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Messages - KP

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 195
Do you have the 'Freeze Visible' option set for the diagram? It doesn't work with sequence diagrams.

General Board / Re: Loop node
« on: March 26, 2024, 08:59:52 am »
a) How can I insert and display the condition (i.e. i=0) under each action?
I believe that was added to the 'Effect' field, with the option 'Show Effect in Diagram' checked

b) I have inserted an action into [Test] section but I cannot see it in the Properties > Nodes panel.
1. Make sure you have selected the 'Test' radio button. 2. Make sure the action is owned by the loop node (i.e. is nested in the Project Browser). 3. Can't think of anything else, more info needed.

Don't use the Tagged Value Types dialog, that's the old way of doing things. Instead, drop a DataType element from the toolbox onto the diagram, name it "DateProperty" and put "Type=Date;" in its notes. Then use it as the type of attributes in the <<stereotype>> classes.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Activation not extended in Sequence Diagram
« on: January 30, 2024, 01:26:42 pm »
You should be able to select the bottom message and click the button that says "Raise the activation level"

Glad to hear it's working.

Can you advise the minimum EA build required to run Model Addins ?

Sorry, not off the top of my head. I'd just be looking in the release notes for the first build they appeared in.

EA 15.0.1507

General Board / Re: SQL driven matrix profile
« on: January 11, 2024, 03:45:49 pm »
Have I imagined this? I seem to recall that in previous version of Sparx EA it was possible to use a SQL query to specify the source or target elements on a relationship matrix. But on version 16.1.1628 (64-bit) I cannot find a way of doing this.

Next to the Source and Target there are buttons called "Set": click those and select "Apply Model Search". You will need to have saved your SQL query as a model search beforehand.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Stopping Automated Nesting of Elements
« on: January 05, 2024, 09:09:36 am »
I can think of three ways, none of which are entirely satisfactory:

1. Lock the parent
2. Preferences > Objects > Support for Composite Objects = OFF
3. Keep the parent and child in separate packages

I suspect that #3 is the reason you don't see it happening with TOGAF.

I seem to remember a recent post dealing with that. p_id is now zero (since v16?) as notes do not really belong to a package. It seems to make sense, though inconvenient for the coder relying on it otherwise.

Hi q,
it's not the Note's parent that is the problem; it's that it seems it can't be the parent of anything


I just check the UML specs, and a Comment is in fact a specialization of Element, and an element can be the owner of other elements.
So there is no (UML) reason notes shouldn't be able to own other elements.


Yes a Comment can own elements, but it can only own Comments. (ownedElement is a derived field, and in the case of Comments it can only be derived from ownedComment)

EDIT: Ah, there's a whole extra page of replies that I hadn't noticed! I will leave this here though because I don't think anyone else noticed that ownedComment subsets ownedElement

No, don't do that. Leave all technologies enabled and use perspectives to select which ones are active. The perspective selection is in the top right corner.

Curious. It doesn't render an ellipse() cloud path either, but does still render for rectangle(). Certainly a regression. I have alerted the responsible developer that a bug report will be heading his way.

General Board / Re: Differences in profiling between EA ver 14 and 16
« on: November 17, 2022, 10:08:45 am »
A profile name will only appear if there's a stereotype in the profile in the current perspective that extends the given metaclass. For <none> to appear there must be a stereotype in ribbon > Settings > UML Types, and current perspective needs to be "All Perspectives".

General Board / Re: Shown Name in Custom Toolbox
« on: November 10, 2022, 09:42:44 am »
If you're specializing a stereotype from EA's SysML profile, it needs to be "SysML1.4::block". The attribute in the custom toolbox needs to be "YourProfile::YourStereo(UML::Class)". All case-sensitive.

That's likely because they once had a crash that made them setup a new forum.

Not quite. We changed the forum software (from YaBB to smf) because the search feature was painfully slow. All the old posts were copied over, but their links changed. If you come across any old YaBB links, do a search for the text in its title and you should be able to find it, e.g. the post that Guillaume mentioned is BAD: [  ] Unique - totally defective

General Board / Re: Problems with EA16
« on: October 14, 2022, 09:09:01 am »
New to EA16, I found two problems:
1. Connecting two classes on a class diagram with an association and than change the custom line style to Bezier. Logically the connection is still there, but it disappears.

Not my area, but could be an OS or graphics driver issue? Try switching the renderer: ribbon > Start > Preferences > Appearance > Renderer > Basic

2. Selecting and moving Note links is not possible.

It has never been possible to select and move a note link attached to another connector. A note link attached to a diagram object should work as expected.

I am doing some comparison between models in current EA version (14) and migrated ones to new v16 and found class diagram which displays no attribute types in diagram, although "Show Attribute Detail" was set to "Name and Type" in Class Diagram Properties (under: Features)

What does 'migrated' mean in this quote? Did you open the whole model in EA16 or just export part of the model? And if the latter, is it possible that the attribute types are elements that didn't get exported?

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