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Topics - Geert Bellekens

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 24
Bugs and Issues / XSD generation inconsistent with quotes
« on: December 11, 2024, 06:38:05 pm »
When generating an XML schema, the xml header uses single quotes, whereas the rest of the schema uses double quotes.
This was not the case in version 15.2
In v17 this is

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>

in v 15.2 this was

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Reported. I already got a response that this is a known bug and logged to be fixed.


Bugs and Issues / Error when copying package
« on: August 02, 2024, 06:41:53 pm »
I recieved the following error after copy/pasting a package
Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Architect (Build: 1701 - 64 bit)

ADODB.Field [0x800a0bcd]

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
[ OK ]

Steps to Reproduce:
- copy package (full structure for duplication)
- paste package
- notice error

Had the same error on v16 as well.


In the API there are methods to set the translations for EA.Method, but they simply don't work.
The translation is not added (that, or the GetTX... methods don't work, that is possible as well)

There is unfortunately no way to view or update translations for operations using the GUI

Seriously, who tested this feature? Was this tested at all?

Steps to Reproduce:
Code: [Select]
function main
    dim language
    language = "nl"
    dim operation
    set operation = Repository.GetMethodByGuid("{1880D1F3-8CC0-4291-AC6F-2432AB636921}")
    Session.Output "Start: " & operation.GetTXName(language,0)
    operation.SetTXName lcase(language), UCase(language) & " TXName"
    Session.Output "txName: " & operation.GetTXName(language,0)
end function



When I copy a package and paste it again, then the translations for attributes and connectors are not copied.
Only the translations for elements are copied.



Translations for attributes and operations name and alias cannot be entered in the GUI

I've setup the translations module, and added a number of languages.
I can now add translations for the name and alias of elements, but not for the name and alias of attributes and operations.

For attributes the translations tab is not visible, and for operations the translation tab shows the translations for an element.

Steps to Reproduce:
- setup translation and add a few languages
- select an attribute/operation in the project browser
- note that you can't edit the name and alias translation for the attribute/operation



The user interfaces doesn't offer a possibliity to enter translation for connectors name and alias. Only the notes can be translated.



Bugs and Issues / Connector.SetTXAlias sets TXName instead
« on: May 20, 2024, 06:52:44 pm »
The method connector.SetTXAlias sets the translated name, and not the alias

Steps to Reproduce:
Execute this script, and notice that the translated name contains "NL TXAlias" and the translated alias is empty
Code: [Select]
function main
    dim language
    language = "nl"
    dim connector
    set connector = Repository.GetConnectorByGuid("{908CBA1C-F31B-42a3-99B6-CC42040426BC}")

    connector.SetTXName lcase(language), UCase(language) & " TXName"
    connector.SetTXAlias lcase(language), UCase(language) & " TXAlias"
    Session.Output "txName: " & connector.GetTXName(language,0) & " txAlias: " & connector.GetTXAlias(language,0)
end function



General Board / Translation facilities in EA: is it usable?
« on: April 26, 2024, 10:02:58 pm »
I just had a new request from a user that needed process documentation in three languages. (Compliance requirement)

From what I figured out:

- Translations can be added to names, alias and notes
- Diagrams are not translatable
- Translations are not found in the HTML export
- Translations are not found in WebEA
- Translations are not found in Prolaborate?

So how useful is this translation feature anyway? Did I miss something? This doesn't look like a finished feature at all.

Was anyone successful in using translations in EA?

I'm currently thinking for our use case to create multiple duplicates of our model, and then with a script copy the translated names and descriptions for a specific language to the main name/description
This way we can publish our models in different languages in Prolaborate.

It feels this should standard behavior, and not something I should be scripting at all.


I've redefined ArchiMate_Capability with my own stereotype, using _HideUMLLinks. Then I added a stereotyped relation with stereotype ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_Composition.
This works just fine when linking two existing ArchiMate_Capability elements using either the quicklinker or the toolbox.
When using the quicklinker to create a new ArchiMate_Capability however I'm getting a ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_Capability, and not a MyProfile::ArchiMate_Capability.
If I have redefined the stereotype ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_Capability, and my MDG is the active one, I expect every new ArchiMate Capability to be a MyProfile::ArchiMate_Capability, not only the ones I create using the toolbox.

Steps to Reproduce:
- Redefine ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_Capability with MyProfile::ArchiMate_Capability
- Add stereotyped relation to self with stereotype ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_Composition
- set the MDG with MyProfile as active technology
- Create a ArchiMate_Capability (resulting in MyProfile::ArchiMate_Capability)
- Use the quicklink to create a new ArchiMate_Capability via the Composes relation
- Notice that EA creates a standard ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_Capability, and complains about the relation to be invalid



Bugs and Issues / Schema composer doesn't work with UPCC3 models
« on: October 17, 2023, 06:29:44 pm »
There are several issues when trying to use the Schema Composer on a UPCC3 model

- An «MA» element doesn't show up in the left when when dragged into the schema composer. This appears to be something specific about the stereotype, because adding a second stereotype somehow overcomes this problem.
- «ASMA» and «ASBIE» relations don't show up on the «MA» and «ABIE» elements. The associations part remains empty.



General Board / Relationship matrix with multiple types
« on: October 11, 2023, 12:00:36 am »
I'm doing an excercise where we want to map all activities in a BPMN process to an application component.
To facility this I wrote a script that creates a Matrix Specification artifact containing the
- source package: the package containing my process
- source type: "Activity"
- target pacakge: the package containing all application components
- target type: "ApplicationComponent"

If now a user doubleclicks this artifact, they get the matrix with the correct selections.

So far so good; But we have a requirement to also trace all sending and receiving events to an application component. (a message could be sent or received by a different component than the activities in this process)

So now I need both "IntermediateEvent" as "Activity" as source types.
I tried setting source type to "Activity,IntermediateEvent", but that didn't work.

When the matrix is opened, I can select a model search to be the source. I can write a model search that return the Activities and Intermediat Events I need, but unfortunately I don't seem to be able to store this selection in a matrix specification. These only allow source/target Packages, not searches. :(

I also haven't found any way to open and manipulate the relationship matrix view.

So now the only option I see is to create two matrix specifications; one for the Activities, and one for the Intermediate Events.

Anyone know of a more elegant solution?


Bugs and Issues / Stereotype redefines does not work on connectors
« on: March 01, 2023, 02:01:04 am »
When I redefine an existing stereotype, my stereotype will automatically be used instead of the standard stereotype, if I set my MDG technology as the "active" one.
This same mechanism fails for connectors.

Steps to Reproduce:
- create a stereotype that redefines ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_Realization
- create a stereotype that redefines ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent
- Export both stereotypes to a UML profile
- Add this profile to an MDG file
- Import the MDG file into your model
- Set this MDG technology to be the Active one
- Create a ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent element. Notice that this is now correctly the redefined stereotype
- Create a ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_Realization relation. Notice that this is still a standard Archimate Realization, so the redefine did not work.



Bugs and Issues / Error when generating document from model document
« on: February 07, 2023, 08:28:47 pm »
When generating a document from a virtual document on which I dragged a package, results in numerous error messages popping up, saying:
ADODB.Fields [0x800a0cc1]

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

DBerror contains:

07/02/2023 10:20:53
ADODB.Fields [0x800a0cc1]

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

select t_object.* FROM ((t_object LEFT JOIN t_diagramobjects ON t_object.Object_ID = t_diagramobjects.Object_ID) LEFT JOIN t_object t_object_1 ON t_object.Classifier = t_object_1.Object_ID) INNER JOIN t_package ON t_package.Package_ID = t_object.Package_ID where t_object.Object_Type='Package' and ( ( t_object.PDATA1 IN ('35019') ) )
GetLongVal( "Instance_ID" )

The same thing goes perfectly fine on a .qea file, but not on an SQL Server model

Steps to Reproduce:
- Create a package, with a diagram
- Add two classes, and association and a few attributes to those classes
- Create a new package, with a diagram, and a «model document» element
- drag the first package onto the model document
- select the default model report as template
- Press F8 and generate the model

Tested in version 16.1.1624



Bugs and Issues / Error when importing .XEA file
« on: February 07, 2023, 08:28:01 pm »
Trying to import a native file export and I'm getting the error:
ADODB.Field [0x800a0bcd]

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

The DBerror.txt contains the following:
07/02/2023 10:12:00
ADODB.Field [0x800a0bcd]

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

select * from t_object where 1 = 0
GetLongVal( "Object_ID" )

Steps to Reproduce:
- Export .xea file from new .qea file
- try importing this file into an SQL Server model.

Error in version 16.1.1624



General Board / What happened to announcing releases?
« on: January 19, 2023, 02:01:15 am »
The last two releases (16.1.1622 and 16.1.1623) have not been announced on the Latest News board:,22.0.html

@Sparks, did you forget, or is there a new communication strategy for releases?


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