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Topics - qwerty

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General Board / V17 Beta
« on: June 06, 2024, 12:07:59 am »
Let's start with the first bug:

The Message properties window (SD) lacks a vertical scroll bar.


Bugs and Issues / Toolbox hiding
« on: March 27, 2024, 10:30:59 pm »
Every once in a while I use code engineering. Rather seldom... So I was looking for the appropriate toolbox. Somehow I found a menu (via the start search) and it appeared to be checked. I unchecked and re-checked it looking for the toolbox, but there was none. Then after some reboot I happened to find it. It was sitting snug with just a little of its border looking out from the bottom right of the window. WTF?? Can't the toolbox pop up somewhere obvious? What is the reason for hiding it so well?


General Board / Slow response
« on: March 20, 2024, 09:10:17 am »
since  a couple of days the response of this site is rather slow - for me. Anyone else?


Bugs and Issues / Packaging component
« on: March 08, 2024, 04:44:33 am »
For some reason I started playing with EA again (poor me). I remember having looked at Packaging components and thought "how weird". Now, for my Python it seemed that putting classes into it of a file forming a Python package would be a good use - I thought. Now, these partially behave and look like a package. And I noticed that some of them appar as normal package icon in the browser while others look like a component. It's also not possible to alter a package into a package comonent (via the Type ellipsis). This concept has been around for some time but still the banana did not get ripe.

I will just foget about that scrap and use normal component elements. Just little work now...


Bugs and Issues / Import Python fail
« on: March 08, 2024, 04:05:29 am »
I tried RE some Python source and EA croaked
There was an error parsing Z:\Documents\Geo\  on line 21.  Unexpected symbol: :
where that line (and all the rest) run perfectly. Looks like this
Code: [Select]
with open(fn) as f:

On another file I got
There was an error parsing Z:\Documents\Geo\  on line 47.  Unexpected symbol: <<DEDENT>>
which in source is also perfectly (and running) code.

The mentioned files were only partially imported and I can do the rest manually. However: why??

I'm on 1558


General Board / Quality of service
« on: March 22, 2022, 10:11:47 am »
A short time ago I sent an unregistered bug report. Soon after I got a reply and after a short chit-chat my issue could be resolved. Great!

Now (since I pay license fee for almost 20 years) I sent a registered bug report (on behalf of a customer's issue). This one (judging from the replier's name) went directly to India. No issue with that. But the supporter's first question was about the EA version I was using. So, what kind of support is that? Can't they read? The version is obviously one of the first questions you have to answer when sending a bug report. And it's also in the reply message. I would not guess that I'm the first to send a registerd bug report.

Anyone else with similar experience?


General Board / Sequence diagrams
« on: March 22, 2022, 04:51:21 am »
Just a question to the users: is anyone using SDs (above V13.5) for real? Does nobody feel the pain when trying to create a sequence of messages?


Bugs and Issues / Profile in resources bugging (me)
« on: March 16, 2022, 12:48:12 am »
I'm after some awkward EA behavior as usual. This time I have some stereotype which does not export its stereotyped relationships. So I created a cut down profile and tried to test that via the Resources pane. The first that made me "uaaa - EA again" is that after the import all stereotypes appeared as folder icons. Once I closed/opened EA the icons appeared (happens always and consistency check tells nothing unusual). Next I noticed that some stereotypes did not appear at all in the Resources. They were shown in the properties though. However, when setting the tick it was simply ignored and no stereotype was changed/set. Now, while writing this, I have the effect that some stereotypes are shown as icon but they do not appear in the drop down.

I'm using the latest V15. Please can anyone tell me it's just a nightmare and I'm about to awake to a bright day???

While still being in the nightmare I will instead create a dummy MDG and see how that will behave :-/


P.S. Importing the profiles via a MDG looked much more promising. Well, those Profiles in the Resources just look like another bag of bugs. Somehow I seem to remember that it was not recommended to use it. But of course they left it still to bugger silly users >:-(

Uml Process / Meta rel. for multiply extending stereotypes
« on: March 08, 2022, 09:56:51 pm »
If you have a stereotype that extends two different meta types (say Class and Object), is there a way to define meta relationships depending on the meta type? Let's say <<user>>-Class could only have Associations between each other and <<user>>-Object would be allowed only to have Connectors. (I would guess that meta-constraints arer the key here but I haven't dug there yet and thought that asking would be the faster way to find it out.)


Bugs and Issues / Invalid combination....
« on: March 05, 2022, 02:54:41 am »
Well, it's Friday and the frustration level high. Now I defined tons of meta-relationships and somehow I get the hang of it. Definition itself is a PITA. You need to draw lots of connectors in separate diagrams (else you could not possibly read anything in the normal metaclass definition diagrams). Setting the diagram to matrix is pointless since a) you can't read anything since all needed info is abbreviated or not shown and quite some connectors are not shown at all (another half baked thing Sparx got up with, yeah...). Now, the QL seems to show the relations I wanted it to show (at least after some short look). But when I select one of them EA croaks with that dreaded message (see title). What? It offers to create something and when it's going to work it tells me NO? What is that? Something to spoil my day? Well done then :-( Don't tell me I have to disable the Strict Connector option. Would you please fix that? Onve a year I wonder why I pay license fee.

I don't expect any nice answer. Weekend calls.


General Board / Is there an <any> meta class
« on: March 05, 2022, 02:00:11 am »
In order to allow some connectors to be drawn towards any element I'm looking for a metaclass which prepresents any element. In the Config/Stereotypes there is the <any> drop down element for that purpose. But what about a profile definition so I can point a meta-relationship towards it?


General Board / Create meta-relationship for <<stereotype>>
« on: March 04, 2022, 02:44:47 am »
I'm still digging in the mud and now I'm dirty enough to ask: how can I add a meta-relationship for <<stereotype>> towards my profile elements?


P.S. There stereotype <<stereotype>> is a wild one with no profile behind it. t_xref list it as  @STEREO;Name=stereotype;GUID={55E85EB6-59EB-46fc-B20D-AF7C19002694};@ENDSTEREO

General Board / Maintenance greyed out
« on: March 03, 2022, 05:12:22 am »
I just remembered that there was some EA-internal stuff to create tasks. I thought it would perhaps be a good idea to keep track of to-dos. After some ribbon-search (I love that) I found the Maintenance window. But none of the tabs will let me create anything. It's all grey except for the help - which tells me to use Add new. Haha. So what is this? Is my Corporate licence now no longer legit to use that stuff?


General Board / When does the QL offer the "reversed" connector
« on: March 03, 2022, 02:18:58 am »
I have defined a two constraints from a (stereotyped) actor to a (stereotyped) use case. From the use case towards the actor I defined a <<metarelationship>> UseCaseLink and a <<stereotyped relationship>> primary (extending UseCaseLink). Now when I drag the QL from UC onto actor EA shows both connectors in the dropdown. But the other way around it only shows the <<primary>> and not the plain UseCaseLink. Why is that so?


P.S. Also dragging onto blank space from the actor only shows the stereotyped connector with the use case, not the UseCaseLink.

Bugs and Issues / Turning off MDG does not turn it off
« on: March 03, 2022, 02:02:51 am »
Another strangeness happens when I turn off MDGs. I have a few located in a directory which I announced EA via the Advanced button in the MDG settings. EA finds these MDGs and usually I select them in the enabled MDGs list. But now I turned them off completely. But EA did not seem to care. It still offers me everything from the MDGs. All elements have their stereotyped behavior. All diagram types show the toolbox. Though new diagrams can no longer be created from the disabled MDGs (at least that). Anyone with a good explanation except for "another EA weirdness"?


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