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Topics - Prolaborate Support

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PCS General Board / Prolaborate V4.4 Release Announcement
« on: December 14, 2022, 10:53:46 pm »
Prolaborate Team is very excited to announce the official release of Prolaborate V4.4. The newly launched version has the following features, enhancements, and Bug fixes.

New Features:

•   Publish Connected elements Information in an organized way for better traceability Analysis
•   Ability to Create and Modify Connectors
•   Ability to publish complex information for Model elements
•   Improved User Groups management with the ability to link Role-based access directly with SAML User Groups (when using Single Sign On)
•   Ability to view discussions and reviews of Prolaborate in EA via Prolaborate extension for EA

For more information on the release, please visit:

For more information on the feature overview, the article provides detailed insights about the new features of Prolaborate 4.4, please visit:

Registered Users can get the download link of the latest Prolaborate installer by submitting the request installer form:

General Board / EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: October 05, 2021, 10:20:57 pm »
Thank you very much for making the EA Global Summit 2021 a grand success. It saw 2500+ registrations from 1000+ organizations around the globe.

We hope you got good insights on how to put the Sparx suite of products (Enterprise Architect, Pro Cloud Server, and Prolaborate) to good use.

We have started releasing the recording of the sessions and the materials used in them like presentations, EA models, and MDGs through the official website, and our social media channels.

We will be sharing the links to the session pages as and when they are available.

Subscribe to our social media channels to get regular updates:
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Sparx Sytems Prolaborate

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Sparx Systems Prolaborate

Below are the scenarios if a Prolaborate User is deleted:

1. If he tries to log in using the mail URL (which was sent during the user is created), it will show the error message as an Invalid URL.
2. The discussions will exist and the same user will be there in the tagged user list (if we click the user in the tagged user list, it will redirect to the manage repository page)
3. Relationship matrix will exist and not able to edit the relationship matrix by another user
4. Impact analysis Profile and Views will be there but the name is removed in Created By field. In addition, if another user edits and save changes, then created by will become by this new user name.
5. In Review,
    a. If the deleted user was just an approver or reviewer, the discussion created by him will be available. But, whatever he reviewed or approved details will not be there.
    b. If the deleted user is created the review, then it is throwing the below error when other user trying to access that review.
6. Dashboard created by deleted user will be available but Created by will blank.

Support for DSN connection is being discontinued due to its poor performance.
If you already configured the Prolaborate database using MySQL DSN connection, please follow the steps to change the direct connection.
  • Open Prolaborate Service Management.exe. (typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\ProlaborateServiceManagement)
  • Select Manage Configuration.
  • Click on the Database tab.
  • Select the MySQL connection and entered all the required details.
  • Click on Test Connection to ensure the connectivity is fine.
  • Click on Save.

Here are the steps to configure new Microsoft SQL database for Prolaborate.
  • Create a new database in SQL server and give the name as Prolaborate.
  • Download Install - SQL schema from this link and run the schema on the Prolaborate Database
  • Open Prolaborate Service Management.exe (typically located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Prolaborate\ProlaborateServiceManagement)
  • Click on Manage Configuration and select the Database tab
  • Select the MSSQL connection and entered all the required details.
  • Click on Test Connection to ensure the connectivity is fine.
  • Click on Save

PCS Frequently Asked Questions / Major Capabilities of Pro Cloud Server
« on: August 21, 2020, 03:36:48 pm »
In this blog post, we take a look at everything you need to know about Pro Cloud Server.

Here are some key take-aways:
  • What are the capabilities of Pro Cloud Server?
  • What is the relationship between Pro Cloud Server and Prolaborate?
  • What is the difference between Pro Cloud Server and WebEA?
  • When to choose which edition of PCS?

Ericsson is using Prolaborate to share Sparx EA models with 800+ stakeholders. They share curated EA model views to a wide variety of internal teams (Sales, Support, and Development) and their customers. They also use the collaboration capabilities to discuss the model changes and review deliverables.

This blog post is the transcript of the webinar presented by the Enterprise Architecture Lead at Ericsson on Sparx Enterprise Architect and Prolaborate. Check out the webinar here.

PCS Frequently Asked Questions / [Charts] Roadmap chart is not working
« on: August 19, 2020, 02:27:24 pm »
Please configure the DATE FORMAT as per the sample shown in FORMAT OF SELECTED PROPERTY. For example, the date format should be yyyy-MM-dd as per the below screenshot.

This error message shows when there is an issue with Domain or Sub-domain configured in Prolaborate or with AD credentials on the server-side.

  1. For Domain or Sub-domain configured in Prolaborate, please follow below instructions to resolve the issue.
  • Please check with your AD team if there were any changes made on the AD side
  • Please ensure the proper domain or sub-domain is configured in AD settings in Prolaborate.
      Here are some steps to find the Domain:
  • Open or log in to AD server
  • Right-click My Computer/This PC and select Properties
  • Copy Domain name (refer below the screenshot)
  • Paste to AD domain filed Active directory page in Prolaborate
  • Click on Test & Save and try to log in. Note: Global domain names should not be used.

   2. For AD credentials on server-side, please follow below instructions to resolve the issue
  • Reset the password of the user TWICE that is used to configure AD settings in Prolaborate. If we reset the password just once, the password is not getting reset properly
  • Wait for an hour
  • Logout and login into the Prolaborate
  • Go to Active directory settings - click on the Edit button and re-enter the latest credentials (AD server’s credentials) and click the Test and Save option and check whether the configurations are saved properly.
  • Logout from Prolaborate user
  • Try to login using AD user which is already added into Prolaborate

Here are the scenarios that could lead to this issue and the steps to handle it:

    1. Users do not have the access permissions for the specified EA objects. Please follow the below instructions to resolve this issue. Learn more here.
  • Configure the elements and diagrams in the Section page.
  • Give access permission to the required users/groups in the Access Permissions page.
  • Now you can view the element and diagrams in the Repository browser.

    2. The visibility of Stereotypes in the Application Modes might have changed in the Modeling languages page. Learn more here.

        Select the correct visibility of stereotypes from the below available options as per your requirement.
  • Exclude defined and disabled stereotypes only – Use this mode to see all the stereotypes from your Enterprise Architect model except for the ones which are hidden in the MDG Profile in Prolaborate.
  • Include defined and enabled stereotypes only – Use this mode to see only those stereotypes which are defined in Prolaborate. Also, those stereotypes should not be hidden in the MDG Profile in Prolaborate.
  • Do not apply any restriction – This mode shows all stereotypes ignoring Stereotype Configuration.

Please follow these steps:

    1. Go to the following locations
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\ProlaborateAddin\Installlog
  • %AppData%\Roaming\ProlaborateAddin\ErrorLogs
    2. Share the log files that are created

You can use the “Text widget” to add additional information about the report and configure it next to the EA report on the dashboard.

This error message shows up when the user does not have collaboration access for the EA objects.

Please give collaboration access to required users on the Access Permissions page for that EA object and this issue should be resolved. Learn more here.

Please follow the below steps to resolve this issue.

  • Go to Modeling language page
  • Click on Manage profiles of particular MDG
  • Check whether the custom attributes are added and not hidden in the Form designer page. If not, add attributes by drag and drop and enable eye icon
  • Click on Save in the Form Designer and Update Profile in the Edit Profile page.
  • Set the profile in which custom attribute is added as Active
  • Go back to the properties window and check

The best practice is to integrate Prolaborate with SSO apps like AD, Azure AD, IBM SAM, Okta, etc., Users can just use their SSO credentials to log in to Prolaborate. The integration is real-time and so, user management becomes effortless for the admins of Prolaborate. Learn more here.

Learn more about AD SSO here and SAML SSO here.

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