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Topics - elr

Pages: [1]
Hello all,

I am stucked with the inability to automatically unset 'Show Namespace' option at creation of custom sequence diagrams .

APi seems to provide a RW attribute (HighlightImports) to set it off but how to assign a script running this job whenever user create a new sd ?

Thank you


Hello all,

In my MDG metamodel, I'm adding up a sequence diagram to my <<diagram profile>>.
Is there a way to configure it without activations bars by default ? I don't spot any related parameter (in styleex and pdata) for the Diagram_Sequence metaclass. Weird ?!

Thx you and best wishes for 2025 !


With MDG, I set up in my toolbox a stereotype of Association metaclass called ""Is Associated To".
That works fine but.. as it is default connector and I have many of these in my diagrams, I'd like to lighten it by hiding stereotype label.

In shape script editor for my new stereotype, I tried

Code: [Select]
shape main
that hides the line and not the label. And :

Code: [Select]
shape main

that brings back a no more clickable line !?!?

Does someone has any clue to control connector label or where to look for ? Thank you !


Hello all,

I created an MDG profile with several stereotyped elements.

One is 'Committee' : a stereotype of Actor metaclass with a dedicated shape (set with ShapeScript)
Once one is created in Browser, I can drag it drop as an Instance (Ctrl-DnD) in my diagram but then, visual aspect becomes again the Actor's stickman and not the shape I set up
Ideally, I'd like to do as UML Profile: same shape with a different color and a underlined name.

Thank's for your recipe !


Hello all,

I'm setting a customized MDG techno for office management with classes based stereotypes.  For example, I created an Event element embedding a EventType Tagged Value (Meeting, Interview, Appointment, Seminary and so on)

As it works fine when I drag it from my Toolbox to an empty stereotyped diag (thx Phil Chudley) I wonder if that would be possible to  instanciate this Event stereotype not as classe but as an object (maybe onto another stereotyped object diagram ?) that would easily represent each occurence of event.

I feel that setting the TV would be an issue....
Will I need to step back and build each event type as a stereotype

Thank you for your help



General Board / inherited tagged values in a profile
« on: July 26, 2024, 05:40:15 am »
Hello All,

I set up a Generalization chain of classes (AuditDoc->Doc->Deliverable->Element). Some have tagged value definitions.
All these tagged values are downward propagated. Cool !

Moreover, attributes have been defined for AuditDoc

I then defined AuditDoc as a stereotype and extended it from Artifact metaclass in order to make a Profile Docs XML file.
The goal of course is to be able, later on,to instanciate several AuditDoc objects without having to recreate all these TV and attributes; just define their values.

I didn't forget to include all super classes to my profile file.

In a sample projet, I can see that attributes become TV in a dedicated panel  (why not ?) but no tagged values appears..

Does somebody has the full recipe ?

Thank you


General Board / Delete a a personal stereotype without profile
« on: June 15, 2024, 06:43:39 am »
Hello all,

I get stuck with an association stereotype  that is wrongly named.
I tried to delete it through UML Type windows but Delete button stays greyed when I select it on the list...
What's the trick ?

Thank you


General Board / attributes of instanciated objects
« on: June 06, 2024, 08:33:39 am »
Hello all,

In a class or object diagram, I instanciated an objects from a class containing 2 attributes (ID and date)
Selecting this object, I was expecting being able to set its own attributes values in the Feature windows
but nothing...

Is there a way or do I need to use tags only ?

Thank you


General Board / Types of classes attributes
« on: May 21, 2024, 09:31:02 pm »
Hi all,
Does someone knows why types of attributes differs between two classes. For one , I get int, boolean, byte, char... and for another I get String, Boolean, Integer, Real...

is there any reason or meaning ?



Suggestions and Requests / EA for IT internal audit uses
« on: May 17, 2024, 01:38:35 am »
Hello all,

Has anyone ever thought of using EA as a tracking tool in an internal audit of a large IT project?
Is there any existing metamodel for that ?
Thank you.


Bugs and Issues / Crashes at Effort, Risks and Metric settings
« on: March 04, 2024, 02:11:33 am »
In a strategy map diagram, I set up few objectives which I want to attach some indicators (with annuals target percentages...)
I select an objective element and select Construct/Metrics to get Project Tools panel.
As soon as I add and name a new metric through this panel and press enter I get the following error message:

Sparx Systems Database API (0x0...01)
6 values for 5 columns

I then checked the Project Tools panel with another project.
The Effort, Risks and Metrics management seems faulty and  either crashes app either displays error messages.


General Board / Weird message when setting up KPI
« on: March 03, 2024, 09:25:09 am »
Hi all,

In a strategy map diagram, I set up few objectives which I want to attach some indicators (with annuals target percentages...)
I select an objective element and select Construct/Metrics to get Project Tools panel.
As soon as I add and name a new metric through this panel and press enter I get the following message:

Sparx Systems Database API (0x0...01)
6 values for 5 columns

and my new entry disappears...

Is it a bug or did I missed something ?

Thank you for your help

(I use EA 16.1.1622
Connection / DBMS:  Native Local - SQLite
Database Schema Version: 1558)

General Board / Easy way to use my domain model to create a data model
« on: October 27, 2023, 05:51:46 am »
Hello all,

What's the easiest way to use  an existing domain model (a class diag.)  in order to initialize a data model  (a class or an entity-relation diag...) ?
Thank you


General Board / rearrange panels
« on: June 15, 2021, 09:05:28 am »
Hi all,

How can I get rid of this gap ? Thank's for your help 'cause I'm loosing my life on this one. :(

Sorry I don't see the way to join my jpg.. It's not my day...  :(

The empty area is between the bottom of a breadcrumb area and top of all my docked panels..


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