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Messages - didier.pironet

Pages: [1] 2
PCS General Board / Prolaborate - Tagged Values not showing up
« on: February 10, 2025, 11:13:28 pm »
Hi guys,

Running Prolaborate v5.4
Added ArchiMate Modeling Language for which we defined a group in the form designer.
We also set the 'Show for all stereotypes'.

We were then expecting to find our Tagged Values (created in the 'UML Types' dialog) in any of the four groups for stereotypes but no luck...

Can Prolaborate actually show 'custom' Tagged Values coming from the 'UML Types' dialog?


Bugs and Issues / Sparx EA to crash - v17 streamed from Citrix
« on: January 10, 2025, 02:10:47 am »
Hi guys,

Sparx EA v17.0.1703
Citrix environment
MSSQL Database
PCS enabled

So every time I select two objects and still have ctrl key pressed in while going to the align menu, Sparx hangs and crashes shortly with a popup saying the instruction at 0x.... referenced memory at 0x..... The memory could not be read issue.

This behavior can be reproduced on and on.

Is this a bug in this version/build?
Are other having the same behavior?

Thx for you help,

General Board / Re: Tagged Value Types - maximums?
« on: December 18, 2024, 12:56:31 am »
You should really only create tagged values as part of UML profiles in an MDG technology.

Loose tagged values are a nightmare to maintain.

Thx Geert for the heads up, we indeed hit that wall of manageability...
Lack of expertise in UML/MDG is the main culprit here.

General Board / Tagged Value Types - maximums?
« on: December 17, 2024, 10:25:05 pm »
Hi guys,
We are heavy consumers of Tagged Value Types and so far have created >100 Tag Types and more to come in the context of Prolaborate.
Question is where is the limit, the maximum number of Tag Types allowed in Sparx v16/17?
And eventually Sparx roadmap to make them more bulk 'manageable'?


Thanks for the confirmation.
I can safely assign a Dev to this user story knowing it can be done.

Hi guys,
The Relationship property is great as it gives you a complete overview of the relations being controlflow, association or notelink of your diagram's elements.
I can even manually copy/paste into an Excel sheet.
Ultimately I would like to automate this.
For all these diagrams, export all relationships into a csv named after the diagram..
Is that even possible?

Thx for your help!


General Board / Root Node and GUID
« on: August 20, 2024, 07:59:46 pm »
Sparx EA 16.x here.
I have noticed that Root Nodes do not have a GUID.
Is it expected and what's the rational?


General Board / Re: Sparx support to multi-environment setup
« on: July 05, 2024, 10:24:26 pm »
Project transfer is also an option, but that takes way longer then database restore. (hours vs seconds)


We used that function a while ago and this is indeed slow and error prone.
It doesn't like 'special' characters such smileys  :D

General Board / Re: Sparx support to multi-environment setup
« on: July 05, 2024, 06:02:24 pm »

Database restore can be used to copy production to another environment.
That's the plan and will necessitate the involvement of the DBAs
To speed up the process (i.e. remove the DBAs from the equation) some wish to use the CVS export/import function.
However would that be an exact copy as it would be with a complete database copy?


General Board / Sparx support to multi-environment setup
« on: July 04, 2024, 11:34:04 pm »
Hi guys, I'm looking at (best) practices to setup properly multiple pre-prod Sparx environments as well to have them periodically refreshed with production data.

Is Sparx familiar with such common setup in large organizations?
Does Sparx provide built-in tools or guidance to support such a multi-environment setup?

Thx for your input!

PCS General Board / Re: API call - Tag returns multiple values
« on: September 30, 2023, 02:17:31 am »
Hi Geert,
Indeed duplicate tags and to complicate things 'show duplicates' was tuned off in the fat client so we could not see them.
While these duplicates are returned with PCS/API calls (that's how we discovered the issue), they do not show up either when doing an export to csv file... Bug?

Is there a way to block this behaviour with a tag filter or else?

Thx a lot,

I tried your SQL script but it did not return anything...

PCS General Board / API call - Tag returns multiple values
« on: September 29, 2023, 12:20:33 am »
We use Sparx APIs exposed on PCS to retrieve information out of Sparx DB and especially some tagged value types.
Although several values are available to pick up from, only a single value is 'registered' at any time and thus only a single value should come back to any API request.
However we have several tagged value types that return systematically 2 values and we don't understand why
Within Sparx EA fat client we see a single value assign to those behaving tags, making this issue even weirder...

Any idea what's going on here?

Thx for your help!

N.B. Sparx EA 16.1, PCS 5.1, Oracle DB

General Board / Sparx EA and Dynatrace
« on: June 28, 2023, 08:25:10 pm »
Hi Guys,
We are lucky to have Dynatrace in the company and we would like to onboard our Sparx solution into it.
Do you have any guideline on having Sparx EA monitored in Dynatrace?
For instance how would you monitor the Sparx EA calls to PCS?
Is there any Dynatrace integration package planned on the roadmap?

Thx for your help!

Additionally we have the following error message in the development IDE:

OSLC DB query error - select Object_ID as EAID, Object_Type as EAType, Stereotype, Runstate from t_object where ea_guid = '{E9A2736C-637C-40dc-8F40-4D9D4F6BF5B6}'

The guid exists for sure.

While comparing to a 'standard' SQL query, the major difference is Object_Type AS CLASSTYPE where in the OSLC API call it is Object_Type as EAType

Any hint and can this be the root cause of the 500 ISE?


Look through this forum and you find that Oracle is a bad choice for use with EA. They use a lot of tiny queries while Oracle is tuned for jackhammer queries.


Thx qwerty
I can only concur with that statement.
It is planned to ditch Oracle for another RDBS.
Which Amazon RDS engine is recommended here?


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