« on: April 17, 2008, 05:10:36 am »
Hello every1:
I have a wired problem with regasm.exe right now. Here is the situation:
I am developing an EA Add-In right now. When I select output type as Class Library, also I checked the Register for COM Interop(in this case, I do not need to run regasm add-in.dll for registering), EA can successfully load my add-in without any problems. I tried regasm add-in.dll /unregister and opened EA, the add-in is not there for sure(regasm /unregister works in this case)
However, if i did not check the register for COM Interop when I do the output with Class Library and using regasm to register my add-in(it shows successfully register), but EA cannot load my Add-IN, showing Error-Missing.
Any1 has any ideas what is wrong with that? I have .Net SDK installed and develop environment is VS.2003.
Thank you very much if any1 here can help me.