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Topics - Takeshi K

Pages: [1] 2
General Board / BPMN Smart Layout Add-in
« on: September 17, 2020, 10:26:57 am »
I have posted the following topic to the Community site, but not published yet.

I created a new free Add-in 'BPMN Smart Layout Add-in'. If you are annoying layout of flows (connectors) in BPMN diagram, try this Add-in.

This Add-in adjusts following points at one step:

- Align centers of 'near' objects (both vertically and horizontally)
- Adjust start and end points of flows to the center of object edge if related objects are aligned
- Adjust start or end points of flows to 'near' center of object edge
- Delete unnecessary bended points

How to use

1.Download the zip from the following website

2.Install the add-in by running EAAddinSetupEn.bat with administrative rights
(for detail, see:

3.Run EA, open a BPMN 2.0 diagram, then right-click and select 'Specialize' | 'BPMN Smart Layout'

You can watch the basic usage and behaviour of this Add-in with the following Youtube video: (2m18s, no voice)


- You cannot undo the layout, so please back-up your project before using this Add-in.
- If you find a model which cannot be layouted correctly, please send PM to me.

General Board / Database Modeling Add-in DBMode 3.2 released
« on: May 09, 2014, 08:52:41 am »
Sparx Systems Japan has been released DBMode version 3.2, which enhances Enterprise Architect's Database modeling.

This version's main enhancement is supporting Enterprise Architect's Floating License (Shared key).[ch12288]Enterprise Architect version 11.0 offers new event EA_GetSharedAddinName to be able to use its floating license system. Maybe this DBMode is the first add-in product to support EA's floating license system by using this event.

General Board / new ARCSeeker released
« on: October 01, 2009, 10:40:53 pm »
Today we released the new build of ARCSeeker - Add-in for Enterprise Architect for reuse UML models.
The features to import/export UML models have been enhanced.

You can download the trial edition and the PDF document about ARCSeeker features for EA users from:

General Board / ARCSeeker beta released - Manage Reusable Assets
« on: December 25, 2007, 12:57:07 am »
SparxSystems Japan is pleased to announce the beta release of new product 'ARCSeeker' - to manage reusable Assets made by Enterprise Architect.

ARCSeeker is management tool of 'Reusable Assets'. You can
store UML models to ARCSeeker as 'Component', and find and reuse your Components effectively and efficiently.

By managing UML model and various related information, you can easily manage and reuse your software assets.

For further information and download free trial (beta), please visit our website:

Takeshi Kouno

General Board / RaQuest V2.3 release announce
« on: April 03, 2006, 07:36:34 pm »
RaQuest version 2.3 was already released, but I forgot
to announce here and received inquiries from users...

RaQuest is Requirements Management tool which integrates
highly with EA.

For example, if you make a relation between Requirements
and EA UML elements, you can see the relation
in both EA and RaQuest. You can check requirements
from 'Requirements' tab in EA element property dialog.

And you can trace from Requirement to UML elements to
check which elements are affected if you change the

Version 2.3 allows to use floating licenses of RaQuest, like
MDGLink or MDGIntegration.


General Board / Mind-map conversion Addin - beta
« on: August 15, 2005, 07:45:52 pm »

I made and uploaded 'Mind-map conversion Addin', beta release.

(Updated on 23/08/2018: The Add-in is no longer available so I deleted the URL to download.)

You can import mind-map information which made by 'FreeMind' -
opensource tool for mind-map.
With this addin, you can convert each node(item)
 in mindmap to EA UML elements.

About FreeMind and mind-mapping, please check following page:

*How to use
1. download zip file
2. copy all files to EA install directory
3. run regsvr32 MindMapFMAddin.dll
4. register this addin to registry (double-click the .reg file)

5. run EA
6. select diagram to import in ProjectTree
7. call Addin

8. select FreeMind .mm file
9. select options if you want
10. execute

*basic flow to use MindMap efficiently

1. run FreeMind and think system requirements on mind-map
2. add icons to each node

iconA: functional requirements (to be UseCase element)
iconB: non-functional requirements (to be Requirement element)
iconC: objects (to be Class or Object element)

3. run the add-in
4. convert nodes
5. you can use each item in various UML diagrams!


General Board / RaQuest 2.1 has been released
« on: August 04, 2005, 10:27:39 pm »
Today we have released new version of RaQuest,  version 2.1.

With this new version, you can always see properties
of each Requirement by using 3-pane mode.

About the details, please check following webpage.


General Board / Sales currency of RaQuest has been changed
« on: June 08, 2005, 08:41:55 pm »
As you know, our (SparxSystems Japan) currency of selling RaQuest was Japanese yen.

But there are lots of requests to want to buy in US dollar,
so we have changed to US dollar by using Share*It! service.

Now you can buy RaQuest though Share*It! website.

About details, please check following webpage:


General Board / EA5.0 and RaQuest  (announcement of new build
« on: May 17, 2005, 09:29:51 pm »
Today RaQuest build 017 has been released.

We found there is a problem while using with EA 5.0.
Please update if you use older RaQuest (including evaluation build) and EA 5.0.


General Board / RaQuest 2.0 is now released
« on: March 28, 2005, 09:30:31 pm »
Today we, SparxSystems Japan released new RaQuest, version 2.0.

Version 2.0 has many new features, especially user-defined properties
and customizing view of requirements tree.

I think this version 2.0 will satisfy many EA users who want
to manage requirements more efficiently.

Please download and try from:

All registered users of RaQuest can download from:


General Board / Generate HTML Help file (chm) tool (beta)
« on: February 13, 2005, 03:44:55 am »
Hi all,

I make HTML Help maker, which generate .chm file from
EA HTML report.

After generate HTML report from your model by EA,
this tool can help you to make .chm file.

Please check and try the tool from:
(You can download beta version now.)


General Board / Pre-announce of RaQuest 2.0
« on: February 22, 2005, 12:22:46 am »
SparxSystems Japan will release our Requirements
Magement tool "RaQuest" at the beginning of April.
Today we updated our website.

Please check following page if you are interested in new features of 2.0.

With RaQuest 2.0, you can make your original attributes
and assign to each requirement.
(They are treated as tagged values in EA.)
And you can define your original Tree-view and
List-view to check and manage requirements.

I think we can provide more efficiency and convenience
to manage requirements by EA and RaQuest.


General Board / Requirements Management Tool for EA is released
« on: October 14, 2004, 11:15:22 pm »
Today SparxSystems Japan released beta trial version of
Requirements Management tool 'RaQuest' for Enterprise Architect.

You know, EA has already features to manage Requirements.
But there are requests to manage them more efficiently and visually
from Japanese EA users and maybe all EA users.

Today SparxSystems Japan released beta trial version
of Requirements Management tool 'RaQuest' .
It's made by EA Automation Interface, and highly integrated with EA.
All information is stored in EAP file or DBMS Repository,
and you can modify items from both RaQuest and EA.

RaQuest has various features to manage Requirements
efficiently. And by generating UseCases from Requirements,
you can enhance software designing by using both EA and RaQuest.

RaQuest needs EA 4.1 build 737 or later.
Now we provide Free trial version (with some limitation),
so please download and try it!!

All advises, requests, comments and bugs reports are
welcome, please send me or [email protected]

Policy to make RaQuest is the same as EA,
in other words, future RaQuest is made by all your comments.


We have released new product Add-in 'EA Connector for Trac' and 'EA Connector for Redmine'.

These Add-ins support to synchronize EA objects with tickets of Trac or Redmine.

EA Connector for Trac

EA Connector for Redmine

You can download a Trial version. We also offer Trac or Redmine server for trial.


I have created an Add-in which you can open diagram image as a new window.

If you want to refer existing diagrams when you are modeling, you can refer the diagrams by using this Add-in.
(You may need to resize EA window to show all windows.)

If you are interested in this Add-in, download, unzip and run the bat file in the file. Open a diagram and call the Add-in from Add-in menu.
(updated above URL on 9th Dec, 2009)

(You need .NET runtime 2.0 to use this Add-in.)


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