And a new bug :-)
The exporter doesn't store timing informations for messages correctly.
A message with all four kinds of constraints (duration observation/constraint, time observation/constraint) in XMI, which is exported by Enterprise Architect looks like this (the two generated rules):
<ownedRule xmi:type="uml:TimeConstraint" xmi:id="TC000000_6A09" visibility="public">
<constrainedElement xmi:idref="D3863816_6A09"/>
<specification xmi:type="uml:TimeExpression" xmi:id="TS000000_6A09" visibility="public">
<expr xmi:type="uml:OpaqueExpression" xmi:id="TE000000_6A09" body="t..t+3"/>
<observation xmi:type="uml:TimeObservation" xmi:id="TO000000_6A09" name="@t" event="D3863816_6A09"/>
<ownedRule xmi:type="uml:DurationConstraint" xmi:id="TC000000_6A09" visibility="public">
<constrainedElement xmi:idref="D3863816_6A09"/>
<specification xmi:type="uml:Duration" xmi:id="TS000000_6A09" visibility="public">
<expr xmi:type="uml:OpaqueExpression" xmi:id="TE000000_6A09" body="0..13"/>
<observation xmi:type="uml:DurationObservation" xmi:id="TO000000_6A09" name="d..3*d" event="D3863816_6A09"/>
The generated code looks very nice, but the metamodel does not allow that :-( So, I can't import it with EMF. The error message:
Value org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.impl.TimeExpressionImpl is not legal
I have taken a look at the 'Simple Time'-Diagram of the UML superstructure specification: think, the 'specification'-tag is not allowed, because a TimeConstraint and DurationConstraint only accept a TimeInterval or DurationInterval as 'specification'.
It would be nice, if this little bug would be fixed or someone can tell me what the correct xmi representation is :-)