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Topics - glen_kidd

Pages: [1]
Suggestions and Requests / Bug: Toolbox undocking itself
« on: July 10, 2007, 06:41:06 pm »
I toolbox docked in a floating palette. Here's a picture (hope it works :) )

When I select more tools... and choose a different set of tools, the toolbox partially undocks itself. It is still docked with the parent palette window, however, it is undocked with respect to other items. Thus resulting in the toolbox hiding/obscuring other windows.

Now I have to change my favourite layout to workaround the bug :-( . Please fix.  

General Board / BUG: Save Package to File dialog is not modal
« on: January 12, 2007, 12:22:04 am »
When the "Export Package to XMI" dialog is activated for a controlled package via <context menu>->"Save Package to File" (or the shortcut), the dialog does not prevent access to the main application window.

Needless to say, there is great potential for a lot of mischief if the repository is changed mid-export. This is especially so on large packages that take many minutes to export.

It is worth noting, that if the "Export Package to XMI" dialog is activated via <context menu>->Import/Export->"Export Package to XMI File" that the dialog is actually modal in that case - go figure!

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