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Messages - Prolaborate Support

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PCS General Board / Prolaborate V4.4 Release Announcement
« on: December 14, 2022, 10:53:46 pm »
Prolaborate Team is very excited to announce the official release of Prolaborate V4.4. The newly launched version has the following features, enhancements, and Bug fixes.

New Features:

•   Publish Connected elements Information in an organized way for better traceability Analysis
•   Ability to Create and Modify Connectors
•   Ability to publish complex information for Model elements
•   Improved User Groups management with the ability to link Role-based access directly with SAML User Groups (when using Single Sign On)
•   Ability to view discussions and reviews of Prolaborate in EA via Prolaborate extension for EA

For more information on the release, please visit:

For more information on the feature overview, the article provides detailed insights about the new features of Prolaborate 4.4, please visit:

Registered Users can get the download link of the latest Prolaborate installer by submitting the request installer form:

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 19, 2021, 05:18:48 pm »
Capability-Based Business Architecture Transformation at PayPal - Go to Session Page

As with many organizations, PayPal is looking to simplify the core applications that run their business and integrate acquired companies into those core applications. Those applications are grouped into different, internal platforms that represent shared services that are used by their commercial products delivered via their website, mobile applications, and merchant APIs. Executive management required a business-oriented lens to understand the current state, inform planning and funding, and track progress towards the target architecture. The Enterprise Architecture practices at PayPal responded by working with executive stakeholders and platform teams to synthesize a capability-based view of their common and foundational platforms to support this enterprise-wide transformation effort. This presentation will review the approach the EA team employed, initial outcomes, and continuing plans.

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 19, 2021, 05:15:53 pm »
ISO/TC 211 have used UML for the development and implementation of standards since 1998 - Go to Session Page

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 19, 2021, 05:13:43 pm »
Labnaf innovations for large scale enterprise visualizations and transformations - Go to Session Page

Today, enterprise architecture is usually organized following empiric approximations that are inherited from the nineties and that are unfortunately leading to recurrent failures.
Labnaf features, instead, a precise and intuitive framework organization that is based on systems semantics, and that is used by Prolaborate to provide enterprise analytics and visualization at large scale.

More information on www.labnaf.on and on the Labnaf Channel on YouTube.

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 19, 2021, 05:10:40 pm »
Sparx EA Service ExcellenceGo to Session Page

A strong arm of EA support services around the globe makes deployment, rolling out,  training, standardization, and course correction easier than ever before. Two case studies to be discussed where a small effort from EA experts set the course right for a wide architectural practice.

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 19, 2021, 05:07:12 pm »
Compliance – Manage processes, risks & controls using Sparx EAGo to Session Page

Regulations such as IFRS17, Solvency II, BASEL III, BCBS 239 to name a few are just the beginning. In this presentation, we show how to use Sparx to manage complexity and make the result useful for the business.
I will use Sparx EA to demonstrate in practice how to go from excel sheets with controls and risks, importing them info Sparx EA and how a custom made MDG will make the models look like the users are used to in Sparx EA. The models will then be published ready for business people to use.

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 19, 2021, 05:00:37 pm »
EA Integrations - Go to Session Page

Looking out to integrate Enterprise Architect seamlessly with the tools your teams use daily? Let’s take a detailed look at the integrations Prolaborate and Pro Cloud Server have to offer.

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 19, 2021, 04:57:16 pm »
Based upon Enterprise Engineering, generating working applications with USoft - Go to Session Page

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 19, 2021, 04:50:17 pm »
The Basics of MDG - Go to Session Page

Building a Custom MDG from Scratch – How to series!

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 05, 2021, 09:44:21 pm »
Azure Data & Analytics, ArchiMate and Sparx Enterprise Architect: a powerful combination - Go to Session Page

In this session Bert and Yorrick will discuss the approach of the Dutch Railways for architectural modelling of a complex Azure landscape. We show examples of our ArchiMate viewpoints and views, demonstrate how we configured Sparx Enterprise Architect and indicate what our “lessons learned” are. With this we think we can give you an insight into the opportunities and challenges of the combination ArchiMate, Azure for Data and Analytics, Sparx Enterprise Architect and secure infrastructure.

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 05, 2021, 09:40:02 pm »
Bringing structure into your models -  Go to Session Page

Using the agile Dependency Structure Matrix to improve your Sparx models for better alignment of intended vs. emerging architecture. Combining models and code in a single matrix by using Lattix 12 will make CI/CD easier and improves quality and traceability of your application(s).

Whether or not you use an agile approach, keeping models and code as close together as possible is essential. What would be the benefit of validating your models for KPIs like quality of structure, hierarchy, cyclomatic dependencies? Suppose you are able to model your (application) architecture in Sparx and validate whether your application code base (in C, C++, Ada, C#, Java, etc. to discover and control structural mismatches? Suppose you are able to prevent architectural erosion? Suppose you are able to trace your EA requirements model into your code and/or test cases? What benefits will that bring to further development? Will it increase and improve your product life cycle?

In this talk you will be informed about the "magical" power of Dependency Structure Matrices. You will learn the basic DSM techniques and how to apply these with your EA model and code base. But also how to improve the structure of existing non-code oriented models.


General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 05, 2021, 09:34:56 pm »
Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) in Enterprise Architect - Go to Session Page

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 05, 2021, 09:29:18 pm »
Repository Updates and Administration Made Easy with Model Add-in Recipes - Go to Session Page

A Powerful Administrator’s Recipe Book of set-based functions used to perform common repository administration tasks.Save time and mitigate risk with this innovative and powerful library and its accompanying Easy-to-Follow and Extensible Recipe Book. Do in 4 lines what might take 50 - 60 lines of scripting with more Rigor and Precision. Take home a COMPLIMENTARY copy of the Recipe Book.

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 05, 2021, 09:22:24 pm »
"Say Hello to CodeBot" - Go to Session Page

Everyone’s familiar with introductory “Hello World” programs as a way to help you learn a new programming language. CodeBot generates and deploys web applications from UML models with virtually no programming (literally speaking, the model is the code).  So what does “Hello World” look like when the code is a UML model?

Hello CodeBot is simple. There are only 3 web pages and 2 domain classes.
But it illustrates many of the things you need to know to get started generating your own web apps.

Hello CodeBot is secure. It uses JSON web tokens (JWT) to provide secure access.  Register and Login methods are automatically generated in the API and used by the generated React JS pages.

Hello CodeBot is rich media.  It plays videos, uses image components and CSS stylesheets.

Hello Codebot is designed to be a starter model for your own web apps.
You can use our pre-built Registration and Login pages, then build out your own web application by replacing our Home page.  Figure 1 shows the application’s 3 pages; you can Register, Login and Play Videos (in this case, tutorials from our YouTube Channel).

Hello CodeBot is free to download.  Each of these pages was 100% code generated from wireframes within the (free to download) UML model.  You read that right, virtually no code was written manually to generate this web application.  The single solitary piece of code initializes the video list with data and is embedded within the UML model.  You can download the UML model and the MERN Stack web app in a zipfile, including database (Mongo), API (Node), API documentation (Swagger) and React JS pages, from our online process guide at:

General Board / Re: EA Global Summit 2021 Videos
« on: November 05, 2021, 09:19:10 pm »
SysML QuickStart using Enterprise Architect - Go to Session Page

This session is for complete beginners. We will quickly build a small SysML model of a Doorbell System.
The materials for this session can be downloaded here:

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