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Topics - Stasjah

Pages: [1]
Bugs and Issues / RunReport with PowerShell
« on: October 21, 2024, 08:46:32 pm »

So there is this server with PostgreSQL and Enterprise Architect 17 and Enterprise Architect 16 having a direct link.

The server has a task of creating documents at a timestamp with powershell.

$eaRep = new-object -ComObject "EA.Repository" -ErrorAction Stop
$eaRep.SuppressSecurityDialog = "True";
$eaRep.OpenFile2($model, $doc_user, $doc_pass);
$eaProject = $eaRep.GetProjectInterface();
$eaProject.RunReport("$master_doc_guid", "$template", "$output")

when running this the document comes out bad,
- Frontpage is gone
- Heading numbers are wrong ( 1.1 follows on 32)
- pages that should be at the front are somewhere in the middle or in the back

But when i run the .RunReport Commando with the same parameters within a EA instance Script window (javaScript) the document comes out just fine. (same user, same connection, same machine).

Any suggestions ?

Bugs and Issues / Unable to use '&" and suggetions in Script Editor
« on: March 04, 2021, 10:34:28 pm »

I was wondering if any body has any issues with the Script Editor inside EA.
I am unable to use the ' and " char's inside the Script editor.
I am also unable to get any suggestions after a  . after a element or function.

the funny thing is i can use the ' & " chars at ANY other place inside EA or any place you can think of.

I encounterd this bug at multiple installations and laptop's and in Citrix environments. So i find it pretty odd i cant find anything about it.
running a dutch version of Windows 10 Home Build version 2004(19041.804)- Unicode, Changing the language does not resolve the problem.
Changing chcp page does not resolve the problem.

Happend in v15.1 and v15.2

Wondering if anybody has some suggestions :)

Kind Regards,

Pages: [1]