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Topics - RayB

Pages: [1]
General Board / SysML Itemflows and directionality in general
« on: August 09, 2021, 11:05:12 pm »
Hi all,

I haven't been able to find how to add directionality to my connectors.

I'm using v1.4 so no atomic flow ports.

So I have an interface block to type the port for example DVI (Video) I could have invideo outvideo as basic flow properties.

How do I represent the direction flow on my IBD connectors? Does anybody have a link to an item flow user guide or is it still possible to annotate the directions on the port outside of the naming?

Is it as simple as going to andvanced and indicating direction on the connector via source to destination or vice versa?


I may have answered my own question. I right clicked on the connector, clicked item flow realised, selected the same block that typed the ports and then indicated the direction. Please let me know if this correct.

Many thanks in advance to the gurus out there.


General Board / Modelling LANs and VLANS in sysml
« on: August 04, 2021, 01:10:04 am »
Hi All,

In regards to modelling a computer network with subsystems communicating over a LAN and VLAN my idea is to represent each of the LANs/VLANs using an interface blocks that type any ports attached to part properties that represent networked components.

The alternate I guess would be to represent each LAN as a standard block with an in and out port and include an IBD that displays all subsystems connected to both ports to show messages are passed in and out.

I still need to get over the conceptual barrier I'm facing with this one. Please let me know what you think of the above and if you have any anecdotes or know of any exampled networked systems modelled in sysML that would be useful.

Many thanks


Hi all,

In producing my bdds i have noticed that to see a reference property in the IBD I have to use aggregation. It doesn't work with the reference connector without the daimond. In Lenny Delligati's course he avoids aggregation altogether in his descriptions in favour of normal reference connectors.

Is this a nuance of EA or due to my version 13 or am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.


Hi all,

I've been trying to attach ports to nested elements on my IBDs but I get the message cannot add embedded elements to read only elements.

Has anybody come across this before and know any workarounds?

Many thanks


General Board / Abstract Class in SysML
« on: March 31, 2021, 11:43:25 pm »
In order to have child block value properties with different values than the parent I understand that I must create an Abstract Class as the parent.

Is this possible in SysML and Enterprise Architect and does anybody have any information on how to implement this?

Many thanks

General Board / Connecting Instances to Blocks on a BDD
« on: March 19, 2021, 01:07:48 am »
I have a logical system hierarchy broken down into levels of BDDs. These blocks will serve as definitions of type in the architectural mode.

As part of the logical system have have defined some computer racks, these racks contain certain system elements defined elsewhere in the BDDs.

I had originally dropped links in the rack diagram thereby having the block defined in one placed and replicated as being part of this computer rack on another diagram (side point; I used aggregation rather than composition as if you remove the rack you don"t necessarily remove the computers you just put them somewhere else). Now after further consideration I have considered, although the way I have modelled it is acceptable in sysml and offers the advantage of displaying where in the system that block originates from, that they should actually be instances of the block definitions which leads me to the question.

How should these instances be connected on a BDD to a block. The quick linker offers dependency trace and information flow, none of which i want.

The options I believe are;
Standard Connector

is there a right answer out of the above three options?

Many thanks


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