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Topics - jvdens

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I’m running into trouble in Prolaborate (v3.6.0.0) when creating new elements of a stereotype belonging to a custom made MDG technology:  the newly created  elements are not recognized as being part of the technology that was used.

Some more explanation:  When pressing the “Add Elements” button in prolaborate, and selecting the correct stereotype, the “excel alike” interface seems to behave as expected: the predefined tagged values appear as columns, the tags that are defined as enumerations show the dropdown menu with the correct possible values etc..     After successfully committing, the new elements have been created, they have the correct stereotype, but the tagged values (although they have the correct name) are not seen as part of the technology: Tags that should have been enumerations are now just a “flat” string where you can type any value, the tags are also not recognized by the prolaborate user interface “profile” we configure, etc..
When consulting the newly by-prolaborate-created elements in EA (v15.2.1559), we see the same “wrong” effect: They carry the correct tags… but these appear under the “tagged values” tab instead under the tab belonging to the technology, and none of the built-in restrictions on  the values of these tags  (like enumeration, structured datatypes etc..) are applied.

Anyone else experienced the same behaviour and/or has a solution?  I really hope we can fix this, because at this moment it’s a “show stopper” for embracing Prolaborate as a tool for a business users in our company. 

Hi,  I'm struggling with a SQL query for reporting on a software catalogue based on the following model elements in EA:
- we use components  to represent software tools (stereotype "tool"),
- each tool can have one vendor associated to it (component with stereotype "company"),
- each tool can have many capabilities associated to it (activities with stereotype "capability").

I try to create a SQL query that has this desired result:

name  | notes                     | vendor   | capabilities
tool 1 | description of tool 1 | vendor x | cap1, cap2, cap3
tool 2 | description of tool 2 | vendor y | cap2, cap4

The hard part is: the comma separated list of capabilities.
I'm halfway: I created a query that results in the correct collums, but has too many row (each for one of related capabiliies):

name  | notes                     | vendor    | capabilities
tool 1 | description of tool 1 | vendor x | cap1
tool 1 | description of tool 1 | vendor x | cap2
tool 1 | description of tool 1 | vendor x | cap3
tool 2 | description of tool 2 | vendor y | cap2
tool 2 | description of tool 2 | vendor y | cap4

We use a SQL Server DB, (and EA 15.2).

Here's the "halfway" query - I know the answer probably relies on SQL functions like STRING_AGG, but I can't find how to apply..

SELECT t_object.ea_guid AS CLASSGUID, t_object.Name , t_object.Note , VendorName , Capability
from t_object 
-- look for associated vendor
left join (select vendorconnector.Start_Object_ID, thevendor.Name as VendorName
            from t_connector vendorconnector
            inner join t_object thevendor on (  thevendor.Object_ID = vendorconnector.End_Object_ID )
            where (thevendor.Stereotype = 'company'))
         AS vendorjoin
         ON vendorjoin.Start_Object_ID = t_object.Object_ID -- left join with answer
-- look for associated capabilities
left join (select capabilityconnector.Start_Object_ID, theCapability.Name as Capability
            from t_connector capabilityconnector
            inner join t_object theCapability on (  theCapability.Object_ID = capabilityconnector.End_Object_ID )
            where (theCapability.Stereotype = 'capability'))
         AS capjoin
         ON capjoin.Start_Object_ID = t_object.Object_ID -- left join with answer2         
-- basic conditions for the resulting t_objects
where (  (  t_object.Stereotype = 'tool' ) and  (t_object.Object_type = 'Component')  )         

ORDER BY t_object.Name
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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