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Messages - Major Peanut

Pages: [1]
General Board / ODBC user - privileges
« on: February 06, 2013, 10:36:59 am »
Is there an set of recommended ODBC user privileges (e.g. SELECT, CREATE, UPDATE, etc) for connecting to MySQL repository?

Not sure if this is a FAQ or RTFM, but could on find the info.

Thanks - MP

General Board / Re: Provided / Required Interfaces and their Types
« on: February 02, 2013, 02:52:35 am »
whoops, posted in another Board (Bugs & Issues), so looks like have fixed the problem, but (as per other post) how to fixed the existing 'Exposed Interfaces', as can't seem to find away to classify them.

Any pointers?

Thanks - MP

General Board / Re: Provided / Required Interfaces and their Types
« on: January 24, 2013, 10:15:52 pm »
Is there an update on this or news from EA? Is there as bug reference that I can track?

I am running EA 10.0.1005 and getting the same behaviour, i.e. when associate an interface (via Expose Interface) it does not show as a 'Classifier'.

This is particularly irritating and Sequence Diagrams are not showing the Operations from the base interface to choose from. :(

I can see Interface Classifier in old models (EA 9.x).


Bugs and Issues / Exposed Interface setting classifier
« on: February 02, 2013, 02:47:40 am »
First of all thumbs up for 10.0.1006 release which addresses the Exposed Interface issue which was (and now still is) driving me mad.

'Exposed Interface properties will now set the classifer when selecting the interface to expose.'

But question is how do I update my model to set the existing Exposed Interfaces classifiers?

The advice in help advises Advanced | Instance Classifier but that is not an option I can see neither does Ctrl + L work :-(

Regards - MP

Uml Process / Squence Diagrams with embedded Components
« on: January 31, 2013, 01:11:11 pm »
Is it possible to create Sequence diagrams that shows embedded Components grouped together (similar to the Inline Sequence Element link below)? As I could not see how to do in EA 10 (10.0.1005).

E.g. I have a component [CompA], which has with in it two 'sub' components [CompA1 & CompA2] and a separate component [CompB].
- CompA1 has a required interface [IntX] and a provided interface [IntY]
- CompA2 has a required interface [IntY] and provided interface [IntZ]

- CompB has required interface [IntZ]

So I want to show flow from CompA through to CompB including the sub-components on a sequence diagram, but also show CompA as the parent of CompA1/A2, i.e. grouped lifeline for CompA1/A2 under CompA, including their interfaces.

BTW is this possible if CompA has IntX and IntZ as interfaces which are delegated to the internal components? (Not sure if/how delegated interfaces work/show on sequences diagrams.)

Regards - MP

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Importing TMForum eTOM
« on: October 03, 2013, 01:55:35 am »
Has anybody had luck in importing TMForum eTOM from their 'Frameworx R13 Model Files - xml'?

I have tried but no luck, yet....


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