Uml Process / Aaargh! You leave town for 8 years and they change everything!
« on: July 05, 2017, 08:15:42 pm »
Greetings Sparxbeings!,
Just tried EA13 today and by-crikey things certainly have changed around here while I was away. (But judging by a bit of a browse through recent postings there are still some more-experienced (read "old") faces around and there are still some of those wonderful "consistent inconsistencies" abounding.)
Anyway, serious question on theory:
Is there such a thing as a "constrained, enumerated multiplicity"? By that I mean a multiplicity on an association that can only be one of a set of enumerated multiplicities and that choice is dependent on a value in the owning class. In other words, for a given instance of the subject class where the value of a specific attribute is "x" then the multiplicity of objects related to that instance via that association is exactly "y", where "y" may be a single value or a range.
Consider this example:
class:Religion has attributes Deities and Theism_Type.
class:Deity is associated to Religion through the Deities set.
So, an instance of Religion where Theism_Type = "mono" can/should have 1 and only one Deity instance. Another instance, with Theism_Type = "duo" can/should have exactly 2 Deities instances and so on until the instance with Theism_Type = "multi" can have 1:* Deity instances associated.
My problem is figuring out how to show this type of multiplicity concisely and simply and is not specifically a how to do it EA question.
Any input?
p.s. Yes, you may well be thinking "OMG! Someone's left the back gate unlocked and that nutcase has crawled back in again!"
Just tried EA13 today and by-crikey things certainly have changed around here while I was away. (But judging by a bit of a browse through recent postings there are still some more-experienced (read "old") faces around and there are still some of those wonderful "consistent inconsistencies" abounding.)
Anyway, serious question on theory:
Is there such a thing as a "constrained, enumerated multiplicity"? By that I mean a multiplicity on an association that can only be one of a set of enumerated multiplicities and that choice is dependent on a value in the owning class. In other words, for a given instance of the subject class where the value of a specific attribute is "x" then the multiplicity of objects related to that instance via that association is exactly "y", where "y" may be a single value or a range.
Consider this example:
class:Religion has attributes Deities and Theism_Type.
class:Deity is associated to Religion through the Deities set.
So, an instance of Religion where Theism_Type = "mono" can/should have 1 and only one Deity instance. Another instance, with Theism_Type = "duo" can/should have exactly 2 Deities instances and so on until the instance with Theism_Type = "multi" can have 1:* Deity instances associated.
My problem is figuring out how to show this type of multiplicity concisely and simply and is not specifically a how to do it EA question.
Any input?
p.s. Yes, you may well be thinking "OMG! Someone's left the back gate unlocked and that nutcase has crawled back in again!"