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Messages - medina

Pages: [1]
Suggestions and Requests / CSS instead of Shape script
« on: March 07, 2012, 02:04:24 am »
I think alot of people would appreciate a better HTML export.

If you could use CSS instead of Shape script it would form the elements just like they are when exported = no need for images on export. This would make it alot faster, stabile and size of the export would be far less.

Other things that would be greate to add on the export:
jQuery instead of Javascript.
Able to customize more, like add a Searchbar to the export.
a stable URL on diagrams/elements etc.

This is just something i wish was possible on Sparx.

On Start Page be able to insert at List of Favorites Diagrams. So I don't need to to open a Project then browse for it in Project Browser. My current project is getting quite big and if i could make some diagrams as favorite i could easily open them when i start Sparx and save alot of time.

General Board / Re: Sparx support SQL Server 2012?
« on: May 30, 2013, 09:13:28 pm »
Thank you for your quick response!


General Board / Sparx support SQL Server 2012?
« on: May 30, 2013, 08:42:02 pm »

The documentation on Server Based Repositories states that Sparx supports SQL Server 2000, 2005 or 2008. Does anyone know if it supports SQL Server 2012 aswell?

Thanks in advance


I made a HTML-export of a application map. The relationships between the applications have information on notes. I noticed that on the export you cannot read or click on the relationships.

I was wondering if anyone know if there is an option of some kind that allows to view relationship notes on html export? Or do i have to create this function with javascript in a web-style template?

Thank you for your help in this matter

All I want is an option to show the "iconic representation" of the element and not only/always the "rectangle with a decoration".

Is this possible?

(Preferably by not using taggedvalues of course since that solution would be element specific and not diagramelement specific.)

Just recently upgraded from Sparx 9.2 to 10.

In this transition I started using ArchiMate 2.0 instead of ArchiMate 1.0.

The much appreciated feature to switch icon styles using taggedvalue on ArchiMate 1.0 elements seems to have vanished?  :-[

Feature explained here:

The appearance of elements
iconstyle = true shows the iconic representation of the element
iconstyle = false shows a rectangle with a decoration in the top corner

Good luck explaining to an audience the difference between elements such as event / function / process without the ability to emphasize their difference visually (using the iconic representation).

The way it is now [ch8722] *every* element in the toolbox is represented by the same "rectangle" making their difference non-distinguishable [ch8722] Sparx just rendered ArchiMate 2.0 modeling useless.

Please fix.  :-*

Go to your MDG diagram where you have your stereotypes. Click on the Stereotype you want to change default color on and press F4. Choose default color and default border color. Generate MDG technology file and you are done.
To update in existing elements in all diagrams you click on the Stereotype in your toolbox and choose Synchronize Stereotype. I am not sure this will update to the new default color, someone here should know and confirm if this is true?

You should read this before you synchronize stereotype (at work right now so don't have time to read everything the page, i think it's the right one):

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / text direction / rotation
« on: May 07, 2012, 09:47:07 pm »

I try to mimic the ActivityPartition/"Swimlane" (A&B below) functionality where you can flip partition (veritcal / horizontal)

I somewhat managed to do that (C&D):

BUT, the text direction... how do I achieve to rotate the text? make it direction vertical?

I've done that. No luck.

I'm pretty sure(?) it's a shape script problem.
(hence the pseudo example... println("attribute: #ATTRIBUTE# #ATTRIBUTE.NAME# #ATTRIBUTE.VALUE#"))

Since using the "default" UML-Class element is working ("working"=showing its attributes as in the picture above) in my diagram but my own made element does not (even thou it HAS attributes).

So what is the Shape Script code for the Class element? anyone?


No, I do not want to make default attributes automatically to be added to the element.

I just want the Attribute Compartment to be made visible. So if the user adds an attribute, then the attribute (and its value) is to be shown in the compartment - as in this picture.

I'v tried to add the styleex and pdata to the Diagram Profile (HideAtts=0;) but the attribute compartment still doesn't show in the element, (as in the picture above).
I've also turned on (=1) all the _Attxxx listed on Supported Attributes

Maybe it has something to do with the Shape Script?
Using the example on Example Scripts
Code: [Select]
shape main {
       addsubshape("namecompartment", 100, 20);
       addsubshape("stereotypecompartment", 100, 40);
       shape namecompartment {
               h_align = "center";
               editablefield = "name";
               println("name: #name#");

       shape stereotypecompartment {
               h_align = "center";
               editablefield = "stereotype";
               println("stereotype: #stereotype#");

with all the avail properties listed in Display Element Properties

I STILL cannot make attributes visible on the element.

Please help

I'm looking for something like
[size=15]println("attribute: #ATTRIBUTE# #ATTRIBUTE.NAME# #ATTRIBUTE.VALUE#");[/size]

sorry i meant that i have made a stereotype and this stereotype has attributes that i have added. And i want these attributes to show as a list in this stereotype. Like this image

I was wondering how I can make a stereotype list the attributes it contains. I have looked in shape script but can't find anything, or is it something i need to add in the profiles diagram for my MDG?. Would really appreciate the help!

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / _lineStyle Attribute problems
« on: January 26, 2012, 01:13:02 am »
I have done my own MDG Technology, and i would like the connector to have Line Style lateral vertical as default(but not locked to that option). When i add the attribute _lineStyle : treeLV to my connector it gets locked to lateral vertical. And the user cannot change Line Style

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