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Messages - Rik van der Schalie

Pages: [1] 2 3
Bugs and Issues / v17 Lock Element inconsisten
« on: December 13, 2024, 01:25:10 am »
Since installing v17 we've noticed that, when you have an element on more than one diagram, you can lock the element on one diagram, and still modify it on the other diagram.
The Lock status is visible in the Project browser (red exclamation mark). From the Project browser, the Element cannot be modified when locked. An Element that is locked, can be copied to another diagram, taking along the Lock Status, but the Element need to be unlocked on both diagrams before it can be removed from the Project browser.

Bugs and Issues / Re: No double quotes in Script Editor
« on: November 28, 2024, 11:34:14 pm »
The weird thing is that, in the Shape Script editor, we can enter double quotes from the keyboard, but in the Scripting Editor (so for JScript, JavaScript, Visual Basic Script) we cannot.)

Bugs and Issues / No double quotes in Script Editor
« on: November 28, 2024, 09:15:58 pm »
We have noticed that, while we can enter double quotes (") in the Shape Script editor, in the Scripting Editor we cannot. This is an issue shared by all workstations running EA, so it seems to be a general issue.
Has anyone else had this issue (and, even better, a solution)?

Bugs and Issues / Re: v17 - setlinestyle("DOUBLE") - only for Connectors?
« on: November 28, 2024, 09:13:13 pm »
"Double" also works for LineTo, but not for Arc(To). And the spacing between the two lines is fixed.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Export SQL query results
« on: September 06, 2024, 06:23:17 pm »
Beside the fact that the O in the line "if len(csvString) > 0 then" appeared to be the letter O instead of the digit 0 (zero), I run into the error "<scriptname> error: Object doesn't support this property or method: 'm_TextFile.LoadContents', Line:51. It appears not to be necessary. 

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Export SQL query results
« on: September 05, 2024, 06:28:03 pm »
Thanks! I'm going to give it a try.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Export SQL query results
« on: September 04, 2024, 09:36:14 pm »
I have a SQL Query that is saved as a search in the repository.
I would like to be able to run the query (ideally from an element/button on a certain diagram), and have the result set exported to a certain CSV file (no need for processing the query result in any way).
Any suggestions? TIA

Bugs and Issues / Re: Custom stereotype colors not in Profile XML
« on: June 18, 2024, 12:52:41 am »
I've tried again, making sure to set the default color of my stereotype using F4.
I then publish the diagram as UML Profile.  Still, in the exported profile, the background color stays at -1.
When I publish the Package as UML Profile, the background color is OK, but then the shpe scripts no longer work.

Bugs and Issues / Custom stereotype colors not in Profile XML
« on: June 17, 2024, 11:23:30 pm »
I'm creating a set of my own Stereotypes. While I have given them a default background color, when I export the stereotype diagram to a profile XML, the background color does not export, but remains at -1 in the XML. So I have to use a shape script to give my objects a background color. That, however, prevents me from changing the background color of individual objects, as the fill color in the shape script apparently overrides the background color you can apply in a diagram.
Does anyone recognize this and is able to set me on the right path?

We've found that Archimate Stereotypes won't add to a custom Toolbox using the "Edit with Profile helper", "Add Stereotype". We can select the Archimate Stereotype from the model, but it won't add to the Toolbox.
What does work, we've found out, is to use "Add Item", and then manually type in the fully qualified Archimate stereotype name.

However, this does nothing to help us with the issue that we can't properly specialize from the Archimate Junction stereotype. Even simply creating a new stereotype, specializing from the Archimate Junction, and extending the Junction metaclass, result in a stereotype that is missing the "junctionKind" property. Adding our own Tagged value "Junction Kind" (in which we want to include XOR, beside AND and OR) also, weirdly, does not end up in our stereotype. The resulting stereotype, when used in a diagram, also is of type "StateNode" instead of "Junction", and is missing both the "junctionKind" from the Archimate Junction, and our own defined "Junction Kind".

Indeed, we had to use Shape Scripts for all our inherited objects. However, a selected few (2 or 3) did inherit the decoration (but not the rest of the Shape Script) from their Archimate Stereotypes (thus resulting in two -slightly mis-allgned`decorations).
That is not our main issue: We are designing a custom Junction, inheriting from the Archimate Junction (simply because adding Archimate Stereotypes to our Toolbox doesn't work). This is were things go pear shaped: the junctionKind that is defined in the Archimate Junction does not inherit to our custom Junction. When we define our own junctionKind (based on an enumeration) as a Tagged Value it also does not turn up in the junction elements that we create from our custom toolbox. So we're kind of stumped.

We are using Archimate fairly intensively. However, we want to add custom tagged values to our Archimate components.
So far we have succeeded in creating our own MDG file, with customized versions of the Archimate classes.
Some observations: most classes need a complete Shape Script to determine the appearance. Luckily, all Archimate Shape Scripts are available. However, a small number of classes inherit the decoration part of the Shape Script from the Archimate metaclass, where most don't. Weird.
Our issue: we also want to create our own Junction class. Whatever we try, we do not succeed in having this custom class to inherit the "junctionKind" property from the Archimate Junction metaclass. Also, when we try to add our own Tagged Value for "junction Kind' to our custom class, we cannot get it to be present in the resulting MDG: our custom Junction does not have our own defined Tagged Value, but it is also missing the "junctionKind" property that it should inherit from the Archimate metaclass.
Any suggestions are very welcome.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Removal of Connector leads to error
« on: August 21, 2021, 06:12:38 am »
You should contact Sparx support in order to lock down that issue.


Yes, we're going to raise a ticket. Thanks for the help.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Removal of Connector leads to error
« on: August 20, 2021, 11:30:14 pm »
True, but if I "manually" save the diagram and reload it, the connector is gone. And actually, if I remove the connector and then click on it in the diagram, I get an error message, suggesting that the connector was in fact removed from the repository, but that it's just the diagram changes that were not saved.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Removal of Connector leads to error
« on: August 20, 2021, 09:51:39 pm »
So, I got EA 15.0 uninstalled, and 15.2 installed. That should solve any driver issues, right?
Nope. After the clean install of 15.2, after deleting a connector I still need to save the diagram and reload it to avoid the connector remaining in the diagram and throwing an error when selected.

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