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Topics - Paulus

Pages: [1]
General Board / RTF document template with callbehavior actions
« on: March 30, 2022, 06:39:37 am »
Hi All,

I wonder if/how it is possible to create a document template that can handle the following:

I have a number of activities defined, lets call them activity1, activity2, etc.
In a diagram describing a certain scenario i include actions that are callbehaviors of for those activities. So for instance actionA and actionB are callbehaviors of activity1, actionC is callbehavior of activity2

I can create in a document a table that for each step displays name and notes, but what i would like to do is include information on the activity that is refrenced as well. So for each step:
  • the name of the step
  • notes of the step
  • the name of the referenced activity
  • some notes for that activity

So in the example what i would like is a table with content:

actionA     notes for actionA    activity1    notes on activity1
actionB     notes for actionB    activity1    notes on activity1
actionC     notes for actionC    activity2    notes on activity2

The 1st two columns is easy but what about the last tow? Is this even possible in EA?

best regards,



Creation of an MDG -profile- that enforces strict adherance to the specific technology standard is somewhat undermined by the following:

1) it is not possible to remove the Common toolbox or replace it by a custom one
2) the quicklinker also displays a 'common' submenu that can't be removed/customized
3) in some cases like e.g. Object-Action links, additional Dependency, Trace and Information Flow items appear in the QL menu that cannot be removed

Due to the above users can still create models that are not according to the technology standard that the MDG profile provides.

Request: make it possible to disable/replace the Common toolbox and QL menu's using an MDG -profiles-.

Benefit: being able to create a MDG profile that can enforce strict adherance using 'simple' XML configuration lowers the acceptance-threshold for an organisation as it is not required to invest in knowledge of an additional IDE and expertise to create and maintain add-ins.



Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Unable to debug VBSript?
« on: February 22, 2013, 09:12:33 am »
Hi All,

I tried using the new debugging feature in EA 10 on a plain vbscript (just system.output ¨xxx¨ in main) but the debugger won´t run.

The debug view displays the following trace:

[00036158]      Stack recording threshold set to 3 frames
[00036219]      Default Directory is C:\Documents and Settings\paulus\Bureaublad
[00036220]      Agent dll found: C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA\VEA\SSScriptAgent.dll
[00036220]      Default Directory is C:\Documents and Settings\paulus\Bureaublad
[00036221]      Agent: Started
[00036248]      Failed to initialize Javascript engine

Anybody come across this?

I should note that -running- the vbscript works just fine and also debugging in -Javascript- works fine. It´s just debugging vbscript (and Jsript btw) that don´t seem to work.



I thought this would be as simple as replacing HKCU with HKCR in the Wix snippet below but that didn't work.

Is it possible to install an add-in on a computer making it available to anyone who uses EA on that computer?

Code: [Select]
<Component Id="EAScriptingToolsRegEntries" Guid="8E98D5E2-5DC9-4A53-ADC0-021CA6D8E273">
      <RegistryKey Root="[highlight]HKCU[/highlight]" Key="Software\Sparx Systems\EAAddins\EAScriptingTools" Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall">
            <RegistryValue Type="string" Value="EAScriptingTools.EventDelegator" />

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Quicklinker not working?!
« on: December 13, 2012, 05:21:22 am »
Hi all,

Some time ago the quicklinker definition in my MDG technology stopped working, but -only on my development & test configurations-. On other machines the QL works.

I am at a loss what could be the cause. I went as far as completely uninstalling EA and re-installing but without effect. Creating the MDG technology on another machine produced a working QL but again, not on -dev/test-.

Obviously i must have changed something on my dev/test machines but i can't figure outy what... has anybody come across similar problems before? I noticed that uninstalling EA does not seem to remove a number of registry settings. Could this be the cause of the problem?



I'm trying to add a startingpoint to a diagram using the VB script below, but for some reason it doesn't work the way i would expect it.

Note: the snippet works OK when adding an Action (commented line).

Is there something missing in EA or am i doing something wrong?


Code: [Select]
' ID 1117 below belongs to an activitydiagram
sub main
      dim dgm as EA.Diagram
      set dgm = Repository.GetDiagramByID(1117)
      dim pck as EA.Package
      set pck = Repository.GetPackageByID(dgm.PackageID)
      dim elt as EA.Element
'      set elt = pck.Elements.AddNew("MyAction","Action")
      set elt = pck.Elements.AddNew("Start","ActivityInitial")
      dim dgmObject as EA.DiagramObject
      set dgmObject = dgm.diagramObjects.AddNew( "", "" )
      dgmObject.ElementID( elt.ElementID )

end sub

According to the documentation this is possible (at least 9.3) but somehow i can't get this to work. I'm following the EA help doc EA.chm::/run_add_in_functions_from_task.htm

I have no trouble with the other types like opening views or a help file. Also no trouble defining and using add-in event handlers...  So i wonder if i am missing something. Has anybody been able to get this working?

Just in case this comes up: i -have- removed trailing spaces  ;)

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Running scripts from add-in?
« on: September 06, 2012, 08:34:47 am »
I would like to execute a script when certain events occur, like e.g. the EA_OnPreNewElement.

I know that the usual way to do this would be to create an add-in but i'm not that familiar with MS tooling like VS C#, or the C# language & libraries for that matter. I could make the effort to master this but i prefer not to and stick to writing VB/Javascript.

Has anyone tried something like this before, is there a way around MS VS/C#?


I'm trying to add a diagram note to a diagram using vbscript, but i  can't get it tow work.

I tried doing this as follows:

dim dgmObject as EA.DiagramObject
dim dgmElement as EA.Element

' Create element on the diagram parent
set dgmElement = ucActivity.Elements.AddNew("","DiagramNotes ")

' Add the element to the diagram
set dgmObject = ucDgm.diagramObjects.AddNew( "l=4;t=8;r=100;b=100;", "" )
dgmObject.ElementID( dgmElement.ElementID )

But i get an error 'invalid type'. Replacing 'DiagramNotes ' with 'Notes' removes the error and adds a (empty) note to the diagram as expected.

What am i doing wrong, is 'DiagramNotes' not the correct type? Or should diagramnotes be added in another way?




I'm building a profile containing a learningcenter toolbox. The options ShowURL and ShowHelp work as expected but for some reason other options like EASystem::MenuCmd(AddDiagram) don't seem to work.

But I'm following the example in the online help ...:-?... has anyone been able to get the options EASystem::MenuCmd, EASystem::ShowView and EASystem::ShowDoc working?




I'm want to create a very strict MDG that allows users to create only those elements & relations that are valid in my technology (it's meant for users that currently use visio, i want them to feel as comfortable as possible using this new tool so as to not scare them away ;)).

So far i've been able to create a MDG profile with custom stereotypes, diagrams, toolboxes and quicklinker configuration and that's working as expected, but there doesn't seem to be a way to suppress:

1) the 'Common' toolbox (i can define a toolbox that's used for all diagrams but it doesn't replace 'common'...)

2) the quicklinker also displays a 'common' submenu I can't get rid of, and even (for Object-Action links) additional Dependency, Trace and Information Flow items

Am i missing something or is there really no way to do this in EA?

Also, does anybody know of a way (short of perhaps writing an addin) to suppress creation of an element on a diagram? I thought of achieving this using the workflow script OnPreNewElement and OnPreNewConnector but it does not seem to be working.


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