« on: July 30, 2011, 02:50:05 am »
I just wanted to write down my frustration with the Update Style feature in EA 9. I have twenty of RTF Templates and there was no the task to change it to a new company style.
First task:
Change the page size and change borders. I tried to change the size in the normal.rtf file but this only works for new documents. Update style does not update the page size and borders. By that i was wondering why page size stil was the same even if i changed it under Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA\DocTemplates\Normal.rtf. I found out that EA always generates a copy of this file under C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Sparx Systems\EA\RTF Templates and only use this one for update style but does not change it when i edit the one under the program directory. Caused a lot of trouble so when you change the styles always delete the one in %APPDATA% it will be created immediately when style info is needed.
Second problem i had was that even i have changed Normal Style to Arial 10 after update style it was changed to Arial 10. This problem was solved after i changed the default paragraph font also and gave hime a concrete Font and size information. {\cs1\f0\fs20\cf0\sa120\sl240 Default Paragraph Font;} and here is the font definition {\fonttbl{\f0 \fswiss Arial;}{\f1 \fswiss \fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2 \froman Lucida Sans;}}
Third problem is that after update style all font information like Bold or colored text is changed to standard normal style. Also Headings are resetted to normal but they keep their style information. You have to set the style again and also switch on numbering. Didn't find a solution for that.
Fourth problem i had was that the table size was greater than the page size. I exported the document to an rtf file and changed the table site manually in the rtf file what was eays. Then import the file again and ... nothing changed. I found out that you have to close the rtf template and import only works when is open without any change. Could be a memory problem. So any change to the rtf file should be imported only to a newly open template otherwise it fails.
I still have some bugs in when generating documents with the new templates. One is that text in color will not generated when displaying a tagged value (ValueOf(...)). Also sometimes the style of a figure note ist not centrally but left but this happens only ion MS Mode not in Open Office mode. I made the experience that most errors appear in MS mode.
On the other hand style usage is much bette in EA 9. Where i had before hundered of styles in my word doc because very size change of normal style generated a new style this is gone so i have only the styles that i have defined in my word doc.
Hopes information helps somebody out there wis the same problem.