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Messages - zalbina

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I'll appreciate it very much!
Thanks a lot.

Many thanks again!!!!!! I'll try to manage it   :)


Thanks a lot to everyone who is paticipating in this discussion. I did figured out about writing our own tool for export/import purposes (the built-in Aris export format is not working properly each time) and I'm happy to hear that I'm on the right way but anyway if someone has any ideas and tips I will appreciate very much.


Thank you very much for you replay.

Do you have some general ideas? I've planned to extract data related to models/objects from Aris to xml files and write some AddIn for transforming this data into models/classes in EA. Am I on the right direction? I understood from this old post xmi is not an option, is it right?

Thanks a lot.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Data Migration from Aris to Ea
« on: January 05, 2021, 07:27:53 pm »

I'm facing the big task to transfer data from Aris models to EA and would like to come up with the right strategy how to do it with less troubles. Does anyone did it before? Did you use the xmi files or develope your own Add In or other options? Did you use xml file as an easiest way to transfer the data?

Really appreciate your help,


Hello Sascha,

Did you succussed to develop and transfer data from Aris to EA, please? I know it was 10 years ago but I'm facing this chalange today and would like to know if you have some recommendations or pieces of code which I can apply. Did you try to use xmi file in order to transfer the data?

Thanks a lot.

General Board / Re: Relationship between functions and Matrix
« on: July 04, 2013, 09:23:12 pm »
That's right, but I'm not sure if your solutions are acceptable for our needs.

Thanks a lot.

General Board / Re: Relationship between functions and Matrix
« on: July 04, 2013, 05:13:28 pm »

After yesterday's discussion, I've been told to check if it's possible to see relationships between operations in the Relationships View and I did not find them over there :(, but a relationship between a class and an operation does appear.

Some suggestions?


General Board / Re: Relationship between functions and Matrix
« on: July 03, 2013, 11:33:40 pm »
100%. I'll discuss this option with my boss.

Thank you very much for so quick response.

General Board / Re: Relationship between functions and Matrix
« on: July 03, 2013, 10:02:07 pm »
It's very clear what you said. So, my solution could be a conversion of operations into classes or to write some addin for my own needs.


General Board / Re: Relationship between functions and Matrix
« on: July 03, 2013, 07:56:12 pm »
The search is stright forward:

FROM t_object
WHERE Name LIKE '#WC#<Search Term>'

But I assume in this case the query returns strings, but the Matrix requiries objects.


General Board / Re: Relationship between functions and Matrix
« on: July 03, 2013, 07:35:03 pm »
Another one Thought according to Relationship Matrix. I can run a Model Search on it, but when I do it, my matrix is empty. I suppose that my queries are in "wrong style". For example: select Name from t_object where bla-bla. What am I missing? I wanted to link 2 operation using Model Searches. You told me it's not possible, but...


General Board / Re: Relationship between functions and Matrix
« on: July 03, 2013, 06:09:49 pm »
Thank you again.

General Board / Re: Relationship between functions and Matrix
« on: July 03, 2013, 05:08:31 pm »
WOW, thanks a lot. I'm just wondering where are those relations saved in EA database? I can use it for my addin in order to built my own relationship matrix between operations.


General Board / Re: Relationship between functions and Matrix
« on: July 03, 2013, 12:09:50 am »
I mean two classes operations.

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