
Code: [Select]
SELECT p1.Package_ID, p1.Parent_ID, o1.Stereotype
inner join t_object o1 on o1.PDATA1=p1.Package_ID
WHERE p1.Package_ID = #Package#
(like the one above, but only for SL3/.qea)
Code: [Select]
FROM t_object o1
WHERE o1.Name like "Control#WC#"
(this uses #WC# perfectly in .qea and in Oracle too)

Please correct me if I missed something, or please investigate this and fix it!

Hi everyone,

I recently tried to reproduce my company's quite complex internal specification template in the EA document generation templating feature. We are aiming to use both master documents/model documents and the custom document generation feature.

My main template is the following (comments in the brackets):
Code: [Select]
package >
{Pkg.Name} [as heading level 2]
... some data ...

diagram >
< diagram

element >
{Template - mytemplate_for_usecases}
< element

child packages >
< child packages
< package

And the 'mytemplate_for_usecases' is like this:
Code: [Select]
package >
element >
{Element.Name} {Element.Alias} [as heading level 2]
... other data ...
< element
< package

What I've achieved is that I can generate a package with usecases starting from heading level 2. This is needed, because our specifications usually have the following outline:
1. Use Case(s) [fixed text as heading level 1]
1.1. Package containing use cases [generated from EA as heading level 2]
1.1.1. Use Case 1 [as heading level 3] ... some connected/children elements (e.g. boundaries, controls, entities) [as heading level 4 or higher]
1.1.2. Use Case 2 [as heading level 3] ... some connected/children elements (e.g. boundaries, controls, entities) [as heading level 4 or higher]
2. Domain model [fixed text as heading level 1]
2.1. Domain package 1 [generated from EA as heading level 2]
2.1.1. Domain class 1 [as heading level 3]
2.1.2. Domain class 2 [as heading level 3]
2.2. Domain package 2 [generated from EA as heading level 2]
2.2.1. Domain class 3 [as heading level 3]
2.2.2. Domain class 4 [as heading level 3]

My problem is that with this template I cannot manage to generate the child packages of the main package in higher heading level (in this example heading level 3).
So with the templates above EA 16.1 generates the following outline:
1.1. Package1 containing use cases [heading level 2]
1.1.1. Use Case 1 [as heading level 3]
1.1.2. Use Case 2 [as heading level 3]
1.2. Subpackage of Package1 [heading level 2] Use Case 3 [interestingly as heading level 4] Use Case 3 [interestingly as heading level 4]

But I would like to have this:
1.1. Package1 containing use cases [heading level 2]
1.1.1. Use Case 1 [as heading level 3]
1.1.2. Use Case 2 [as heading level 3]
1.1.3. Subpackage of Package1 [heading level 3] Use Case 3 [as heading level 4] Use Case 3 [as heading level 4]

However I try, I'm not able to achieve this outline.
Can anyone point me to the right direction what to try, or howto implement this?
(I searched this forum, EA documentation and other sources , but I haven't found solution - this must be something quite obvious or something too hard - I hope for the first one :) )

Thanks in advance,

At the company that I work for, we recently had problems with installed addins not working on some PCs. The error message that was shown in EA's Manage Add-Ins window was: "Error - Missing (0x80040154)".
There's error in the "July 2018 Security and Quality Rollup updates for .NET Framework". I thought this information can be useful for others too:

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