Suggestions and Requests / <<facade>> Package
« on: August 20, 2007, 12:29:17 am »
Hello @all,
I miss a support for the UML 2.0 stereotype <<facade>> on a package. A facade package should only contain references on elements of other packages and is used to furthermore structure the model.
I can apply the stereotype to the package but without effect. If I try to add reference elements from other packages I will fail as they are always removed from that package.
Example: If you model an iterative process from your use cases of the business model packages in UML the iterative packages can be <<facade>> packages including the use cases which should be implemented.
Thanks for replies on that topic,
I miss a support for the UML 2.0 stereotype <<facade>> on a package. A facade package should only contain references on elements of other packages and is used to furthermore structure the model.
I can apply the stereotype to the package but without effect. If I try to add reference elements from other packages I will fail as they are always removed from that package.
Example: If you model an iterative process from your use cases of the business model packages in UML the iterative packages can be <<facade>> packages including the use cases which should be implemented.
Thanks for replies on that topic,