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Topics - YaronS

Pages: [1]
Please make it possible to do things like zoom to full page or full diagram view from the slider at the bottom right (or near it) - i.e., please make it possible to do that without having to open the "Pan and Zoom" window, which costs extra mouse movements and clicks and takes up screen real estate.


[Accidentally posted in Bugs & Issues, removed from there and posting here]

For a CallBehavior Action: In the Properties portal, a Behavior can be specified for the Action element under the "Element" tab and/or under the "Behavior" tab.
And they are not coordinated with each other - i.e., say, if I enter a behavior in the Element tab, it won't also show up in the Behavior tab, and vice versa.
What is the difference between the two?


Uml Process / Showing sub-components in instantiated component object
« on: March 10, 2022, 10:35:27 am »
I have a component, and in it, I have a sub-component. (The sub-component is below the parent component in the element hierarchy; and in the component type diagram, the sub-component is nested inside the parent component.)
In another diagram, I have an object instantiation of the parent component.
I want the object in the diagram to show the sub-component inside it.
How do I do that?


How does one create a "system actor" element in a Use Case diagram - like the one that appears in the "Basic Use Case Model with System Actor" pattern? (Square element that says <<actor>> at the top)


I've set up a class with three operations and three Activities defined in it, all at the same hierarchical level underneath the class element.

If I try to set one of the Activities as the Behavior for one of the operations:
  • If I do this by right-clicking on the operation, going to Properties, then going to Behavior and clicking the "Element" button, it shows me a selection tree that makes sense (that reflects the actual model tree), and I can choose any of the Activities as the Behavior of the operation.
  • If I do this by just going to the "Properties" pane, to the "Referenced Behavior" property, and clicking on the "..." next to it, it shows me the Activities arranged in a somewhat arbitrary hierarchy relatively to each other (the three of them comprise a 3-level nested tree of "subtypes"). I can still choose any of them as the Behavior for the operation.

Any idea why that happens in the second case?

If I could figure out how to post images here I would.


I'm just getting started trying out Enterprise Architect.
I've used MagicDraw rather extensively in the past.

A couple of features that I liked in MagicDraw, and I'm wondering if they exist in Enterprise Architect:
  • In a call behavior, when you would double-click the "rake" icon, it would open the called behavior.
  • In a class diagram, you can drag a behavior (e.g. an Activity) from the model tree onto the operations box in a class, and it would create an operation linked to that behavior. Or, you can drag it onto an existing operation, and it would link them and update the type and parameters.

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