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Topics - martinjsharp

Pages: [1]
General Board / EA Repository Structure
« on: August 15, 2024, 01:06:29 am »
I am sure there are as many ways to organise an Enterprise Architecture repository in Sparx as there are Sparx customers, but I would be keen to see some examples that organisations have found helpful and why.

We started with the TOGAF 10 Repository Structure but I am not sure this is really that practical with most elements and drawings end up in sub packages in the Architecture Landscape.

We were thinking of adding a top level Projects package in which all elements, be they proposed changes to current state, or an interim state or a final state would be created. Once deployed, they would be moved into the Architecture Landscape and the earlier states removed.

Just wondering what is considered best practice in Sparx

General Board / How do you remove an Image Asset from an element
« on: August 02, 2023, 10:05:55 pm »
If I take an element (say an Archimate Application Component) and select Appearance > Select an Alternate Image I have a new image for my element. If you want to change the image I can select a different one, if I want to revert to the original I select NONE.  I am happy'ish.

If I take an element and select Appearance > Select an Image Asset I can chose from a library of such elements of Type Artefact Stereotype of Image. Great, so far.  I can change to a different Image Asset, also great, BUT how to I set the image back to the original element such as the Archimate symbol I started with?

I am sure I am missing something obvious.

General Board / Print to pdf with coloured background
« on: July 26, 2023, 02:01:01 am »
I am experimenting with the use of themes, with and without tiles to produce a dark blue background in line with corporate colours.  This is fine and I can produce a jpg or copy to Clipbaord.  But I cannot find the setting to allow me to print to pdf with the colour background. It seems to only print or print to pdf with a white (I assume no colour) background.
Any pointers to the required settings please. 

General Board / Data Lineage Diagramming
« on: July 21, 2023, 01:00:57 am »
I am looking for examples of Data Lineage Diagrams. For example an Application may generate two datasets. These are passed to a second application which combines them and creates a new dataset which is passed to another Application  etc. There are other use cases where an application just passed a Dataset to another unchanged, but it may extract some data.  This would mean I need two duplicate a Dataset to appear more than once on a diagram, which is not permitted. I don't want to virtualise the connector end as this is very difficult to control. I don't want to create a copy, as it is exactly the same dataset.  I want to duplicate the same element on the diagram such that changing one changes the other.
Any ideas on either or both.

The selecting in Preferences > Diagram > Standard Colors > Use Dark Theme Style changes the colours of our user defined elements quite dramatically.  I am trying to understand what the default mapping is. What is done to the colours to darken them?

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