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Messages - andreas_w.

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Bugs and Issues / Re: Language Macros for C
« on: July 03, 2014, 04:00:30 pm »
I believe, I have use the default "Operation Declaration" template for C as language.
The %opMacros% is in, but because the operation is static the %opMacros% isn't reached.
I get the __inline, if I deactivate the static check box.  

This is the snipped:

%PI=" "%

%if opTag:"define" == "true"%
#define %opName%(%list="Parameter" @separator=", "%) %opCode%

%if opStatic=="T"%

%opConst=="T" ? "const" : ""%

%opName%(%list="Parameter" @separator=", "%)
$bodyLoc = %opTag:"bodyLocation"%
%if opTag:"inline" != "true" and $bodyLoc != "header" and $bodyLoc != "classDec"%

I'm not a C expert, are there good reasons for this static exclusion?
%if opStatic=="T"%

Bugs and Issues / Re: Language Macros for C
« on: July 02, 2014, 10:25:44 pm »
Thanks for you clarification.But I have now some doubts which I would like to describe.

1. I have in "C" a method declared like this:
 static __inline void acq_lock(TP_Thread_Data_T *thread_data)
2. I synchronize the file with EA and I find a operation with a tagged value called DeclMacro1 and the value __inline :)
3. I define in the Language Macros dialog the value __inline  :)
4. When I generate the UML class as C source I get static void acq_lock(TP_Thread_Data_T *thread_data), without the __inline  :(
5. When I generate the UML class as C++ source I get static __inline void acq_lock(TP_Thread_Data_T *thread_data) with __inline :-?

What shall I change that it works for step 4 with the C language ? Every hint is very welcome.

Bugs and Issues / Language Macros for C
« on: July 01, 2014, 07:27:43 pm »
I work with EA version 10.0.1004. I have synchronized some C source to my EA repository. I see that EA has set on operation level a tagged value called DeclMacro1 with the value __inline, which is fine. :)

I believe I must set this value as preprocessor macro for the language C. I choose the menu "Setting-->Preprocessor Macros ..."  and I get the dialog "Language Macros". I see the default language is C++, but I'm not able to select C.  :-?

The code generation doesn't take the __inline value into consideration.  :(

Bugs and Issues / Re: Unexpected code generation starts automaticall
« on: February 05, 2014, 05:58:23 pm »
Your statement is correct. Thanks for your hint. It work like expected now.

Bugs and Issues / Unexpected code generation starts automatically
« on: February 05, 2014, 03:05:35 am »
I’m fighting with a new behavior of EA Version 10.0.1004 (build: 1004).

When I do a modification on an attribute or operation, I get an automatically code generation started, after I press the save button.

This happens only in the MySQL Database but not with a EAP database. It was not occurring with the former use EA Version 9.

If I leave the Filename setting in the Properties empty. The effect will  also not occur. But I guess this is normal.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / EA_IMPORT_STUB ?!
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:39:20 pm »
Hello have teams working from different sites in one model. We decided to split the model into multiple SVN projects. On our first investigation this was working pretty well. Now we started with the migration of the model and we see more often in diagrams instead the original UML component that these component has the name EA_IMPORT_STUB.  :'(

We have no idea how we can prevent such situation.
Every hint is really welcome.

Hello KP,
the page you mention has delivered me enough background.

I believe it's enough to change the shape for the package on diagrams. Which works already.

Thanks for the help.

I'm interested to create a profile for a package. A bit background. The stereotype used on a package shall change the shape on an diagram. This works well.  :)
But the change of the icon within the project browser isn't working on packages. This is stated in the help of EA.  :(

I was wondering if this works if I use as metatype a packaging component. But it looks like this metatype isn't supported. I can even not address the stereotype to a base class called packaging component.

Is there a way to change the icon on a stereotype the extends the metatype package?

[highlight]%opMacros%[/highlight]  is a list connected to tagged values on operation level named [highlight]DeclMacro1.. n[/highlight]

[highlight]%opImplMacros%[/highlight] is a list connected to tagged values on operation level named[highlight] ????[/highlight]  

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