Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Updating the Repository & passing Parame
« on: September 29, 2003, 08:58:24 pm »
This was based on request for gettting inforation on Formal-Requirements across into the Test Cases of that object.
This is short piece of Automation Interface code that gives an example of:
- making updates to the repository
- Calling an application using parameters from EA
It needs to be called as an executable from EA. There are details on the web site for calling an application from EA -
These details would differ for this application:
- The application Name: Requirements
- The command line would be: c:\{YourDir..}\Requirement.exe
- The Arguments would be: $f, $p
On running EA - open the diagram with the Formal Requirements then select the installed application from the EA menu - Tools | Requirements. This will give a simple msgbox asking if want to copy the name and notes of each Requirement element in that package. On selecting 'Yes' it simply copies the Name and Details into a Test Case.
This is simple code. It only checks if the records already
exist - if so it does not try to add the same name.
Here is the code below:
Option Explicit
Public EARepos As EA.Repository ' The instance of an EA repository
Private Sub Main()
'Get the command line parameters, Load the Repository
'and set some defaults
Dim Package As EA.Package
Dim lPackageId As Long
Dim EafileName As String
'set what will be parameters in the procudure call
If Len(Command) > 0 Then ' See if there are any arguments.
' The Ea repository location 'possible EA Arguments $f, $p
EafileName = GetParams(Command, 0)
' get the package Id
lPackageId = Val(GetParams(Command, 1))
'No Arguments may not be running from EA..
MsgBox ("Please set this up to be called as an application by EA passing the $f, $p arguments. See: http://www.sparxsystems.com.au/AutIntVBCallingFromEA.htm")
End If
OpenRepos (EafileName) 'load up with sepcified path
Set Package = EARepos.GetPackageByID(lPackageId)
ScanElements Package
End Sub
Sub ScanElements(Package As Package)
Dim idx As Integer, oElement As Element, PackageName As String
' Scan through each Element - Ask user if they want to add to tests
For idx = 0 To Package.Elements.Count - 1
Set oElement = Package.Elements.GetAt(idx)
' Check if there are details for this element to be output
If oElement.Type = "Requirement" Then
' if so list the details for the element
If MsgBox(oElement.Name + " - Pass to test?", vbYesNo, _
"Copy to Element Requirements") = vbYes Then
ElementDetailToTest oElement
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ElementDetailToTest(oElement As EA.Element)
'Copy over the key details for a Requirement Element to Element Requirements
Dim aTest As EA.Test, idx As Integer
'Check the test is not already there
For idx = 0 To oElement.Tests.Count - 1
If oElement.Tests(idx).Name = oElement.Name Then
MsgBox ("There is an existing Test of this name")
Exit Sub
End If
' Create a test case from the Formalrequirements
Set aTest = oElement.Tests.AddNew(oElement.Name, "Standard")
aTest.AcceptanceCriteria = oElement.Notes
aTest.Input = oElement.Notes
End Sub
Public Function GetParams(ParamStr As String, ParamNum As Integer) As String
Dim words() As String
words = Split(ParamStr, ",")
GetParams = words(ParamNum)
End Function
Public Function OpenRepos(EaProjName As String)
'create the EA Reppository
Set EARepos = New EA.Repository
EARepos.OpenFile (EaProjName) 'load up with sepcified path
EARepos.ShowWindow (0) 'optionally hide window
End Function
This is short piece of Automation Interface code that gives an example of:
- making updates to the repository
- Calling an application using parameters from EA
It needs to be called as an executable from EA. There are details on the web site for calling an application from EA -
These details would differ for this application:
- The application Name: Requirements
- The command line would be: c:\{YourDir..}\Requirement.exe
- The Arguments would be: $f, $p
On running EA - open the diagram with the Formal Requirements then select the installed application from the EA menu - Tools | Requirements. This will give a simple msgbox asking if want to copy the name and notes of each Requirement element in that package. On selecting 'Yes' it simply copies the Name and Details into a Test Case.
This is simple code. It only checks if the records already
exist - if so it does not try to add the same name.
Here is the code below:
Option Explicit
Public EARepos As EA.Repository ' The instance of an EA repository
Private Sub Main()
'Get the command line parameters, Load the Repository
'and set some defaults
Dim Package As EA.Package
Dim lPackageId As Long
Dim EafileName As String
'set what will be parameters in the procudure call
If Len(Command) > 0 Then ' See if there are any arguments.
' The Ea repository location 'possible EA Arguments $f, $p
EafileName = GetParams(Command, 0)
' get the package Id
lPackageId = Val(GetParams(Command, 1))
'No Arguments may not be running from EA..
MsgBox ("Please set this up to be called as an application by EA passing the $f, $p arguments. See: http://www.sparxsystems.com.au/AutIntVBCallingFromEA.htm")
End If
OpenRepos (EafileName) 'load up with sepcified path
Set Package = EARepos.GetPackageByID(lPackageId)
ScanElements Package
End Sub
Sub ScanElements(Package As Package)
Dim idx As Integer, oElement As Element, PackageName As String
' Scan through each Element - Ask user if they want to add to tests
For idx = 0 To Package.Elements.Count - 1
Set oElement = Package.Elements.GetAt(idx)
' Check if there are details for this element to be output
If oElement.Type = "Requirement" Then
' if so list the details for the element
If MsgBox(oElement.Name + " - Pass to test?", vbYesNo, _
"Copy to Element Requirements") = vbYes Then
ElementDetailToTest oElement
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ElementDetailToTest(oElement As EA.Element)
'Copy over the key details for a Requirement Element to Element Requirements
Dim aTest As EA.Test, idx As Integer
'Check the test is not already there
For idx = 0 To oElement.Tests.Count - 1
If oElement.Tests(idx).Name = oElement.Name Then
MsgBox ("There is an existing Test of this name")
Exit Sub
End If
' Create a test case from the Formalrequirements
Set aTest = oElement.Tests.AddNew(oElement.Name, "Standard")
aTest.AcceptanceCriteria = oElement.Notes
aTest.Input = oElement.Notes
End Sub
Public Function GetParams(ParamStr As String, ParamNum As Integer) As String
Dim words() As String
words = Split(ParamStr, ",")
GetParams = words(ParamNum)
End Function
Public Function OpenRepos(EaProjName As String)
'create the EA Reppository
Set EARepos = New EA.Repository
EARepos.OpenFile (EaProjName) 'load up with sepcified path
EARepos.ShowWindow (0) 'optionally hide window
End Function