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Messages - Nizam

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General Board / Re: EA SaaS trial?
« on: January 08, 2023, 02:00:30 am »
Hello Modesto
The Sparx cloud offerings have been making its inroads since 2020 and these offerings are used by more than 75 teams across the world.

The EA SaaS and EA Cloud platforms are now an official offering from Sparx systems,

The offerings are mostly singlet tenant hosted in the respective region and complies to all the data security requirements including GDPR and the likes.

Furthermore, we have the leading telcos, energy companies and semi- government organizations in the UK using our cloud offering hosted in secure environments in AWS UK.

The web based modelling client offers the best of both world's and the solution has been custom built for the platform and offers seamless single sign on with two factor authentication and other restrictions as per the corporate info sec standards.

The solution has been recognised by AWS and has been published as a case study as well.

I request you to take a look at the links and if you would like to know more please feel free to drop us a note to [email protected] or [email protected] and will be happy to connect and discuss

Please Look at this link to see EA SaaS in action and how it offers the benchmark performance
EA SaaS with SSO

An overview of the platform

General Board / Re: EA SaaS trial?
« on: January 08, 2023, 01:41:42 am »
Hello Ian
You are right for someone who is serious about starting with EA, a  trial will certainly help. 

We do offer the entire platform for them as trial, this includes EA SaaS, integrations and Prolaborate (optional)   the only difference is we've tried to introduce a quick touch base step to ensure the clients get the right guidance.

The approach of providing them a demo of how the platform could help them with their architectural needs has been helping teams to get started quickly and based on the discussion, we can certainly provide a time box trial like you said. The feedback from the new users also seem to be positive with this approach, as it guides them on what to expect.

If you are still facing any challenges in provisioning trial for serious users, please let us know and we will try to address them forthwith.

Nizam Mohamed

General Board / Re: EA SaaS trial?
« on: January 06, 2023, 01:21:10 am »
Hi Ian,

Just my opinion, it is difficult to offer the same way as current 30-day EA trial. Because 'someone' must pay the cost, and it is more than ignorable.

Hi Takeshi, Thanks for the reply,  totally agreed.
The approach of dealing with conventional practices with desktop applications may not be applicable to the Cloud and SaaS world, as there are number of factors like inherent costs, security, availability region, security constraints, etc.

General Board / Re: EA SaaS trial?
« on: January 06, 2023, 01:15:57 am »
Hi Ian
Thanks for your interest,
As you know, ‘EA SaaS’ is the Cloud based version of the reputed and proven Sparx Enterprise Architect  modeling tool
Enterprise Architect application trial can be used to evaluate the functional fit for the teams, which we still offer to the users as a 30 day trial

Users can also avail a Trial SaaS environment to ensure that the solution works for them.
But, Users seek EA SaaS trial primarily to understand
  • The performance one can expect by using a SaaS solution (10x compared to WAN deployments)
  • Ease of getting started with a modeling practice - No Installations, no crossovers, no VMs, etc
  • Security and other aspects that the team will be concerned in moving to SaaS (SOC Compliance, VAPT, etc)

Considering all these, we try to understand the painpoints that the user intends to solve, before providing a time-boxed trial.

To make the most of the evaluation, we attempt to make it available based on the availability of the team, the country (region), and even load their models (on request) to allow them to see the true benefit of switching to SaaS.

More information can be found at

Users can reach our team to request a trial by contacting [email protected] or [email protected]

If one would like to ascertain the costs of the solution, they can request a quote here

Nizam Mohamed

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit recordings
« on: October 05, 2021, 01:33:30 am »
The videos and the details of the sessions can also be found in

It will also be announced in the LInked in Channel,

General Board / EA Global Summit 2021
« on: August 17, 2021, 01:50:52 am »
We are delighted to inform you that the 2nd edition of the EA Global Summit 2021 is happening on September 8,9 & 10 in 2021.
Register Now!   
With 1200+ Registrations already, this could be a very good opportunity to meet and collaborate with fellow EA community.

An incredible lineup of speakers including Chris Armstrong Ryan Schmierer Wally McLaughlin Peter Lieber Daniel Siegl, Alain De Preter Gillian Adens Han van Roosmalen Ramsay Millar Johan Wretö Giuseppe Platania Gustavo J. Sabio Stephen Maguire Tom O'Reilly Scott Hebbard Doug Rosenberg Phil Chudley Jacek Woynarowski Roman Bretz Fernando Pinciroli Takeshi Kouno Jan de Liefde Rudi Claes Bert Dingemans Orsolya Nemeth Guillaume Finance, Madhava Narayanan and many more are keen to join their expertise, experience, and best practices related to Sparx Systems products including Enterprise Architect, Pro Cloud Server, and Prolaborate

General Board / Re: Predefined settings for EA environment AWS based?
« on: July 09, 2021, 07:50:21 pm »
Probably yes. I haven't tried them though.


The EA Cloud offering has progressed significantly from the cnoventional setup. there are loads of innovations from the cloud providers (AWS and Azure) and with these we've managed to achieve performances better than connecting to a Shared repository from a local computer.

The video below shows a comparison

I plan to set a EA environment (floating licenses, PCS free features) plus 10 users working from home, by deploying a MySQL database in AWS and a Windows Server to install keystore and PCS.

even a basic setup like this would require reasonably sized nodes in the AWS RDS (relational database server) and Application server (EC2 server).
I believe you are intending to setup something along these lines

please drop a note to [email protected] and the team should be able to give you the details of the type of node to setup (if you intend to do it yourself too).

General Board / Re: Practical way to do reviews
« on: May 26, 2020, 03:20:11 pm »
Hello Geert,
Thanks for the note,  we used to have an approach with Model Views (WIth Notifications) + Workflow scripts to enable reviews in EA, however it does require a fair bit of setup / scripting to make this happen.
I'm sure you would have considered this.

Best Regards
Nizam Mohamed

General Board / Re: Practical way to do reviews
« on: May 22, 2020, 10:20:44 pm »
I understand this is regarding reviews within Enterprise Architect application, but i would suggest you please take a look at the following articles if time permits

The review utility was designed to foster engagement from the non-EA users and incorporate them in EA.

You can also watch a quick 2 min video

or a slightly detailed video (with review setup, notifications, dashboards, etc)

Registrations Open!
EA Global Summit - 2020  - 25+ Prolific Speakers, 35+ Exciting sessions, 10+ Countries!
Register Now!

Choose to attend the sessions and participate in the conversation. Select sessions by Regions, Speakers, Day or topics of interest.
Any queries please reach out to [email protected]

Thanks for your interest ,
Its a Free event for all. We've got a great lineup of speakers and sessions, the details with option for you to register for the entire event or selected sessions will be made available by end of this week.

Please reach out to [email protected], f you are interested to know more in the meantime.

Interested to Present?
 Also if you'd like to present a session, we would still welcome your participation and contribution to the EA community, please drop a note, and we can share you more details.

Many Thanks
Nizam Mohamed
[email protected]

The e-Conference For the Global EA Community
Visit to register your interest now!.

Discover and learn with the world’s prolific EA professionals

Explore the latest trends and learn how to best use Enterprise Architect to solve real business problems. A line-up of expert speakers from across the world is ready to deliver webinars on the latest techniques, best practices, implementation guidance and much more.

General Board / Re: Model Discussion
« on: January 29, 2020, 04:21:53 pm »
i understand the gist of this thread is model discussions within the tool, however if I may digress a bit...
Discussions (Collaboration) has been the focus of Sparx Systems in the recent years, and I would suggest you please take a closer look at some of the recent web-based capabilities to foster model discussions between modellers and the wider community

WebEA (for modellers to discuss using a web browser)

Prolaborate (for discussions or feedback from non-tech, non-EA users on diagrams and model information)

A 3 minute excerpt from Webinar illustrating model-based collaboration

PCS General Board / Re: WebEA integration with Confluence
« on: November 19, 2019, 08:54:53 pm »
I'm sure you can embed WebEA diagram links in Confluence using iFrame

Prolaborate from Sparx Systems is specifically designed for business / non-EA users, which is mostly the case when it comes to Confluence, that is the reason a specific macro was designed and made available in Atlassian website to be included in Confluence
Video demonstrating the possibilities

Atlassian page

PCS Suggestions and Requests / Re: Matrix overlay support in Prolaborate
« on: November 08, 2019, 09:10:04 am »
Hi Guillaume
a very good suggestion, should definitely be considered in the future updates.

The matrix in Prolaborate currently lets users fine tune and view relationships and its details with a number of filtering options and settings. The initial focus was to make an architectural view simple and focussed.

For example the option to hide empty rows, or empty columns is a significant value add when you have a whole raft of items in a package that are yet to be connected.
You can also have multiple connector types, multiple stereotypes etc, so that you can anlayze model in multiple dimensions.

However, we will include your suggestion for a future improvement.

Best Regards
Nizam Mohamed

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