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Topics - blaisephilip

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I'm developing an add-in and need to access the creation dates of a package's baselines and use these as part of a generated document's release history.
The following snippet retrieves the baseline information's basic elements (version, name, notes) correctly as raw XML.

Code: [Select]
Project projInterface = currentRepository.GetProjectInterface();
        string baselineInfo = projInterface.GetBaselines(pkg.PackageGUID, "");

So, baselineInfo can be post-processed to become part of the document. However, it does not contain any information about the baseline's creation date. In our case, I could ask users to use a manually entered date entry in the baseline notes but that could be falsified, so I don't want to go with that option.
The EA Menu's Design --> Package -> Manage -> Find Baselines feature provides a Baseline_Date column for all baselines of a package, with help of the Find in Project feature. So in the DB there is at least a table that stores the baseline creation date values.

Is there any way to reach the Baseline_Date values with help of the object model in a C# add-in?

I'm using a self-developed document generator add-in in EA V16.1.1628 to create .docx files as output. The following code is the main part of exporting the EA content:

Code: [Select]
      Package package = currentRepository.GetTreeSelectedPackage();
      DocumentGenerator docGen = currentRepository.CreateDocumentGenerator();
      // call the iterative content generation
      contentGenerator(docGen, cfgHandling.logwindowName, currentRepository, package, 0, cfgHandling.reqSpecSecTemplateName);

      string filepath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + cfgHandling.mainSavePath + "\\" + cfgHandling.project_id + "_Req_Spec." + cfgHandling.mainDocExt;
      docGen.SaveDocument(filepath, cfgHandling.mainDocType);

cfgHandling.reqSpecSecTemplateName refers to the name of the template in the repository that contains the desired formatting.  (note: I use a MySQL database behind Pro Cloud Server)

The following is the header I use in the document's template:

This is completely ignored in the output document. I get blank header and footer, so the result breaks the rules of corporate guidelines, and renders the output in this form not usable.
Could anyone suggest which part of the code or EA overrides the template's header formatting?
(As backup plan, I'm considering writing a post-processor with Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word if fixing the Sparx EA document build fails.)

I'm developing a document generator add-in with installer package to distribute it over our organization. So far I came to the following results:

1. There is no chance to get this done via WiX due to heat.exe's poor support for 64-bit libraries currently.

2. The Setup Project template of Visual Studio 2022 V17.9.4 fails to add registry entries properly. EA, from whatever unfortunate reason, expects the first (Default) key value to be filled with the library's main namespace value and class name. (namespace_name.class_name format) The Setup Project installer adds the first value as empty, and creates a second (Default) with the proper value. So, totally unusable for EA during startup. Automated custom actions (usable in Setup Project template of VS) during install fail to fix this due to the nature of the (Default) key.
Still, after manual fix, the add-in loads, operations are performing as expected, but... it cannot load a logging subwindow to EA that I use for feedback towards users.

When the library is registered via regasm for debugging, the subwindow interaction is correct. So I think the registering of the library is the issue to COM.
Possible options for library registering in the Setup Project for the library, and results:
a) vsdrpCOMSelfReg  --> Build error: The assembly 'xyz.dll' in project output group 'Primary output from MainNamespaceName(Release x64)' cannot be self-registered.
b) vsdrpCOM or vsdrpCOMRelativePath --> The add-in is installed, I correct the false registry entries manually, operations work - but the log window still not shows up..
I cannot roll out an add-in without any feedback on the UI about what is happening and how far a triggered process is done in the end-user's EA instance.

So, this is a pretty messy system integration possibility for 64-bit EA currently. Does anyone knows a patch or workaround for this issue? Thanks in advance.

PCS Bugs and Issues / [Prolaborate V4.1.2] - User tagging in discussions
« on: August 01, 2022, 08:57:19 pm »
Dear all,
Active Directory-based access for dozens of users is active in our on-premise Prolaborate installation. The authorization is managed via AD group memberships to the roles of Admin, Editor and Reviewer, coupled to identical user groups in Prolaborate. Model security features are enabled.
All users can log in without issues - however, for all Active Directory users the displayed name is as "Surname, First Name" in the Prolaborate Repository Configuration / Users / Edit User / First Name field, and the Last Name field is displayed as empty. The name entries are correct in AD and also displayed correctly if I check the group members in Enterprise Architect.
The main issue is that some users can be tagged in messages while some users cannot in Prolaborate's model-based discussions. The issue affects only some AD Group Users from the tested user roles:
  • Prolaborate Admin
  • Active Directory Group User
  • Identity Provider User
  • Registered User

Does somebody know the background of this issue?

Used version: Prolaborate V4.1.2

In the case of some corporate backgrounds in Prolaborate theme config (Portal Settings --> Theme Settings), the placement of Sign Up, Forgot password etc. is problematic since it is almost not readable due to the background. The opacity of the sign in shield area should be configurable to avoid this. A base color selection is recommended. (valid only for this area)

Used version: Sparx Prolaborate
I'm working on Prolaborate - Confluence integration with a certain test space in Confluence.

Some diagrams can be successfully integrated to Conf. pages via the provided macro, some not. In diagrams with a large number of elements the following exception is thrown:

The access to Prolaborate service is not stable. In some phases the server gives the following feedback:

(Prolaborate is working just fine in the other browser window.)

Are there any configurable timeouts that could be set from Confluence-side to avoid these?

Confluence log caused by Prolaborate plugin (in this state, even Confluence login was rendered impossible for some users by the caused load..):

Code: [Select]
25-Jul-2022 13:46:41.318 WARNING [Catalina-utility-2] org.apache.catalina.valves.StuckThreadDetectionValve.notifyStuckThreadDetected Thread [http-nio-80-exec-95 url: /rest/prolaborate-admin/1.0/ProlabConnect; user: <USERXYZ>] (id=[68845]) has been active for [64,826] milliseconds (since [7/25/22 1:45 PM]) to serve the same request for [] and may be stuck (configured threshold for this StuckThreadDetectionValve is [60] seconds). There is/are [1] thread(s) in total that are monitored by this Valve and may be stuck.
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PCS Bugs and Issues / Restricted package visibility with WebEA
« on: July 13, 2022, 11:20:20 pm »
Currently our organization is working with the following setup:
Sparx EA V16.0.1604
Sparx Pro Cloud Server v5.0 (Build 104)
Sparx Prolaborate[/li][/list]

Package visibility is used successfully to restrict user access to some project packages via sections in Prolaborate and via AD Group-based visibility configuration in EA.

However, in WebEA even a user with restricted access towards selected packages can see everything in the model repository. We would not like to turn WebEA off since it helps some scenarios, but it would also be in our interest to hide the packages in question in all 3 systems. (EA-based model editing scenarios, WebEA, Prolaborate)

Is this possible?

Our organization is using the Notes section of different objects to reference repositories e.g. in Github via inserted hyperlinks.
These notes are displayed in Prolaborate after clicking the object in the right pane.
Used from EA and WebEA directly, the user can navigate to the target site via Ctrl+click successfully.
However, the link is not working in Prolaborate. The link is processed with the "unsafe:$inet:" prefix before https:// ... there.
The link itself reacts on left mousebutton click, but due to the prefix no browser can display the site in the new tab.
Is there a solution for this?

Windows Server 2019 Standard
Prolaborate Version
PCS 5.0.104

Dear all,
during the deployment of Prolaborate, I'm facing an authentication issue:
Our model has enabled model security, with active Windows and OpenID users. Additionally I've added an EA Worker and a Prolaborate Worker user - the first for automated diagram image generation (this works well), the second for repository-related Prolaborate connection. Prolaborate and PCS are working in the same domain.

Prolaborate lets me store the user+pass for the repository connection successfully, still, after refreshing the tab in Google Chrome, the warning from above is shown. No further content configuration for the repository is possible. In the logs I see the following not too informative authentication issue error:

2022-06-07T17:07:44.0856418+02:00 [ERR] () Internal Error occurred : {"ReferenceLink":null,"Code":"011501","Information":"Invalid Authentication"}

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Bugs and Issues / Failed OpenID test @ EA V16 RC 1603
« on: April 07, 2022, 06:14:39 pm »
Dear all,
I've a certain model with configured Windows and OpenID authentication.
All internal corporate users who can use Windows SSO can log in successfully to the model. However, OpenID fails even in test. OpenID is only needed for to the management of external users with Azure AD groups, not Windows.

After clicking Test:

After clicking Login with OpenID:

There is no indication that EA would start a browser. Our IT is triggered to investigate any security-related blocked event, but still, this is a very minimal feedback from the application about what goes wrong.

The information under the links below is already known.

Thank you for any constructive input in advance.

Bugs and Issues / Element status colors not displayed in EA V16 RC
« on: March 12, 2022, 01:25:17 am »
Hello everyone,

I have another small issue to report:

Test Setup:
EA Version: V16.0.1603
An .EAPX project exists (created with V15.2) that includes application of model types (Settings-> Model Types-> General Types) and has configured colors to Status values.

After opening the project ...
- in EA V15.2, all colors are displayed correctly in the diagrams. (e.g. Requirement Diagram in SysML)

 - in EA V16.0.1603, no colors are displayed on diagrams, but under Settings -> Model Types -> General Types -> Status the values are present and so are the colors. So just the color style on placed elements in the diagrams is ignored.

Is there any workaround for this?

Hello everyone,
the current beta EA V16 Build 1603 throws the following error when debugging of scripts is attempted:

[24297919]      Stack recording threshold set to 3 frames
[24297989]      Default Directory is C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA
[24297989]      Agent dll found: C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA\SScript.dll
[24297989]      Default Directory is C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA
[24297990]      Agent: Started
[24298036]      Microsoft Process Debug Manager creation Failed: 0x80040154
[24298036]      This is included as part of various Microsoft products.
[24298036]      Download the Microsoft Script Debugger to install it.
[24298036]      Failed to initialize VBScript engine
[24298037]      Debug Session Ended

Background might be the same as a couple of years before:,11131.msg149386.html#msg149386

Still, it would be good to provide an official backup resource from where the Microsoft Script Debugger can be installed on the website of Sparx Systems, or in a more optimal way, just include it to the deployed files of the EA installer, if the licensing of the component allows it.

Please note that this is quite an important feature and attempting post-install steps on the side of end-users shall not be seen as mature deployment solution.
Any response with a working official resource would be appreciated. Notes about package references found on the web are not valid anymore for Visual Studio 2019 Professional 16.11.11.

Bugs and Issues / Project transfer crashes EA V16 RC
« on: March 09, 2022, 07:22:01 am »
Hello everyone,
I'm having an issue just after initiating project transfer in the following setup:
Client: EA V16.0.1601
Server: Windows Server 2019 with XAMPP v3.3.0 and MySQL. The latest Pro Cloud Server is already installed but not configured yet. (shall not be an issue in my scenario)
DB Connection between client and server is working correctly. Editing other test repositories created in MySQL works without issues.

The local .EAPX file in question: ca 50 MB, content distributed in 2 root nodes, without active security features.

After start of project transfer (local->DBMS), EA crashes in 2 seconds. The log is empty. I cannot verify from the recorded network traffic the exact background of error.

If you could recommend a hint about the possible reason of such an issue, it would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

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