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Messages - David Robinson

Pages: [1]
 :) Thanks - never thought of looking there, checked all the other tool options!

(EA 13.5.1351)
When I  use Insert Related Elements to add elements related to a class EA, completely relays out the diagram. How can I stop this?

Suggestions and Requests / Round-trip for XML schema
« on: July 11, 2009, 12:14:28 am »
The XML schema import works well and is a very useful tool for visualising complex schemas.  It would be much more useful if the schema could be updated from code once it had been modified externally.

EA code generation writes Notes as comments into code, preserving the line breaks as defined. The line breaks are removed on reverse-engineering, losing the formatting.

HTML tags such as <b></b> and <ul></ul> are already used for markup, so <br /> should not be too tricky.

I would like to be able to switch off class destructor generation per language. For example I always want to generate destructors for C++ but never for C#.
C# Language options allow me to disable generation of finaliser and disposer but not the destructor.

General Board / Scripting EA with PowerShell
« on: November 06, 2008, 08:57:23 pm »
Has anyone successfully tried scripting EA with PowerShell? There seems to be a problem with the COM interface exposed that prevents Powershell accessing type library information. The symptoms are indentical to those in this blog entry:
I've successfully used the interop assembly to drive EA from C# but the same (or very similar) mechanisms don't work in PowerShell.

The C# code looks like this:
Code: [Select]
EA.Repository r = new EA.RepositoryClass();
EA.Collection models = r.Models;
foreach (object obj in models)
    if (obj is EA.Package)
         EA.Package package = (EA.Package)obj;

PowerShell (standard COM interop):
Code: [Select]
$rep = New-Object -ComObject EA.Repository
--- EA launches as COM server process with no visible window
Method invocation failed because [System.__ComObject] doesn't contain a method named 'OpenFile'.
At line:1 char:15
PowerShell using interop assembly:
Code: [Select]
[system.reflection.assembly]::LoadFile("C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA Trial\Interop.EA.dll")
$rep=New-Object EA.RepositoryClass
---- EA Window shows loaded model
$models = [EA.Collection]$rep.Models
1 --- Correct count of top-level packages
$package = [EA.Package]$models.GetAt(0)
Cannot convert "System.__ComObject" to "EA.Package".
At line:1 char:37

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / CORBA Interface inheritance
« on: March 07, 2010, 03:59:52 am »
The CORBA MDG does not seem to generate inheritance relationships for <<CORBAInterface>> classes. Also the Generate CORBA Elements operation does not carry over the Generalizes relationship when creating CORBAInterface classes from <<interface>> classes.

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