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Messages - consalvol

Pages: [1]
General Board / adding tagged values in XMI export
« on: November 17, 2023, 05:46:51 am »
I have a class model with attributes -- both the classes and the attributes have tagged values associated with them.  When I do an export to xmi 1.1 or 2.1 tagged values are not exported - how do i get them to be exported -- i think i need it really for 1.1 version because at the end i need to create a baseline and then use the compare functionality between two models - i believe the compare takes the newer model and will compare it to an export from the baseline model --- so at the end i need to know if the model has changed (class, attribute, relationship, tagged values etc )

any help would be greatly appreciated -- ive been googling but not getting any results back on this topic

what I noticed is that attribute level tagged values are being exported a tagged value for the class does not get exported ---

does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? 


General Board / Re: Adding taggedvalue to a class
« on: October 27, 2023, 02:10:07 am »

General Board / Adding taggedvalue to a class
« on: October 26, 2023, 12:41:47 am »
Has anyone used a vbscript to add a taggedvalue to all classes in a sparx ea model.  i have the vbscript reading through a model and identifying the classes - (the element class) - now that i have the individual class does anyone know what the syntax to update this element by adding a tagged value .

Like i said the script reads the model and iterates through all classes - now i need to understand how to update the class by adding a tagged value - my model has approx 600 classes cannot do this manually.


General Board / Re: VB Scripting
« on: September 21, 2023, 12:56:58 am »
Thanks Geert,

Yes i found 2 scripts on the local scripts folder that i used to cut and past into my own script.  I was able to iterate through all diagrams in a model and identify concepts/attributes/relationships.  I guess now at this point i need to learn how to capture these attributes into defined variables and write them out to an Owl format file.

General Board / Re: VB Scripting
« on: September 15, 2023, 05:51:40 am »
Thanks ill take a look -- table of contents shows chapters detailing the object model and the EAobjects (EAdiagram, EAconnecter etc) i see a chapter on creating new objects but will i get a sense on how to traverse a diagram - read all objects within that diagram (classes, attributes associated, tagvalues and the relationships between the classes).  the sparx documentation is very hard to follow - and one class needs to call another class - you call the attribute class from the element class but never shows how to do this and i think the value returned is an array, would need to parse the array.   not expecting the book to show me how to code but i am expecting a good understanding on how to call the objects i need and what to expect as a return value.


General Board / VB Scripting
« on: September 15, 2023, 03:45:55 am »
Hi I am new to EA and scripting in general.  I am trying to take a UML Class diagram and export its contents to an OWL/RDF format.  EA does not have native functionality to convert Class diagram to OWL format.  I am trying to write a VB Script to do this and am finding the documentation very confusing.  Ive viewed a general 30 minute tutorial by Geert Bellekens which gave me a starting point.  I've create a script in the Diagram Group (not sure this is the correct place) seemed to be the most logical place and based off of Geert's tutorial i was able to identify the classes(elements) selected for a current diagram -- element class documentation specifies that you use the attribute class to retrieve the attributes for the specified class/element but does not show an example on how to call this class.  Sorry if im messing up the terminology used within sparx --- we are using sparx as a modeling tool because we do not have the funds to purchase a license for a tool such as Erwi, so terminology is strictly around traditional ERD nomenclature -- our class model is truly an ERD represented in UML - but now we have a need - URGENT - to extract the diagram and there are many - we created packages to represent different subject areas (account, client, product, loan, etc) within each package/subject area there can be 1 or more diagrams.  There is no link/dependency between packages.  We need to extract the diagram contents (class, attributes, associations between classes and cardinality into an OWL/RDF format so another system can ingest it.

I know i have to utilize the EA API and Repository but really not sure how to read the variables i need to help produce the desired output.

we are under a tight deadline and there is nobody on our team that has used sparx before or has strong VB scripting knowledge truly a logical data modeling team.   Any advise on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.


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