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Topics - topcatarg

Pages: [1]
General Board / History of diagram
« on: September 15, 2009, 12:23:48 pm »
Hi all. I was searching the document and others related info, but I couldn't find a place to add history to diagrams. Is there a way to add it to every diagram or package??



We seen to have a little problem over here, we want to report some objects that are present on our diagrams, but are physicaly on other packages. We don't want to fully include that packages, just the objects there, how can we do that???


I'm trying the standard template for printing out data tables. But I can't understand why those two fields are not showing up in the report. I check the report (View only) and the fields are there. I even try a copy of the report, but still the fields are not appearing.

Any know problem around here or any thoughs???



We are trying to show some tables in our reports only if the section exists. Something like add an attributes tables only if the object has attributes. When we put the attributes inside a table it only takes the first row, so headers can't be inside that tag. If we put the headers outside, then it show always the headers, even if no attributes are defined. If there a way to solve it??


we are customizing some reports to display it like we use to do in our organization. For that case, we almost have it ready, but we saw a little problems that doesn't seems very complicated but we can't solved them.

1. We want to put a name for the report on the front page. How we can customized it so it can be taken for a property on the package?
2. Is there a way to add a revision history to packages or elements so we can print that out.
3. Every time we add a TOC to the master document, our header/footer messed up. And when we correct that, our TOC dissapear. Also is there a way to build a TOC without adding titles to the pages (once we removed the titles, the TOC dissapear).
4. Is there a way to add more info to the reports besides adding a doc artifact and writting on it (about info not presents on diagrams or artifacts).

Thanks for reading.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / New tables into ea database
« on: September 15, 2009, 12:57:58 pm »
Hello. Is there a way to use the ea objects to get into new tables added to the ea database?? We are using it to store info about deploying documents artifacts (we don't share the database with develop).
So, do I have to manually connect to the database on my own or I can access it from the objects??
( I already found sqlquery, but we are looking for ways to store data into the tables).


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