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Messages - Richard L. Warren

Pages: [1]
Suggestions and Requests / UAF MDG Request
« on: March 30, 2019, 01:08:31 pm »
You really should take a look at the new Unifed Architecture Framework (UAF) that the OMG has come up with.  Given it's integration with UML and models that you also support, it would be a welcome addition to the Zachman Framework MDG you have currently.  I suggest you look at the specification at and the appendix A at for a real eye-opener.  Please add me to a list is you decide to move forward with this.  I'd pay real money on TOP of my ultimate subscription for an MDG that implements this framework!

P.S. As you did with BABOK and the IIBA, think about a relationship with OMG for this standard too.


Suggestions and Requests / Update EAExample for dark theme use
« on: April 02, 2015, 05:52:23 am »
When you use the new dark theming, the text on most of the EAExample diagrams is either virtually or completely invisible against a dark background.  Beyond specific colors, there needs to be a checkbox for "background inversion" which would flip dark-to-light against dark backgrounds and light-to-dark against lighter backgrounds.

Suggestions and Requests / MDG Documentation Update?
« on: April 02, 2008, 12:27:21 pm »
Any chance the documentation, currently, will be updated soon?  It was published in January, 2006, and stopped with UML 2.0...a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... ;)

General Board / Re: Question on some older Diagram Types
« on: February 17, 2008, 02:14:46 pm »
I'm glad to see there is some interoperability, at least at the DFD level, but I'll have to wait until ERwin 7.3 (at least) before I can even run it again.  v7.2 and previous are totally INOP on Vista x64 and CA won't even commit to x64 support in 7.3...just x32 support... :(

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