Bugs and Issues / Re: No double quotes in Script Editor
« on: November 29, 2024, 01:48:18 am »
I have the same problem.
Workaround copy / paste works for me...
Workaround copy / paste works for me...
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// Set the properties of curDiagram as EA.Diagram
curDiagram.HighlightImports = false; // Hides the Namespace of Elements
curDiagram.ExtendedStyle = "HideAtts=1;"; // Hides the Attribute compartment of Elements
curDiagram.StyleEx = "HideConnStereotype=1;"; // Hides the Stereotype Labels of Connectors
Started TestImportPerformanceCSV at 2024-11-12 09:15:25!
2024-11-12 09:15:31 Processed row[ 1 ]
2024-11-12 09:16:00 Processed row[ 500 ]
2024-11-12 09:16:44 Processed row[ 1000 ]
2024-11-12 09:17:39 Processed row[ 1500 ]
2024-11-12 09:18:49 Processed row[ 2000 ]
2024-11-12 09:20:31 Processed row[ 2500 ]
2024-11-12 09:22:48 Processed row[ 3000 ]
2024-11-12 09:25:49 Processed row[ 3500 ]
2024-11-12 09:30:56 Processed row[ 4000 ]
2024-11-12 09:37:37 Processed row[ 4500 ]
2024-11-12 09:44:01 Processed row[ 5000 ]
2024-11-12 09:46:34 Processed row[ 5500 ]
2024-11-12 09:50:12 Processed row[ 6000 ]
2024-11-12 09:56:18 Processed row[ 6500 ]
2024-11-12 10:03:33 Processed row[ 7000 ]
2024-11-12 10:12:28 Processed row[ 7500 ]
2024-11-12 10:24:41 Processed row[ 8000 ]
2024-11-12 10:39:43 Processed row[ 8500 ]
Finished TestImportPerformanceCSV at 2024-11-12 10:51:39!
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-JavaScript
!INC EAScriptLib.JavaScript-Dialog
!INC EAScriptLib.JavaScript-CSV
!INC EAScriptLib.JavaScript-Logging
* This code has been included from the default Diagram Script template.
* If you wish to modify this template, it is located in the Config\Script Templates
* directory of your EA install path.
* Script Name: TestImportPerformanceCSV
* Author: J. de Baat
* Purpose: Import the Attribute information from a CSV file into the repository
* Date: 12-11-2024
const IDBTaggedValueIDBKey = "IDBKey"; // Definition of the TV Property used as IDB Key in DataBricks
const ImExColumnName = "Name"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnNotes = "Notes"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnClassGUID = "CLASSGUID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnClassType = "CLASSTYPE"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnStereotype = "Stereotype"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnConnectorGUID = "CONNECTORGUID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnConnectorID = "Connector_ID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnConnectorType = "Connector_Type"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnStartObjectID = "Start_Object_ID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnEndObjectID = "End_Object_ID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnCSOClassGUID = "CSO_CLASSGUID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnCTOClassGUID = "CTO_CLASSGUID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnAttributeName = "AttributeName"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnAttributeType = "AttributeType"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnIsCollection = "IsCollection"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnIsOrdered = "IsOrdered"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnIsStatic = "IsStatic"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnLength = "Length"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnPrimaryKey = "PrimaryKey"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnForeignKey = "ForeignKey"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnUnique = "Unique"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const strTaggedValuesPrefix = "TAG_";
const IDBKeyPrefix = "IDB_";
const IDBKeyColumnName = "Object_ID"; // Definition of the DB Keys to get the IDB key from a TaggedValue
const IDBKeyTable = "t_objectproperties"; // Definition of the DB Keys to get the IDB key from a TaggedValue
const CSVFilterString = "CSV Files (*.csv;*.txt)|*.csv;*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||";
// The level to log at
let intImportRowNr = 0;
let intShowDelta = 500;
let intShowRowNr = 0;
let strMessage = "";
* Handle the CSVImport for importing Attributes
function IDBImportAttributes( )
try {
// Get the CSV fileName for this Import session, true for readonly.
let curCSVFileName = DLGOpenFile( CSVFilterString, 1 );
if ( ( curCSVFileName == null ) || ( curCSVFileName == "" ) ) {
LOGError( "DLGOpenFile could NOT Get curCSVFileName!" );
return " IDBImportAttributes DLGOpenFile could NOT Get curCSVFileName!!!";
// Start the CSVImport for this session
LOGTrace( " Started CSV Import for curCSVFileName " + curCSVFileName + "!!!" );
CSVIImportFile( curCSVFileName, true );
// Return "" as successful result
return "";
} catch (catch_err) {
LOGError( " catched error " + catch_err.message + "!" );
return "IDBImportAttributes catched error " + catch_err.message + "!";
* Process the Attributes found in the CSV Import file
function OnRowImported( theRow )
var curElement as EA.Element;
let importRow = 0;
try {
importRow = importCurrentRow;
strMessage = " importCurrentRow(" + importRow + ").length = " + importCurrentRow.length + ", Action = " + importCurrentRow[0] + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
// Find and process the elements available in this importRow
curElement = IDBFindCSVElementByTVIDBKey( IDBTaggedValueIDBKey );
if ( curElement != null ) {
// Process element found
strMessage = "Processing curElement.Name = " + curElement.Name + ", ElementID = " + curElement.ElementID + ", ParentID = " + curElement.ParentID + ", PackageID = " + curElement.PackageID + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
// Process the Attributes for curElement found
let curResult = IDBProcessElementAttribute( curElement );
// Session.Output( "Processed row[ " + importRow + " ] for " + curElement.Name + " at " + _LOGGetDisplayDate() + ", curResult = " + curResult + "!" );
if ( intImportRowNr >= intShowRowNr ) {
strMessage = _LOGGetDisplayDate() + " Processed row[ " + intImportRowNr + " ] for " + curElement.Name + ", curResult = " + curResult + "!";
Session.Output( strMessage );
intShowRowNr += intShowDelta;
} else {
strMessage = _LOGGetDisplayDate() + "Processed row[ " + intImportRowNr + " ] for null curElement!";
Session.Output( strMessage );
} catch (catch_err) {
LOGError( " catched error " + catch_err.message + "!" );
// Free up memory
curElement = null;
currentLine = null;
currentLineTokens = null;
* Process the Attributes for curElement found with information as provided
function IDBProcessElementAttribute( theElement )
// Cast theElement to EA.Element so we get intellisense
var curElement as EA.Element;
var curAttributes as EA.Collection;
var curAttribute as EA.Attribute;
// try {
// Get and check the ImExCSVColumnAttributeName parameter
let newAttributeName = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnAttributeName );
if ( ( newAttributeName == null ) || ( newAttributeName == "" ) ) {
// Return null because not found
return "IDBProcessElementAttribute: newAttributeName not available so Attribute NOT created!!!";
// Check all Attributes in theTypePackage whether the requested theAttributeName already exists
curElement = theElement;
curAttributes = curElement.Attributes;
curAttribute = IDBGetCollectionObjectByName( curAttributes, newAttributeName );
// Create new Attribute when it does not exist yet
if ( curAttribute == null ) {
// Get and check the ImExCSVColumnAttributeType parameter
let newAttributeType = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnAttributeType );
if ( ( newAttributeType == null ) || ( newAttributeType == "" ) ) {
// Use default value because not found
newAttributeType = "string";
LOGTrace("Use default value string for newAttributeType because not found!!!" );
// Create the new curAttribute
curAttribute = curAttributes.AddNew( newAttributeName, newAttributeType );
strMessage = "Started curAttribute[ " + curAttribute.Name + " ] !";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
// Update the parameters for curAttribute
curAttribute = IDBUpdateAttributeProperties( curAttribute );
let curResult = "IDBProcessElementAttribute: Processed " + curAttribute.Name + " for Type " + curAttribute.Type + " !!!";
// Free up memory
curElement = null;
curAttribute = null;
curAttributes = null;
return curResult;
// } catch (catch_err) {
// LOGError( " catched error " + catch_err.message + "!" );
// return "ERROR IDBProcessElementAttribute: catched error " + catch_err.message + "!";
// }
* Update theAttribute with information as provided
function IDBUpdateAttributeProperties( theAttribute )
// Cast theAttribute to EA.Attribute so we get intellisense
var curAttribute as EA.Attribute;
// try {
curAttribute = theAttribute;
// Check information found
let newAttributeNotes = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnNotes );
if ( ( newAttributeNotes == undefined ) || ( newAttributeNotes == "" ) ) {
// Define newAttributeNotes because not found
newAttributeNotes = curAttribute.Name + " created by the TestImportPerformanceCSV script for Type " + curAttribute.Type + " on " + _LOGGetDisplayDate() + ".";
// IsCollection indicates if the current feature is a collection or not. If the attribute represents a database column this, when set, represents a ForeignKey.
let newAttributeIsCollection = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnIsCollection );
if ( ( newAttributeIsCollection == undefined ) || ( newAttributeIsCollection == "" ) ) {
// Get newAttributeIsCollection from ImExCSVColumnForeignKey because ImExCSVColumnIsCollection not found
newAttributeIsCollection = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnForeignKey );
if ( ( newAttributeIsCollection != undefined ) && ( newAttributeIsCollection != "" ) ) {
curAttribute.IsCollection = newAttributeIsCollection;
// IsOrdered indicates if a collection is ordered or not. If the attribute represents a database column this, when set, represents a PrimaryKey.
let newAttributeIsOrdered = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnIsOrdered );
if ( ( newAttributeIsOrdered == undefined ) || ( newAttributeIsOrdered == "" ) ) {
// Get newAttributeIsOrdered from ImExCSVColumnPrimaryKey because ImExCSVColumnIsOrdered not found
newAttributeIsOrdered = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnPrimaryKey );
if ( ( newAttributeIsOrdered != undefined ) && ( newAttributeIsOrdered != "" ) ) {
curAttribute.IsOrdered = newAttributeIsOrdered;
// IsStatic indicates if the current attribute is a static feature or not. If the attribute represents a database column this, when set, represents the 'Unique' option.
let newAttributeIsStatic = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnIsStatic );
if ( ( newAttributeIsStatic == undefined ) || ( newAttributeIsStatic == "" ) ) {
// Get newAttributeIsStatic from ImExCSVColumnUnique because ImExCSVColumnIsStatic not found
newAttributeIsStatic = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnUnique );
if ( ( newAttributeIsStatic != undefined ) && ( newAttributeIsStatic != "" ) ) {
curAttribute.IsStatic = newAttributeIsStatic;
// Length indicates the attribute length, where applicable.
let newAttributeLength = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnLength );
if ( ( newAttributeLength != undefined ) && ( newAttributeLength != "" ) ) {
curAttribute.Length = newAttributeLength;
strMessage = "Started newAttribute[ " + curAttribute.Name + " ] for IsOrdered " + curAttribute.IsOrdered + ", newAttributeIsOrdered " + newAttributeIsOrdered + " !";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
// Update the parameters for curAttribute
curAttribute.Notes = newAttributeNotes;
strMessage = "Updated newAttribute[ " + curAttribute.Name + " ] for Type " + curAttribute.Type + ", IsCollection " + curAttribute.IsCollection + " !";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
// } catch (catch_err) {
// LOGError( " catched error " + catch_err.message + "!" );
// }
return curAttribute;
* Get the requested CollectionObject from theCollectionObjects using theObjectName as parameter
function IDBGetCollectionObjectByName( theCollectionObjects, theObjectName )
// Cast theCollectionObjects to EA.Collection so we get intellisense
var curCollectionObjects as EA.Collection;
var curCollectionObject as EA.Element;
// Check all Elements in theCollectionObjects whether the requested curElement is already defined
curCollectionObjects = theCollectionObjects;
// Loop over curCollectionObjects to find theObjectName
let curCollectionObjectsCount = curCollectionObjects.Count;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < curCollectionObjectsCount ; i++ )
curCollectionObject = curCollectionObjects.GetAt( i );
if ( curCollectionObject.Name === theObjectName ) {
strMessage = "Found CollectionObject ( " + curCollectionObject.Name + " ) as part of " + curCollectionObjectsCount + " CollectionObjects!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
// Clean up memory
curCollectionObjects = null;
return curCollectionObject;
// strMessage = " TESTED CollectionObject ( " + curCollectionObject.Name + " ) against theObjectName " + theObjectName + " !!!";
// LOGTrace( strMessage );
// Clean up memory
curCollectionObjects = null;
curCollectionObject = null;
// theObjectName not found as part of curCollectionObjects
strMessage = "DID NOT FIND theObjectName ( " + theObjectName + " ) as part of " + curCollectionObjectsCount + " CollectionObjects!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return null;
* Find curElement using the TaggedValue in theTVIDBKey Property
function IDBFindCSVElementByTVIDBKey( theTVIDBKey )
var curElement as EA.Element;
let theCSVColumnIDBKey = "";
let curElementIDBKey = "";
let curElementObject_ID = "";
// Find the Element identified by theTVIDBKey
theCSVColumnIDBKey = strTaggedValuesPrefix + theTVIDBKey;
curElementIDBKey = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( theCSVColumnIDBKey );
curElementObject_ID = IDBGetObjectIDFromTVProperty( theTVIDBKey, curElementIDBKey );
curElement = GetElementByID( curElementObject_ID );
if ( curElement != null ) {
// Return curElement found
strMessage = "( " + curElementIDBKey + " ) found curElement.Name = " + curElement.Name + " and curElementObject_ID " + curElementObject_ID + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return curElement;
// Nothing found so return null
strMessage = "( " + theTVIDBKey + " ) did not find curElement for curElementIDBKey = " + curElementIDBKey + " and curElementObject_ID " + curElementObject_ID + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return null;
* Get the GUID related to the theTVProperty with value theTVValue from the t_objectproperties table
function IDBGetObjectIDFromTVProperty( theTVProperty, theTVValue )
// Get the Object_ID registered for theTVProperty with value theTVValue
let IDBKeyWhereClause = IDBKeyTable + ".Property = '" + IDBTaggedValueIDBKey + "'"
+ " and " + IDBKeyTable + ".Value = '" + theTVValue + "'";
let curElementObject_ID = IDBGetFieldValueString( IDBKeyColumnName, IDBKeyTable, IDBKeyWhereClause );
if ( curElementObject_ID.length > 0 ) {
// Return the curElementObject_ID for curElement found
strMessage = "( " + theTVValue + " ) found curElementObject_ID = " + curElementObject_ID + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return curElementObject_ID;
// Nothing found so return null
strMessage = "( " + theTVValue + " ) did not find any curElementObject_ID for theTVProperty " + theTVProperty + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return null;
* Queries the repository database for the first field value whose corresponding row matches the
* specified WHERE clause.
* @param[in] columnName (string) The column name whose field value will be queried for
* @param[in] table (string) The table that the column resides in
* @param[in] whereClause (string) The SQL where clause that the query will use to select the
* appropriate row
* @return A String representing the requested field value
function IDBGetFieldValueString( columnName /* : String */, table /* : String */, whereClause /* : String */ ) /* : String */
var stringValue = "";
// Construct and execute the querySQL and parse the queryResult
let querySQL = "SELECT " + columnName + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + whereClause;
let queryResult = Repository.SQLQuery( querySQL );
let queryResultParts = queryResult.split( columnName );
let queryResultPartsLength = queryResultParts.length;
// Check the queryResult for the stringValue found
if ( queryResultPartsLength == 3 )
if ( queryResultParts[1].startsWith(">") ) {
stringValue = queryResultParts[1].substring( 1, ( queryResultParts[1].length - 2 ) );
strMessage = "Repository found queryResultParts[" + 1 + "] = " + queryResultParts[1] + ", stringValue = " + stringValue + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
// Free up memory
queryResult = null;
queryResultParts = null;
queryResultPartsLength = null;
return stringValue;
* Diagram Script main function
function TestImportPerformanceCSV()
// Show the script output window
Repository.EnsureOutputVisible( "Script" );
Session.Output( "======================================= Started TestImportPerformanceCSV at " + _LOGGetDisplayDate() + "!" );
// Get the Attributes from import file
let curResult = IDBImportAttributes();
if ( curResult.length > 0 ) {
LOGError( curResult );
} else {
LOGInfo( "Finished processing!" );
LOGError(" found Error: " + catch_err + "!!!" );
Session.Output( "======================================= Finished TestImportPerformanceCSV at " + _LOGGetDisplayDate() + "!" );