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Messages - Sunshine

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 88
I've now raised this a bug with Sparx Systems.

One thing I discovered is that the issue of element text not being printed appears to be connected to whether or not the diagram has been set to the diagram setting "Scale to 1 Page". If this is not set it appears to print okay. Weird right?

Just moved over to V17 build 1704. Everything seemed fine until I tried to print a diagram where some elements but not all on the diagram didn't print the text for the element. Its worth saying I didn't have this problem with V16.1. The print issue is a bit of a weird bug as its not consistent. I have some other diagrams with the same elements on that print okay. I've event tried copy and pasting the problematic elements from the diagram that printed fine to the problematic diagram and still those elements don't print the text.
Has anyone else experience this problem?
Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing it?
I'm using ArchiMate BTW.

General Board / Re: Model Integration for Microsoft Office
« on: January 10, 2025, 12:38:56 pm »
I've used it on both V16.1 and V17 seems to work ok. The only gotcha is to make sure you use the same 32/64bit for all the components like Sparx EA, MS Office 365 and the MDG Office Integration.

General Board / Re: Merry Holidays to all!
« on: January 09, 2025, 07:46:30 am »
Belated Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

General Board / Re: Script Library Templates
« on: December 21, 2024, 09:58:52 am »
Sounds like you've looked at changing the scripts where Sparx is installed to update the local scripts. For example look at the following location for JavaScripts and assuming its where you've installed sparx enterprise architect.
C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA\Scripts\JavaScript.
However you need admin privileges to do that so assuming thats what you mean when you say you don't have access to them because of IT policy and as you don't have Admin Priviledges.
The other alternative is the create an MDG similar to EAScriptLib and put that file in a location that you can reference from the MDG settings dialog. You can use this technique to share script libraries across models.

General Board / Re: Viewing connector stereotypes in traceability pane
« on: December 17, 2024, 01:52:12 pm »
As far as I can recall the only way to see the list of relationships of an element with stereotypes is to open the element properties dialog and look at the list of links/ connectors.

I concur with Geert.
Some may call it a "No brainer".

Well that's a first

General Board / Re: ITIL process definition
« on: October 31, 2024, 03:19:59 pm »
2006 since that was posted so its more like a fossil than long in the tooth.
I've got some ITIL processes I can dig up for you for the price of a coffee :) if you are still in Welly.
What modelling notation do you need it in?

I've included UML Types in an MDG however, it was to ensure that tagged values were typed on the defined stereotypes. For example a couple of date Tagged Values on a stereotype like Installed Date [Date], Retired Date [Date] on an Application [Stereotype].
Not sure if just defining the UML Types alone and putting them in an MDG works actually. I can't see them in my model which uses the MDG I created either but they work for the tagged values.
You might want to try another way such as an export/import of reference data found under Settings tab>Transfer>Export Reference Data...

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / MDG to Extend ArchiMate
« on: September 24, 2024, 05:31:51 am »
Since 2008 we developed and updated our own ArchiMate MDG which defined stereotypes with shape scripts and tagged values, connectors, diagrams and toolboxes etc. When Sparx Enterprise Architect started to support ArchiMate some time later we changed our ArchiMate MDG to redefine ArchiMate elements so we could utilise the shape scripts. Our objective now is to just add tagged values the ArchiMate elements however, we are hitting a few sticking points and seeking advice from the forum members.

  • We figured out if we redefine ArchiMate element we need to use the same stereotype name. For example OurArchiMate::ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent -- Redefine--> ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent. However, we can't figure out how we ensure that OurArchiMate::ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent is create with the tagged values from the ArchiMate diagram and toolbox. Looks like we have to create our own diagram type and associated toolbox. Is that correct or is there another way where we can utilise the ArchiMate3 diagrams and toolboxes already supplied to create our redefined ArchiMate elements with Sparx EA ArchiMate3 MDG?
  • For usability purposes as we have a few elements with a number of tagged values we would like to group the tagged values using _tagGroups, _tagGroupings and _tagGroupStates however putting those attributes under the archimate element being redefined doesn't appear to work. For example adding those attributes to ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_ApplicationComponent. We did find that if we also extended Component meta class and add those _tagGroup, _tagGroupings and _tagGroupStates we do manage to group the tagged values in Sparx EA. Is that the correct way to do it?

General Board / Re: Export diagram to Plant UML format
« on: August 21, 2024, 06:03:29 pm »
Has anyone experimented using this technique for ArchiMate diagrams in EA?
I've managed to exchange archimate models successfully between Archi and Sparx EA using ArchiMate model exchange format. The only thing that turned out to be an issue is the same element multiple times on the diagram which is not allowed in Sparx EA.

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