Suggestions and Requests / UAF MDG Request
« on: March 30, 2019, 01:08:31 pm »
You really should take a look at the new Unifed Architecture Framework (UAF) that the OMG has come up with. Given it's integration with UML and models that you also support, it would be a welcome addition to the Zachman Framework MDG you have currently. I suggest you look at the specification at https://www.omg.org/spec/UAF/1.0/PDF and the appendix A at https://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/17-12-02.pdf for a real eye-opener. Please add me to a list is you decide to move forward with this. I'd pay real money on TOP of my ultimate subscription for an MDG that implements this framework!
P.S. As you did with BABOK and the IIBA, think about a relationship with OMG for this standard too.
P.S. As you did with BABOK and the IIBA, think about a relationship with OMG for this standard too.