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Messages - MrDX

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Suggestions and Requests / Port+Interface should allow choosing operation
« on: October 21, 2007, 12:44:24 am »
it's possible to set a interface to a port (with 'Advanced'->'Set property type'). After adding an object of such a component (into a sequence diagram) and adding a message to a part, it's not possible to select a available message from a list.
It would be more confortable to provide this feature, like it's supported for 'normal' classes with operations  :)

And a new bug :-)

The exporter doesn't store timing informations for messages correctly.
A message with all four kinds of constraints (duration observation/constraint, time observation/constraint) in XMI, which is exported by Enterprise Architect looks like this (the two generated rules):
Code: [Select]
<ownedRule xmi:type="uml:TimeConstraint" xmi:id="TC000000_6A09" visibility="public">
   <constrainedElement xmi:idref="D3863816_6A09"/>
   <specification xmi:type="uml:TimeExpression" xmi:id="TS000000_6A09" visibility="public">
       <expr xmi:type="uml:OpaqueExpression" xmi:id="TE000000_6A09" body="t..t+3"/>
       <observation xmi:type="uml:TimeObservation" xmi:id="TO000000_6A09" name="@t" event="D3863816_6A09"/>
<ownedRule xmi:type="uml:DurationConstraint" xmi:id="TC000000_6A09" visibility="public">
   <constrainedElement xmi:idref="D3863816_6A09"/>
   <specification xmi:type="uml:Duration" xmi:id="TS000000_6A09" visibility="public">
       <expr xmi:type="uml:OpaqueExpression" xmi:id="TE000000_6A09" body="0..13"/>
       <observation xmi:type="uml:DurationObservation" xmi:id="TO000000_6A09" name="d..3*d" event="D3863816_6A09"/>

The generated code looks very nice, but the metamodel does not allow that :-( So, I can't import it with EMF. The error message:
Value org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.impl.TimeExpressionImpl is not legal

I have taken a look at the 'Simple Time'-Diagram of the UML superstructure specification:
I think, the 'specification'-tag is not allowed, because a TimeConstraint and DurationConstraint only accept a TimeInterval or DurationInterval as 'specification'.

It would be nice, if this little bug would be fixed or someone can tell me what the correct xmi representation is :-)

It seems, that I am the only one who needs the XMI-Exporter ^^

I wrote a bug report to Sparx some days ago, but nobody is answering :(

I tried to load the generated XMI files with the Eclipse Modeling Framework (with the UML2 project). EMF/UML2 says, that the attributes within the Enumeration aren't legal. After changing it to EnumerationLiterals, EMF/UML2 accepted the Enumeration and loaded it.

By loading it with EMF, i found some more bugs:
- The attribute 'interactionOperator' in uml:CombinedFragment shouldn't have the prefix 'intop_'. FIXED in Build 818!!

- The attribute 'direction' in 'uml:Parameter' souldn't have the prefix 'pk_' FIXED in Build 818!!

- The attribute 'covered' references sometimes to uml:InstanceSpecification, instead of uml:Lifeline (some are referenced correctly, some of them are incorrect)

- It seems, that messages aren't stored correctly in XMI. There is a uml:Message that needs two uml:MessageEnds for 'sendEvent' and 'receiveEvent'. The XMI exporter generates uml:OccurenceSpecifications, but the UML-Metamodell says, that OccurenceSpecification isn't a uml:MessageEnds. I think, the right element is uml:MessageOccurrenceSpec (with superclass uml:MessageEnd and uml:OccurenceSpecification).

- Sometimes, there are no arguments stored in a uml:message.  and I don't know how to reproduce this situation (situation with exported arguments and without exported arguments).

If it's important to improve the XMI exporter, I can post the error message(s) of EMF.

Instead of saving enumeration liteals als uml:EnumeraionLiteral, uml:Property is used (like normal attributes).
Create a enumeration and export it to XMI 2.1, for example:
enum TestEnum{e1=0x01,e2=0x02}
Code: [Select]
<packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Enumeration" xmi:id="D84E4C70_960E" name="TestEnum" visibility="public">
   <ownedAttribute xmi:type="uml:Property" xmi:id="BC8D3340_193C" name="e1" visibility="public" isDerived="false">
       <lowerValue xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger" xmi:id="LI000005_193C" value="1"/>
       <upperValue xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger" xmi:id="LI000006_193C" value="1"/>
       <defaultValue xmi:id="LI000007_193C" value="0x01"/>
   <ownedAttribute xmi:type="uml:Property" xmi:id="80D5B9F6_B0D3" name="e2" visibility="public" isDerived="false">
       <lowerValue xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger" xmi:id="LI000007_B0D3" value="1"/>
       <upperValue xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger" xmi:id="LI000008_B0D3" value="1"/>
       <defaultValue xmi:id="LI000009_B0D3" value="0x02"/>

I think, that should be something like this (0x01 and 0x02 are missing)
Code: [Select]
<packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Enumeration" xmi:id="D84E4C70_960E" name="TestEnum" visibility="public">
   <ownedLiteral xmi:type="uml:EnumerationLiteral" xmi:id="BC8D3340_193C" name="e1" visibility="public"/>
   <ownedLiteral xmi:type="uml:EnumerationLiteral" xmi:id="BC8E3340_193C" name="e2" visibility="public"/>

Suggestions and Requests / Re: [Bugs] XMI-Exporter Bugs (Collection Thread)
« on: September 26, 2007, 02:32:28 am »
A state invariant in a sequence diagramm will be stored at the wrong position of the sequence diagram, instead of the correct order.

Code: [Select]
<packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Package" xmi:id="EAPK_92057C57" name="Dynamic View" visibility="public">
   <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Collaboration" xmi:id="CB000000_C57" name="EA_Collaboration1" visibility="public">
       <ownedBehavior xmi:type="uml:Interaction" xmi:id="IN000000_C57" name="EA_Interaction1" visibility="public">
           <lifeline xmi:type="uml:Lifeline" xmi:id="LL000000_E2B7" name="a" visibility="public" represents="AT000000_000"/>
           <lifeline xmi:type="uml:Lifeline" xmi:id="LL000000_7679_4b79_A3A4_C899CA8B99CE" name="b" visibility="public" represents="AT000000_000"/>
           <fragment xmi:type="uml:OccurrenceSpecification" xmi:id="FR000000_E2B7" covered="LL000000_E2B7"/>
           <fragment xmi:type="uml:OccurrenceSpecification" xmi:id="FR000000_7679" covered="5959F91D_7679"/>
           <fragment xmi:type="uml:StateInvariant" xmi:id="C2C0F1ED_480C">
               <invariant xmi:type="uml:Constraint" xmi:id="CO000000_480C" visibility="public">
                   <specification xmi:type="uml:OpaqueExpression" xmi:id="OE000000_480C" body="X==0"/>
           <fragment xmi:type="uml:OccurrenceSpecification" xmi:id="FR000002_E2B7" covered="LL000000_E2B7"/>
           <fragment xmi:type="uml:OccurrenceSpecification" xmi:id="FR000002_7679" covered="5959F91D_7679"/>
           <fragment xmi:type="uml:OccurrenceSpecification" xmi:id="FR000001_E2B7" covered="LL000000_E2B7"/>
           <fragment xmi:type="uml:OccurrenceSpecification" xmi:id="FR000001_7679" covered="5959F91D_7679"/>
           <fragment xmi:type="uml:StateInvariant" xmi:id="284B04C7_B098">
               <invariant xmi:type="uml:Constraint" xmi:id="CO000000_B098_40b3" visibility="public">
                   <specification xmi:type="uml:OpaqueExpression" xmi:id="OE000000_B098" body="Z==Y"/>
           <message xmi:type="uml:Message" xmi:id="1F10E63E_E8B5" name="doNothing()" messageKind="complete" messageSort="synchCall" sendEvent="FR000000_E2B7" receiveEvent="FR000000_7679" signature="0462CF75_F8E6"/>
           <message xmi:type="uml:Message" xmi:id="937C773E_06BF" name="doSomething()" messageKind="complete" messageSort="synchCall" sendEvent="FR000002_E2B7" receiveEvent="FR000002_7679" signature="A9527BF9_09D0"/>
           <message xmi:type="uml:Message" xmi:id="5C33CFEC_4D71" name="goToBed()" messageKind="complete" messageSort="synchCall" sendEvent="FR000001_E2B7" receiveEvent="FR000001_7679" signature="A038909D_C66F"/>
       <ownedAttribute xmi:type="uml:Property" xmi:id="AT000000_000">
           <type xmi:idref="5538E2C3_E2B7"/>
       <ownedAttribute xmi:type="uml:Property" xmi:id="AT000000_000">
           <type xmi:idref="5959F91D_7679"/>
   <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="F0CAB999_4FB5" name="TestClass" visibility="public">
       <ownedOperation xmi:id="0462CF75_F8E6" name="doNothing" visibility="public" concurrency="sequential"/>
       <ownedOperation xmi:id="A9527BF9_09D0" name="doSomething" visibility="public" concurrency="sequential"/>
       <ownedOperation xmi:id="A038909D_C66F" name="goToBed" visibility="public" concurrency="sequential"/>
   <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:InstanceSpecification" xmi:id="5538E2C3_E2B7" name="a" visibility="public" classifier="F0CAB999_4FB5"/>
   <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:InstanceSpecification" xmi:id="5959F91D_7679" name="b" visibility="public" classifier="F0CAB999_4FB5"/>

=> Instead of 'Msg-StateInvariant-Msg-StateInvariant-Msg', the exporter generates 'Msg-StateInvariant-Msg-Msg-StateInvariant'

Suggestions and Requests / Re: [Bugs] XMI-Exporter Bugs (Collection Thread)
« on: September 26, 2007, 02:31:50 am »
[size=18]FIXED in Build 818!![/size]

Unlinke the continuation, a state invariant doesn't store the information about the covered lifeline (even though it's snaped on it).
Create a lifeline with a state invariant and a continuation on it. Export it to XMI 2.1 ;-)
Code: [Select]
<fragment xmi:type="uml:StateInvariant" xmi:id=" 1D006C13_191D">  
   <invariant xmi:type="uml:Constraint" xmi:id="CO000000_191D" visibility="public">
       <specification xmi:type="uml:OpaqueExpression" xmi:id="OE000000_191D" body="X==10"/>

<fragment xmi:type="uml:Continuation" xmi:id="B0A3CE86_9DC4" name="X==10" setting="false">
   <covered xmi:idref="501395CF_5BEC"/>

Suggestions and Requests / Re: [Bugs] XMI-Exporter Bugs (Collection Thread)
« on: September 26, 2007, 02:31:00 am »
The message of a sequence diagram doesn't store the parameter values. The values can only be found in the extensions :-(
Create a class with an operation (with parameters) and a sequence diagram with two objects of this class. Then insert a message (the operation with parameter), fill in the variables and export it to XMI.
A message 'initCan(8000, false)':
Code: [Select]
<fragment xmi:type="uml:OccurrenceSpecification" xmi:id="FR000001_0E70" covered="25275F16_0E70"/>
<fragment xmi:type="uml:OccurrenceSpecification" xmi:id="FR000001_B0F5" covered="LL000000_B0F5"/>
<message xmi:type="uml:Message" xmi:id="A2A1EF7F_FFBF" name="initCAN(int, boolean)" messageKind="complete" messageSort="synchCall" sendEvent="FR000001_0E70" receiveEvent="FR000001_B0F5" signature="229D73DC_2857">
   <argument xmi:type="uml:LiteralString" xmi:id="AR000009_FFBF" name="baudrate"/>
   <argument xmi:type="uml:LiteralString" xmi:id="AR000022_FFBF" name=" startOnInit"/>

Suggestions and Requests / Re: [Bugs] XMI-Exporter Bugs (Collection Thread)
« on: September 26, 2007, 02:28:41 am »
After exporing a class, component or message (sequence diagram), no informations about the basic-types (double, String, ...) are stored. The only way to get this information is to look in the extensions section. That's not very elegant. Attributes, whose type is specified with a class, will be stored (with <type xmi:idref="ID"/>).

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.1" xmlns:uml="" xmlns:xmi="">
 <xmi:Documentation exporter="Enterprise Architect" exporterVersion="6.5"/>
 <uml:Model xmi:type="uml:Model" name="EA_Model" visibility="public">
   <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Package" xmi:id="0E386949_8A20" name="Model" visibility="public">
<packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Package" xmi:id="9E7BD7F4_027C" name="Class Model" visibility="public">
  <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="179A3583_6AE1" name="$help://classdiagram.htm" visibility="public"/>
  <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="29A94BBC_1192_" name="$help://class_model_pattern.htm" visibility="public"/>
  <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Package" xmi:id="B3FA55F1_7650" name="System" visibility="public">
    <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="15CBBC74_D2FD" name="Class1" visibility="public">
 <ownedAttribute xmi:type="uml:Property" xmi:id="E7064343_2190" name="aBooleanVariable" visibility="private"  
   <lowerValue xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger" xmi:id="LI000001_2190" value="1"/>
   <upperValue xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger" xmi:id="LI000002_2190" value="1"/>
 <ownedAttribute xmi:type="uml:Property" xmi:id="4F116335_17B5" name="aDoubleVariable" visibility="private"  
   <lowerValue xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger" xmi:id="LI000003_17B5" value="1"/>
   <upperValue xmi:type="uml:LiteralInteger" xmi:id="LI000004_17B5" value="1"/>
 <ownedOperation xmi:id="43BDD403_3700" name="operation1" visibility="public" concurrency="sequential">
   <ownedParameter xmi:id="B948AAF9_124B" name="x" direction="in"/>
   <ownedParameter xmi:id="7E68882C_4CAA" name="y" direction="in"/>
 <xmi:Extension extender="Enterprise Architect" extenderID="6.5">

Suggestions and Requests / [Bugs] XMI-Exporter Bugs (Collection Thread)
« on: September 26, 2007, 02:26:50 am »
our team want to use Enterprise Architect for creating models and exporting it to XMI 2.1. By exporting a lot of different little models, we found some bugs, like missing informations.
XMI is very important, so I think its a good idea to create this thread to collect all bugs of the XMI-Exporter.

So, let us begin :-)

Suggestions and Requests / Re: UML Tutorials and updates...
« on: October 08, 2007, 09:29:30 pm »
Informations about UML:
Informations about EA:

You can't download the Enterprise Architect searials (thats not legal). We got our licence keys via email, you can simply copy it to the registration window of EA.

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Add timing constraints between messages
« on: September 30, 2007, 09:05:17 pm »
I have got a answer from the support about the DurationConstraint:
This duration constraint has been implemented and will most likely appear in Enterprise Architect 7.1

Is there already a release date for EA 7.1?

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Add timing constraints between messages
« on: September 26, 2007, 09:47:17 am »
I am missing this constraint too:;action=display;num=1190357452

I make a feature request to Sparx, but they missunderstood me and told me to use the 'Timing details'. So, it would be a good idea to write a new feature request.

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Link States into the sequenz diagramm
« on: September 26, 2007, 11:08:52 pm »
You can upload files here:
... and post it with the [image]-Tag

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Link States into the sequenz diagramm
« on: September 26, 2007, 09:51:01 am »
Do you mean the StateInvariant or Continuation?
Perhaps, you can tell us the page of the UML specification where you find the element you want to add.

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