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Messages - Greg_PL

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Hey Geert et. al.

Has anybody (including Sparx support) solved that issue? Is there any way to redefine a connector without scripting?...


Of course, Geert. It does not help :(.


I've expirienced "Data Cache is not generated!" many times in Prolaborate, but some sort of workarounds (like diagram regeneration / save, 'Create' button in Cloud options, etc) were helpful. Now I have number of diagrams that are fully resistent to those "fixes" and still are not being presented in Prolaborate... Do you have any ideas what shall I do (excluding cutting diagrams into pieces ;) ).

Prolaborate version:
EA version: 16.0.1605

General Board / Set Active MDG for all users - how?
« on: July 02, 2024, 08:51:04 pm »

I'm trying to find way to set a default (active) MDG for all users. Currently I can set it locally only. Can it be a model / project property?


Hi again. It's worth mentioning here...

All my problems with redefinition not working as expected were caused by... [attention please] SPARX EA not being restarted after applying new MDG. That is so strange - I've been working with MDGs for some time and restart was never necessary (I was just removing old/importing new MDG).

So it is solved form me, but probably a case for SPARX team ;).

Sweet Jesus... It works! So using metatype fixed it. Thank you!

Hi there,

I still haven't succeeded with my "redefine" mdg... So what I do in my MDG profile diagram:
1. Create a stereotype element named 'ArchiMate3::ArchiMate_BusinessService' and tick 'Abstract' checkbox (in Properties-> Details)
2. Create second stereotype element named just 'ArchiMate_BusinessService'
3. Drag a 'Redefines' relation from toolbox and connext both stereotype elements (second one redefines first one)
4. Add custom TAG to new element.
5. Generate MDG and set it to 'Active'

1. When I drag a BusienssService element from a toolbox then it appears as my new stereotype (success)
2. New element does not look like the original ArchiMate Busienss Service - shape is indeed ok, but color is not (default UM:) (failure)
3. New element does not have any quicklinker links inherited from original ArchiMate (failure)
4. New element does not allow for any ArchiMate relations dragged from ArchiMate elements to it (failure)

Can anyone help me? Maybe someone can share a profile xml of properly redefined stereotype?

Hello Community!

I'm pleased to join this forum and I come with question to discuss here right away ;).
How to maintain repository and keep it always up to date within architecture team working on it on daily basis?

While taking care of ArchiMate elements / components by aproovig them and moving to production repository instead of keeping in local packages, I'm struggling with.... Relations. How to make sure that all conceptional work / solution variations that are using production components is just temporary and will not impact traceability in production repository?.. If only relations/connectors had 'status', but they don't.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.

All the best to you!

Thanks. That was exactly what I was expecting... May I ask you to share simple MDG xml file with just one single redefinition? F.e. ArchiMate_BusinessService element with one extra tag value?

Yes, I did remember. That's why I can use my stereotype by dragging from default toolbox. However the style and connectors are gone... Any clue what could go wrong?


Trying to use redefinition capability of EA (16.0.1605). Looks simple, and somehow it works but not as I expected: my new element is being added to new diagram by dragging from default ArchiMate3 toolbox, HOWEVER it appears without proper shape (colour is default UML) and without any default connectors and quicklinker... What am I doing wrong?...  I'm using this simple guide.

Thanks for your help.

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