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Topics - utkarsh

Pages: [1]

I want to execute a sql inline query from the script(preferbly javascript) provided by EA. I tried connecting to DB from javascript in a webpage(using and it works fine.

However, if i try to run the same script under scripter it is not working.
It says ActiveXObject is not defined.
Can't I create a ActiveXObject in script (in EA) ?

Please guide.


I am developing a addin and the requirement is to Invoke addin from the properties which appears inside the context menu. What I mean is:

1. Right Click on an element(for e.g. a screen) in a diagram.
2. A popup opens up.
3. On click of properties, properties of the element opens up and user can see the properties of the element.
4. My requirement is: Open  addin when user clicks on properties instead of native properties dialog which is opened by EA. In the addin I will add a button(along with other funcitonality) something like "Open EA properties/UML".

Is this possible by addins?

Please guide.
Thanking you in anticipation.


I am facing a unusal problem. I have developed an addin which is invoked when user drags and drops an element on the diagram.

If the diagram has some unsaved changes and I drop for e.g. a screen on the diagram, add some UI elements in the screen using addin and save the changes. On close of the addin the EA prompt a message something like "An error log has been generated. EA needs to close now".

Any idea why this occurs??
Please help. Its urgent.


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / EA error log file
« on: February 17, 2010, 12:31:02 am »

Can any one please tell where is error log generated is kept on the system?

Thanks in advance.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / ApplyUserLock() not working
« on: June 05, 2009, 06:20:46 am »

ApplyUserlock() on a package/element works sometimes fine but at some other times it throws SEHexception.

No idea how to solve it.

Please guide.


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Connectionstring
« on: September 08, 2008, 09:06:42 pm »

How can I retreive connectionstring of the repository? I am using repository.Connectionstring but if we open it through file we get the file name. I want to retrieve the connection string which is used to connect to the DB. I need it to open a connection to DB through my addin.
Please help.


I am adding a tab to EA repository and all works fine. However i want to capture event when the tab will be closed. I want to release resources on the closing of my tab. I looked at the user guide and found EA_OnOutputItemClicked event, but it do not gets fired.
Any idea?


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Package and element
« on: August 24, 2008, 09:25:52 am »

I am realatively new to EA. I want to update lets say a diagram in EA through c#. At the time of updating i do not know that the source elment(which contains the diagram) will be a package or a elment. Do i need to handle these cases differently. What if i access element by id and just update the diagram. What is the difference beween package.Diagram and package.Element.Diagram ?

Please guide.

I have added a tagged value of type enumeration having values("New","Changed","None") and default value = "New". When I add a new element in EA; default value ("New") of the tagged value is correctly displayed in the textbox. But when I try to retrieve this value in my addin using c# the default value is not getting retrieved.
However if the user changes the default value in EA it is correctly retrieved in the code.
The code I am using for retrieving the tagged value of an element is:

(element.TaggedValues.GetByName("Change in Release") as TaggedValue).Value.

Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug in EA?
Please guide.


When I add a new design Item(package) in the repository, I cannot retrieve the default tagged value in c# code. The tagged value is of type enumeration having values (New,Changed,None) with default value(Changed). However, if the user changes the default value it is retrieved in the code.
Please help.


I am developing a addin in which i need to select an element in the grid; on the selection of which the element should be located in the tree in the project browser. How can I do this?

Thanks for help in advance.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Search DI from repository
« on: May 06, 2008, 09:34:47 pm »

Is searching Design Item in a repositiry is possible through EA API in code?
I do not want to search it manually by iterating over each element of the package.

Thanks in advance.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Create a RTF from API
« on: April 29, 2008, 05:11:42 pm »

Is it possible to create a RTF file using API exposed by EA through code?
I will be thankful for any help for suggesting alternative ways to create a RTF file. I need to generate a rtf for a addin I am writing.


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